Saturday, March 24, 2012


The planet Nereus, the star system it's found in, and its many biomes.


A strange collection of plants and animals that call Nereus their home.


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NEREUS was the old man of the sea, and the god of the sea's rich bounty of fish. He dwelt in the depths of the Aegean with his wife Doris and fifty Nereid daughters. Like many of the other sea-gods Nereus was a master shapeshifter, and spoke with prophetic voice. It was for his knowledge that Herakles once wrestled him, in search of directions to the land of the Hesperides.

Nereus was depicted in ancient Greek vase painting as an old man with a wooden staff accompanied by a host of his Nereid daughters. Sometimes he had a coiling fish tail in place of legs (like the image right). But unlike other similar gods, such as Triton and Akheloios, Nereus was almost always depicted clothed in a chiton.
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For other uses, see Nereus (disambiguation).
Nereus in a frieze of the Pergamon Altar (Berlin).

In Greek mythology, Nereus (Νηρεύς) was the eldest son of Pontus (the Sea) and Gaia (the Earth), a Titan who with Doris fathered the Nereids, with whom Nereus lived in the Aegean Sea.[1] In the Iliad[2] the Old Man of the Sea is the father of Nereids, though Nereus is not directly named. He was never more manifestly the Old Man of the Sea than when he was described, like Proteus, as a shapeshifter with the power of prophecy, who would aid heroes such as Heracles[3] who managed to catch him even as he changed shapes. Nereus and Proteus (the "first") seem to be two manifestations of the god of the sea who was supplanted by Poseidon when Zeus overthrew Cronus.

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The Fumigation from Myrrh.
O Thou, who doff the roots of Ocean [pontos] keep in seats cærulean, dæmon of the deep,

-oh god of the deep that keep order over the creatures of the thicker atmosphere including the oceans of the earth, daughters who are races was born unto thy and doris your with, born of pontus the foundation and source of oceans and waters.

With fifty nymphs (attending in thy train, fair virgin artists) glorying thro' the main:
The dark foundation of the rolling sea and Earth's wide bounds, belong much-fam'd to thee;

- known cosmically through out- his avatars as hers fathered children of thier own too.

Great dæmon, source of all, whose pow'r can make the Earth's [Deo's] unmeasur'd, holy basis shake,

having powers of cosmic deamons that are angels but refer power from below as well as above

When blust'ring winds in secret caverns pent, by thee excited, struggle hard for vent:

thy ocean is vast annd is also the air and even in the earth you are through caverns in watery air called atmospheres and the okeanos of space and all places.

Come, blessed Nereus, listen to my pray'r, and cease to shake the earth with wrath severe;

- come hear our prayers and stabalise the earth(s) and all places the oceans deep and airy as they might be can be.

Send on our sacred rites abundant health, with peace divine and necessary wealth.

,ake us prosperous, blessed healthy and with divine power and peace as your atmosphere is everywhere seen as water though as thin as void as it can be.

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