Monday, March 19, 2012

addendum cosmic system

the gouroot was part of the celstia system, the older system, the new celestia or cestic system uses the yaroot and yarettes in its system.
the continnum stem is the inovation that helped concrete the system cosmically

I forgot the continuum stem level government

the hiabndas e;ect a stem government
the universal council elects the c28 sphere senate and a rep for the stem that becomes the central cabinet council for vthe cosmic mgovernment
the pres is elected by all hianda governments in a stem.
the elected which include pres. central council and elected or legislature.

the elected house is by elected only, the pres includes senates cas well

now the final level the cosmic fovernment has one senater per stem

209 primary origin ones and 940 in total, after 209 they claim to have been stem rooted from the first 209. 210 claims to have been necessarily built from 208.

the cosmic level mpres is elected by all governments in the stem

all universal governments as a whole vote for thier hianda leader
all hiander governments in a continuum stem elect the stem pres
all stem governments as a whole elect the cosmioc government

the cosmic legislature is elected by the electoral houses, all but the senate that represents the established vested interest of the social aspect iof commerce, politics and all beings welphare.

the cetral counmcil is voted on by everyone and reps in gov vite more sucincyly that trying to get a pop mrep electyion happening.
later one day everyone will be even electing thier cosmic pres, but for now the reps work.

the new system was proposed in may 2011 and anaguarated with elections ayg 5 -08
so its one

note the universes in a hianda ll vote for the hianda pres, one elcted rep per plain elected by the elctoral houses represents the plain in the hianda as the legisdative house. the senate for teh hianda like teh cosmos is one leader rep voted for by the universal council when it vites for teh 28 members in teh universes senate.
this a hianda like stem 7 hianda 7 has twelve memebrs per house plus a pres.
the stem has 24 senators, reps for legislator , a cabinet and a pres
the cosmos has one senate rep per stem voted in by the universal council when voting for teh senate in the stem.

it takes a veteran council to reduce the canidates to the ones voted on, the best people for the job basded on double checks with pke meters and other tests, no one below a divinity capable of failing is allowed to run, big G gods and hogh and middle high( level beyond failure) for those working for these governments.

mow cops, agents, buearacrats on earth are pke tested, no one under 5 is a full cop, transition of tranees starts at 5 but re training was allowed
if you get lower you nmust be trained as a cadet longer.
there are cosmic cops and cops per levels, plains. hiandas, stems, continnu8ms. ultiplicities , cosmos and all
all under the pone symbatic laws of God( one bnation, one people, one being, peacefully living together even when indeferent to each others non intrucive desires.
peace till this weekend val.

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