Friday, September 9, 2011

spacewalk and space ports.

we are now finishing off the judgements for the group level 7. That is groups like endow and former kaos called modulus
there are 5 groups left though we keep bouncing to aug 4 to 15 when doing so, sometimes to september

we have also moved to the dunth or the valkeries cities that hang in slightly deeper space revolving around teh earth, the first is dafani which is a one two levekl with at least two levels of port and service tunnels. the second is delta 5 or dawarwri whcich has serveral levels below

it revolves slowly and uses sun ligh to produce day and night

it has two servive levels below.

finaly the drawni who built the next city scape space port city has 8 levels and three service port levels and only uses sunlight in a restricted way

the last two spots on the space walk is open territory that one can walk on as if the city scape is real and a habitate, it is bridged by higher powers and teck, the valkieries are the space ghosts astronaughts reports to see ouitside the city

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