Friday, March 2, 2012

Jove abstracted light source protogenos

The Fumigation from Frankincense and Manna.
I Call the mighty, holy, splendid light, aerial, dreadful-sounding, fiery-bright;
Flaming, aerial-light, with angry voice, lightning thro' lucid clouds with horrid noise.
Untam'd, to whom resentments dire belong, pure, holy pow'r, all-parent, great and strong:
Come, and benevolent these rites attend, and grant my days a peaceful, blessed end.

here we invite jove once more with frienkencence and manna the food of teh gods, typical formula version of manna is this:made of opium, ephridrine and pot,
here we call to the light, the flam, ethemeral and not concrete. it is firery and from beyond.
it is strong, all mighty, thopse who resent the good resent this light, its holy power and dicinely blessedm the very source of this blessing, all parent great and strong, here we have an abstraction of jove as the light or only beggotten, but more like the only all parent transgendered in its abstract.
come benevelant light source of being to the ceremonyn as peaceful and great days become as blessed ends in its self.

this light like the only begotten is universal, the protogenos, but is teh source of iotm, like jove it was born of the system, became thundered as a divine judgement song and program and finally brought he light about that craeted teh porotogenos,
it si us craeting god through avatars to create a program to giive to God as teh soemoen says to alliow for us to exist to make sure it exists and comes to be so we can all go forward,
for we learn to access god as god does.

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