Friday, October 7, 2011

moon water walk, matrix card

we just completed the water route of the moon walk, the someone made a few new conssessions and we ended up also looking into northern manitoba next to ontario Caneda.

there are eight main principalities on the moon's waters
the first is teresa which is bicameral and rerpresented by their president and officiated by their eight kings/queen treford traha, teritha moroon, bgadi braha and refretha moontoon are the state of reps names, plus gintham tretha, meckritha and gapi petredetha

the second is called brahanda and is ruled by two queens and three representative governments, they are like shangton a new country in china. bretha and hootha are the queens names

the third is trina and it is the home of one of three old emporors which are offiociated twelve countries and thier reps. the new emoporor is hinthen terhatha

the fourth is terena and it really is a small principality/country now particianed to the previous emporors, ral[ph handoorth, to brendas

the fifth is satarna and is half under water and the above is treha
it is rukled by a partician country ioof two houses of reps, and the witchea ruler called puithen trumpet( male)

the sixth is trehnouna opr trehna for short, it elects a house rep, a senate and a council of four represented by throne called a tehnia and the rulers are tehrina and banka his wift.

the seventh is justina and is ruled by thetan kalef a kalilif who predates arabia on earth, kaliff is dwelling as in kalivi they elect a council of reps and the subject house of counter thought, interesting system the opposition is the other house. state head is called the threfta and the name is sesa ruthela of bgrumbi

the eighth is tralala and housed by three houses and the fourth seneta which is the trahina place or forward house that represents trahana and is ruled by tethent rublin of the rublimins

greece is becoming elatia, teh someone now has teh riights to all banks on earth and the mortgages in caneda dn the world are absolved.

recall the wetitath is a system bornm on the moon but used in arabia minor as it like all nations obn earth are changing tio reflect the new age

the matrix card is load run , one can use ancient systenms as described in the movie

try dimentional series ( or grid) lock
it allows controlled speach over multi grips and systems, so you maintain a private conversation with one person and throw stuff at another person on another grid, you can change grids by naming them, now to grid two...
brahdi of the dehfi a human from mehrani in secton 23 5 in the grid matrix based on a 15 line grid breakling the houndred million light year secton, then parsec numbered then solar units then planets equal to about the earth
so secton 23 grid 5 and 3 parsects 4 solar units and 3 planets.

navigators use a long aproch across arcs and might say secton 23 5 3 6 1

matrix is a term found in old testiment said by god the someone to abraham who did not uunderstand it, at the time, its greek, persian, chinese and way before that, the first to use the term is grahana a space substance being in gruha or inner space based on metrical measurements of innner related phenomena.

universal quanmtuum be with you.

matricx card activate with load or relod then run.. to put into serbvice or end communication.

program matriox actuate.

qus away.

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