Saturday, September 24, 2011

psychic dimentinal , more moon politics and policing bad banking and commerce

the badisha are a peoples on the moon who are said to have come from earth though mixed with several extra terestrial races like teh media of mars.

they are ruled by two anarchs who bestow authority to a two tyr political system made up of elected representatives

the brasha are the newest principality born of bahana and the triest unity of the moon, king rafti of the above mentioned granted his daughter a dominion that was anoguarated aug 6 2011.
it will have an elected senate and be part of teh driata electoral council though it will have a parliment of its own.

starting tommorow the someone will be visiting the under water kingdoms under the waters of lunea.

now lets look some more at the magic gifts of dimentionalism as found in the dimentional lock

it like all forms of power are controlled or governed by way of the the god shield or god form that regulates all reality at all levels and contains all the protacals for safety of the good and the policing of the criminal part of the universe that is permanately being changed to the good,
as it is said everything is to the advantage of the good, so stay good.

ok when you said dimentional lock you enter a controlled dimentional lock with the person(s) you are locking with, you mounth could be closed in plain shared reality whjile you are talking out loud to those locked.

for instance in psi powers on can imagine that a mic is off by imagining a hand or filter over it.
during a dimentional lock no one can enter or break the protacal except if you are doing a criome and you get policed by the high end gods and the proper good authorities.
no way to break this but you can use it to your good benefit.
Queen betrix of holland first showed off this ability to the someone who invented the method based on dimetionalism taught by friends like the bagadi or the fifth dimentionmal beings and psi powers.
when you are done your speack in the lock you end the link by saying done or over and out.

I love this power.

if one is using open psi powers without using the lot alot system you are filtered by the godshioeld but in an open system, cops use systems as do agents throughout the world, it was built up upgraded yesterday,

news flash, due to policing by good agents it was discovered that banks had misused a 1950's system of paying defaulted morgages for the porpose of stealing money, they get paid the default morgage though they send it to the broker who also recieves the full amount, one criminal system used was actuallu defauting a loan without telling anyone and collecting the money, the broker also recieves the full morgage from the government.
canada like the us and the world uses this system and new moratoriums over mortgages have been put into place as this crime and others get policed.
the world is changing
ever since martial law was declared such actions are withhekd and no fotrclosures are allowed, anyone sufering anything concerning morgages or attempts to forclose which is illegal should contact the rcmp or police in thier area, interpol is fine too.
criminal corprate bank world failed but the good side which is under reform is still alive and it will be to everyones benefit
the government saves trillians by eliminating morages based on teh old system
as we all have paid extra money hidden in mortgages exceeding the morgages
in canada all mortagaes were defaulted in the last 5 months to get illegal money from the bank of canada that is also under investigation based on these illegal practes
its just getting better for all the good and the money stollen is being confiscated.
these practices had a role in the economic tropubles of the world and fixing them is the only way to repair the economies and have evweryone benefit from it

till next week val

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