Saturday, March 31, 2012

seasons of change

there are many changes happening in the world,
the world war that is occuring, we only all together declared war against the bad criminals of teh world, not nattion of nation, is cleraning the system, uup.
psis to machines are used to over dub tv and radio so stories are checked, not gov criminals.
ssomethings very coded go in.

the chatholic church now calls it self chatheloee( spelling may very)
the eastern rite ,
all christians are now christy( christs)
the doists dea
the bhuddists bodi
the jains krary
the silks
the muslims- 75 diferent groups
abathathi to corrati, to immunali
the confusions- confesea
the jews
keri hindu- krehi
and so on

I live in former toronto ion the continent known as America starting into the age of Pax America
now the city is knon as Torono, no 'T' in the last syllable
on the continent of Americ
soyuth america is called athethetha
asia split into three
deritata and katasianta
more later on it
all names changed
artic is arty
anti artical, large part towards astralian duvalnda, and artea for the other side from the pol

australia into drathena which includes indonesea
the paciofic crahaha
africa into afric
europe into eurooea
the indian ocean is now endic ocean
exciting xhanges and it sweaps the bad of the old away
dilegence and patience as its chaning
we are winning over 80% of people are on the new program and paying no bills as gov covers it in excess.
peace till next week.

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