Saturday, October 15, 2011

impart lock

inside the locks, you can use a impart lock to further the reinforcement of the lock out of undesirable in the divine impart, even the cosmic impart is gods cosmos locked out to any bad person, use limited or access denied
gods divine cosmos is reflected through the systems of the archetypes that govern the unity of the principals fully merged with each house within it

imagine if you want these structures are archetypes and access systems, use anothers house you are governmed by thier rules, use your own you use the built systems there of, so be like us build one as god has, with a room or system connection for every way, including divine atheism,

you can say you are on the streets when born, given a place to build a house and it is good when built well, you can lose access to everything if you build it badly. no homophobia, no sexism, no anti other religions no anti alien, other beings, you can swing or have sex , record it at any age,
swinging is only allowed by cosbncent of the mate.

once your house is reflective of gods cosmos you can access it as god does.

you can leave the impart with a depart and the lock out remains against those not cleared or unable by designation to acess it, same with dimentional locks.

the impart is used also as a one systenm bundeling everysystem into one level

till next week
use the lock on any system even as the filter of the god shield or field which is complete and one cannot get around it but it filters everyone.

even the doors opening and closing between plains is set to t5he filters of triedm upper doors, lower untried limited access and the middle which is mixed but still restricted to the level of the person

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