Saturday, January 10, 2009

Indigenous magic part three( last one)

Indigenous magic part three( last one)

by valpetridis @ 2008-11-01 - 21:53:07
The psychic assassin has no power to do you harm, he can only make the vibe feel conducive to your own reaction, that is why positive vibes shield you fully.Finally package magic, we have already referred to the origin of package magic as disease and other occurrences associated with leavings. More to the point, some diseases effect people more readily through their own leavings (disease already used to a persons biology). Add the vibe to this belief and you see how the mythos surrounding this type of sorcery began. It is also believed these things hold an essence of the person they come from. Hair is used in magic to this day in non indigenous religious beliefs in ritual magic. “The days before the someone walked with God his parents and uncle found a sock with marking on it in the back yard, inside was a dead bird and black curly hair.” The manipulation of substance to cause effect is gathered from original occurrences concerning such objects and their consequences under certain circumstances that lead to greater beliefs of effect and consequence. In every case these are all good and are meant for good things.The vibes help us know how others feel and how to rectify them. The package magic teaches us the origins and histories of disease and how manipulations of objects effect and have effected people. Further more sorcery is anything from alchemy to chaos theory. There is pure science to it depending on its type.
The Gebusi would say, yes you are correct the fall caused the would of death but it was the vibe from its source be it magic or sorcery that was present to the leading of that which caused the death.
The book is on Plato.s Republic, more on that when it gets published, it’s neat, has an artsy and poetic side, lots of cool ideas concerning Plato as religion and the idea of springs of epochs of humanity.I will save time for next week.Something on Mayan prophesies as it’s hot right now.

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