Saturday, December 27, 2008

The shower and the meeting of important men.

The shower and the meeting of important men.

by valpetridis @ 2008-10-10 - 20:46:46
The shower and the meeting of important men.
(I will post more stuff on the sea of glass tomorrow)
In May after eating the fruit but before hearing the first voices commending the someone in his ideas, the someone went to prepare for a shower after his mom said something odd to him” Did you know the bishop once took a shower with his glasses on? Have you ever done that?” She asked and the someone replied “no” and she said “why do you not go try it” The bishop had once showered with his glasses on prior to a religious experience that made him become a priest( he has a strong bright gold aura). So the someone put on three old belts and took a shower with his glasses on. The belts represented three unities that he felt were important to signify during this ritual, which included reenactments of passages from revelations when he was exiting the shower and had one foot in water the other on dry land. Why he is not sure as he has not done so prior to this or has repeated it after this. The following day after the shower his mother found an icon, or holy picture, in the tub of st Stelianos, a protector of children; No one knows how it ended up there. After the shower the someone had a weird thought that repeated in his mind,” go to the heart of the problem” He also had a feeling that someone might want to assassinate him that day. The fear and call to take a walk to the heart of the problem came from the same source and was a test of courage. So the someone bravely walked out of his house and when he reached U of T he went to Hart house, the hart of the problem. Hart house is the student commons building at U of T. As he was going through the campus he saw a movie crew and thought “I guess the thoughts were more like a movie than a real threat” and walked by a garbage can and tossed his cigarettes into it. Upon entering hart house he found a meeting was being held that night. In the large room males were gathering for an important meeting. In the center court yard the someone saw several males standing and as he peaked his head through the door he saw what looked like holograms projected from their lapels onto their faces. The hologram was that of a featureless face, but the quality of the projection was that of a hologram. The some one thought ‘here are the people who really rule the world” then looked north towards the garbage can he had thrown is cigarettes into which was outside the building and out of sight. The someone then heard a fake explosion sound that resonated like a psychic sound (it was hollow sounding and shallow), then he experienced his first true encounter with telepathy, he could hear the people with the halo masks on and knew the speech was from them but it also had the quality of telepathy and not speech heard by his ears. They congratulated each other for training the someone well. The someone left and went home. At the doors of Hart house campus police asked for his name and wished him a safe trip home and telling him there was no problem. The building is open to students 24/7 though few people are there late at night.
This I suspect was a Masonic meeting and those in the court yard were some very powerful people. There is also a suspicion this encounter led to the initiation by the masons who decided to retrieve his name

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