Friday, March 16, 2012

cosmic level ( level 10)

the cosmic council

each planet has a level seven directive copuncils as well as a popularion that is elected, we vote for our solar system leadership
eaxch space star and place is accounted for as part of solar systems or spaces on thier own.
every ten years there is an election, a representative house is elected from each planet as a riding
the royalty vote for a senate
the people us, vite for a pres too, the cabinet is elected by the directive council

each solar system and space votes for giretta representative there are twelve per yorount which is a section of a galaxy, the milky way has about 25

each solar system votes fopr a senate and all the population , us vote for a gerount representative house and the pres.

then at the galaxy level 25 senators are elected from the interstelar couincils like godha and terahi

the house of reps os elected by the house of re[ps as rofongs, the pres is elected as rep from previous level cabinet but pres at this levl elected by electora; house but cabinet based on previous rep level election./
next three level;s are the same clustors and universe horonti, but the universal council elects senate at universe horandi level, cosmic senate is elected from senate as no new level exuists beyond thisd.

so pres of cosmos elected by stem reps and horand, level multi[plicity based on levels my universe orgin is stem sevel level seven horanthy.

the rep per riding making up cabinet is bridged by sebnate direct
from the horandy levl as no new pres can be elected at higher level

more tommorow

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