Friday, March 9, 2012

magic and matrixes

at twelve o clock terran earth tiime the window police checker for magic was closed.
,agic and powers still exist but the someone says there is no way to formulate bad powers, grow powers from sompleted ideas of mergiing with events that one did not create or to create bad powers
the policing window was used to allow for proofs of powers and the restrictionsoposed by the someone and others concerning said situation,so no more buhar cough add powers to attack spells allowed, they do not exeist
good powers still exuist and have power,. the system is now being policed

the mietic matrix computer systems are now closed as well, they still work but the system is being checked and fluffed. misuse of programs such as calamity physics programs imported to effect reality. med programs imported to cause symptoms of colds, pregnacy and even fale pregnacioes that end with still births or dead featisis are now prohibited, restructed big G gods , at least what remained of them, minus intrucive programs,
Vaal, arta, God , God and Goddess matrixes are up
brinter religious collectives and systems are server matrixes and are linked to servo and reality matrixes that were machine born but have latered reality to function in the greater reality as a dimetion of reality, matrita three became brahic god code as its system binary code became ussed by shethi spirits and others as faces that look like they are nade up of ones and zeros, denfer code from alpha proxima is ued by defa spirits that represent life process programs linked and as a oneness with godz ultimate prodram super script GOD.
so analusis and clean up of power systens on
just use the do not harm, if you are good giving no right for counter attack or policing based on clear and full minded conscent you can as mentioned do anything between these conscenting adults/
matrixes link and are one with magic, divine and physics programs all safeties are always on.

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