Saturday, March 17, 2012

cosmic gov understood

ok here we go with the completion of the outline of cosmic government

currently the leaders of teh planets voted for elections, though benevelent planets able to organise thier people were allowed to vote for their solar government or garount based on rules they might have already used
we uniformed the old celesta system

each planets directive councils. all upper authorities max 2000 will vite for the ministers chosen as canidates through the the solar veteran system councils of past elected officials.

the planets vote for a representative when electing thier wprld leader, even if its every three elections. for now elected and world reps , like the someone, voted.

finally the royalty monarchac rights get a rep in what is called the senate, they are elected mid stream, every sixth year of the presidents term.
the pres elected by everyone in the solar system, planetary leaders voted for this leader last august.

the gurount is a country like space, it includes spaces between galaxies, measured ouut to include beinggs living there like energy beings.
yes people in our iceans and insiode the earth voted too.

all garounts are made up of 12 garittes or small yarounts
each uses a veteran council and choses reps voted on by all the people making up the solar goverment
these reps, one per yerarettes make up the cabinet that sits with the pres.
every solar system vites for senetars and the high counlor that is p[art of the senate.

the people of every planet votes on a pres and seats in the elected house.
pop rep based

the same election votes in a rep for the garount that is the cabinet or control council central council legislature, same as is on earth , terran earth to be excact.

so this rep is the galyxy level cabinet repequal in election to the pres, but diferent where placed and responsibility.
the interstellar holding councils vote in based on top authority 25 senators based on spheres like quantuum space regulating, commerce.
the pres is elected by everyone in givernment, central council, senate and elected house. a cluster space cabinet member is also elected
by the galaxy but notice the elected votes representing all people reach the galaxy level ckluster , the pres voted into the galaxy is elects the cabinet rep for the ckluster
the milky way on stem 7 plain 7 where I originate has 12c clusters and one space making up a government we are next to a 12 space bwetween galaxy clusterclusters
the galaxy elected house votes in the pres and the hianda rep too for the elected house
there are many hiandas per stem, stem seven has over a 100.

the cluster senate is also elected by the interstellar holding council top.
the whole cluster votes in as said the universes pres.
the senate for the universe is elected by the universal council top, 28 spheres.
recall the galaxy voted in central cabinet council members

the elected gov part votes in a elect hianda rep, the universal council elects the rep for the hianta senate when electiong senate members for the universal council. these members are the senate rep for the univers at rthe hianda senate. the cluster elected the cabinet mebers for the hianda and the pres was elected by all univers governments , stem 7 level seven two over was nmy origin, 12 in this hianda.

the the elected houses of the stem elect a elected house rep for the cosmic gobvvernment which is the last level.
the senate votes in the cabinet , cabinet at the hianda level votes with the elected house.
the universal council votes in the universes senate
the pres is elected by senate and elected house plus cabinet from cabinet members( yes they still vote in that election even if canmidates as is on terran and else where.

thus from local gov like that in a city like toronto to universe and cosmos all covered maintaining high electoral credibility and accountability

must be at least big g God to be elected, middle high g god to work for them as upper middle does not fail, this will be the zero at inception by 2028.
but high end god prerequisit is necessary.

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