Saturday, March 17, 2012

to the sea Orpheus' Tythy


The Fumigation from Frankincense and Manna.
Tethys I call, with eyes cærulean bright, hid in a veil obscure from human sight;

-to tethys wisdom and his holy breath we call, to see as he does with divine eyes, to see what is hidden.

Great Ocean's empress, wand'ring thro' the deep, and pleas'd with gentle gales, the earth to sweep;

-through the deeps and what sweeps or sits on the surface or blows by as places of wisdom, hidden or found.

Whose blessed waves in swift succession go, and lash the rocky shore with endless flow:

Delighting in the Sea serene to play, in ships exulting and the wat'ry way.

-may said wisdom by found or brought by way of ship or commerce by such fluid watery ways,

Mother of Venus [Kypris], and of clouds obscure, great nurse of beasts, and source of fountains pure.

-great venus adrodite bueaty and giver of life and wisdom of natures true wisdom and bueaty, the pure fountains of understanding you bring.

O venerable Goddess, hear my pray'r, and make benevolent my life thy care;
- hear our prayers and make benevelant and wise our ways through life and be one with your care as with all the good and divine, which is all.

Send, blessed queen, to ships a prosp'rous breeze, and waft them safely o'er the stormy seas.

-send wisdom and ways with power and control through the storms caused to thwart them

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