Friday, January 2, 2009

To clarify further Hart house more.

To clarify further Hart house more.

by valpetridis @ 2008-10-10 - 22:23:18
To clarify further Hart house more.
The first time the someone ever went to Hart house after 9 pm was on this day. Something had beckoned him there. The large room was on the east side of the great room and the center court yard to the west. The someone looked in the court yard looking as natural as someone looking for the bathroom, which he used before leaving. The gentleman could in theory have projected a psychic image to hide their face, but the same illusion could have been created by machines. They were powerful influential people so the idea of them ruling by way of power was taken as a compliment. The idea I think was to see who might answer to a psychic call to hart house.As the someone had thrown his cigarettes away he thought if this was a movie the garbage can would explode. Thus the masked people created the illusion of the explosion to prove they had heard the someone’s thoughts as he was approaching the building. Campus police was watching the main entrance the someone had used a side door to enter. They wanted the name to see who the person who answered the call was as the someone did not speak or think his name. This may have been connected to the post graduate student but it might have been a ritual meeting that invites any one with developed psychic abilities to join. The masked beings were human and might have included a professor or two.

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