Friday, March 23, 2012

Update Terran ans Celestic system

Today I will mention one or two more things concerning the celestic system, the cosmic governments. back in march the cosmic council declared civil unrest, jan 3 2011 Canada did, other governments on earth followed suit a day or two later, the cosmic govs followed suit in the same fashion soon after the declaration. by june 2011 the cosmic government declared marshal law, the Terran (earth) declared this by feb 15-march 1. the war time measure act was declared june 1 in Caneda whose name changed during the election, from Canada to Caneda, the rest of the earth followed suit and in three daus it was universally declared, the war measures act was declared cosmically in jan 2012 Terran time. Our sun is called Apollio some use an n at the end ) Apollion). We refer to other suns as suns but they have names too, but names like Helios is culturally already used so they chose Apollio. Lunar moon is called merianda, rgose on shows like coast to coast and other Celestic watchers refer to these names, Terran or Terran earth is the official name of my planet, as there are many planets called earths, ours is Terran, Canada was on this planet.
they plan to change a lot if not all the names for continents and countries, as well ass , cities/towns. It is to allow for a fresh beginning. Toronto might become Torondo

but that was a quick update, more Greek psalms tomorrow
Greece is now called Elatia, see UN nation list for all new names of nations, continents will be refereed to in a later UN text, not yet published.
happy beginning of Easter.

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