Orpheus is a hero for two reasons: he was counted among them in the Golden Fleece quest of the Argonauts and he survived a quest that even the more obviously heroic Theseus failed. Orpheus went to the Underworld to retrieve his wife, Eurydice, who had just died of snakebite. He made his way to the Underworld's royal couple, charming all in his passage with his extraordinary musical skill. Then Orpheus persuaded Hades to give him a chance to bring his wife back to life. He got permission -- on condition that he not look at Eurydice until they reached the light of day. While Orpheus failed to accomplish his mission, he returned to life without need of human intervention.
from http://ancienthistory.about.com/od/heroes/tp/TopHeroes.htm
According to the above our hero was part of the tale of the golden fleece and the argonauts, we will be examining the tale of jason on another occasion in the fute, there are only so many myths left to analyse, including a look at the Iliad which we have glossed but should one day look at more closely.
According to the glossed version of his trip through hades, which was orpheus katebasis or descent there are many characteristic of the tale that are similar to a walk with God as found in the story of lot which is abraham's walk with God.
The song Orpheus uses to begile hades is a divine song or judgement sound. Inasmuch as people might see his descent as an attempt to cause a resserection it might also be the song that allowed him to get a wife who like lots wife turns to into a pillar of salt.
if one thinks of orpheus' wife as christ's (mary lady despina aremathea) or lots she can be said to reflect or represent the city whose epoch was changing and was purged by holy fire during abraham's walk, the someone purged new jeresulum or toronto on his walk with God. the divine song that represented orpheus upgrade of the program set by theseus tried retriving the old which like lots wife transformed into salt to represent the fantasies she bought lot and sactified as good by God(s)' grace and purging. Homosexual sex, sex with two people of the same sex, sex orgies and plain kinkiness was sanctified and authorised by abrahams walk through the city representing the old epochm sodom, lot like adam hasem triatha found in a high room of hades who was resserected on christ's plane, lot moved to zion or the plain formed or epoch by abraham, see bible old testiment and earlier part of the blog here in. So a transition of eras occurs from theseus to orpheus whose divine song almost brings women to the light of day or the light of equality and enlightenment, which furthered theseus project of liberating women and matriarchs as equals, this furthers oddyseus and even gerculkes equality plans, no one great is not an egalitarean as they miss out on half of the population and powers of thier species and universe, God(s) is male, female, nuetral and gendered( both at the same time.
till next week, wull try to post earlier in the week but time cops moved me opne day forward so thursday became yesterday though from my garbage day on Tuesday two days past before I posted, time trick to police general plain collerctions of people doing similar crimes and deliniating them by day of the week and up to date three series, monday oct 31 week one is diferent than week two or three and so on, oct 31 for some is a monday , tuesday - sunday and so on.
Saturday, October 29, 2011
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