Saturday, September 3, 2011

dragi power forms organism and more power cards

today saturday I wille xamnine a few of the dragons and cards used to access power.

there are twelve sets a dragons or etheric other worldly power orginised beings that have powers as dimentions of creation
the dragini or metaloifd dragons create mater from thought and sounds that cause consciouness of matter and being
the drini are power forming regularities
the dragni are craetive prosperous dragon or being enrgy forms,
the crithi crwate power
the drgifi or dragnatom are traflous bindary being. bounding beings.
the frafothi are quantumm regualrity beings
the frathi are resetafi beings set forth time and rgani defrathi

the reflaectm dragini or draftio are three
the dagini reasoned undersatood structure beings
the grafipoti the underground regularity beings
and teh brathi on continia are draconi or derefracte3ddf reflected quantuum beings

more later
the reflecture are understanding in comparison to teh reasons that bound both in reality seting place and manner from oputside in and vice versus, contigent creators of teh dimentions of ouir reality like metal and fields and so on, like water too.

ok so if I wanted to caste a spell I can say spell then clean my table then caste and have teh spells and powrs of this way and unity condyuit of powerr and grace take effect, some just spell out teh power with teh card and them late r with awareness without, both should be used to build with though either is good is you knwo what youa re doing.

the atrals projection card allows you to project opr use like magic any power in that domain through the framework of teh realm or way you spell or use the power, returning ends the astral powers being used though not its effect , like astral; project go to new york, them one uses end to return to ones body that can never be cut off from you and is defended by yiou as an individuated doble, like any reflectiove double.

God on allows yopu to use God as a system them you can message oruse a power them off when you spelled it and used it.

God on, defednd child from running on the road in dangwer then off, caused that to occur, though teh child is safe on its own based on teh god filter shild and goddess armour, it never fails cause its based on teh top level, based on teh rule that god and teh good win.
you can impart to a divine house or teh divien directly

like impart divine say helo to st peter talk then depart adffter messaging

recall God on you can bless and wrath of god during it, then off
it blessing good and rectifies evil that is not good.

sommon christ has teh form you want angel ro demon or what ever spririt appear you can ask for something talk then release hen done, it might do what you want, if ity is good it will if not he will not, recall they are freee to leave
recall god empowered nothing bad,
if you are evil in a bad way ( unlike those who use teh word evil to mean good) you get in troublwe lose your pwowers and get excumunivcatedd from teh power you werre givien, though the powers you built remain for teh good to be used, later you might be retested for recommunicatiobn, butr sometimes that is starting at teh start but you must proveyourself good as you will not be giving powers to be tested as you were teh first time, failure means one remains powerless, one can lose thier rite to tech as it based on rites and privalege as money and pwoers are , they are the same graces and powers. as life is for the evil and the only weay you can die. otherwise stay good and suffer no death but as divine ritual by choice like in a vahala adventure/

till next week.

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