Saturday, March 3, 2012

Jove(s) incomparison

If one observes the interpretation of the thunder or divine system matrix progranm=? of the unity of that system is induced through the generation of the jove that is thje light beyond being, the ethiric potential energy, the brilliant idea of showing how the avatars of God, Jove(s) creates and funtions in the divine system that created and interacts with them, co-operates with the system allows them to acccess God as God(s) do. Thus both the reverse and the forward ammount to the same, the uncreated creates the created klight and theothanisis occures in the diference of created and uncreated being as it manifests through diferent realities as to which system it uses to manifest, as in manifest light that refers to light produced through a physical system like a light versus uncreated light or theothanisis which is god appearing directly god as light seen in a system based on the systems it uses as a filter reflecting how it was drawn into ones reality, sexy is red. black profound ahead of its time now, cutting edge, green grounded or wanting to equal( good envy)
the avatar are thjopse who walk with God and merge sprata , soul wise directkly with god and the avatar of God(s).
those who use these systems to access Gopd as God does through these systems that include GODS system and including Godz( or gods).
so system is jove the thunder, the avatars are the manifestations of God even as beings in the system since thisis included even the things infinitekly beyond creation or the manifest or Jove the light or lightning which is God all Gods access as Godz(s) Thus Jove the light, Jove(s) the system which includes jove the light and all the beings including the Godz are all one sharing the same ultimate soul of God and injeded in the engendered universal by any name unsaid or said refered to as Jove, Like it is in other names like God, universal Quantuum, Qus and so on,
may the cosmos symbatically be with you all

peace till next week, there is more on theothanisis uncreated light earlier on the blog.

to be interpreted next week
The Fumigation from Myrrh.
Ærial clouds, thro' heav'n's resplendent plains who wander, parents of prolific rains;
Who nourish fruits, whose water'y frames are hurl'd, by winds impetuous, round the mighty world;
All-thund'ring, lion-roaring, flashing fire, in Air's wide bosom, bearing thunders dire
Impell'd by ev'ry stormy, sounding gale, with rapid course, along the skies ye fail.
With blowing winds your wat'ry frames I call, on mother Earth with fruitful show'rs to fall.
once agin the site we are reading as the source of the prayers and psalms of the blessed Orphius is:

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