Friday, January 9, 2009

indigenous magic part one

indigenous magic part one

by valpetridis @ 2008-11-01 - 21:22:12
Here is the basic premise of the idea of curses used by many indigenous peoples around the world. The curse or magic is considered the source of the ill luck or bad occurrence, including death. In some anthropology magic is delineated from sorcery as such: magic is a characteristic or ability granted to someone based on an innate or gained property of being. Magic is a property of the person while sorcery represents the manipulation of objects to achieve magical ends. The Gebusi belief in package magic or the manipulation of leavings is sorcery. The Azande for instance believe that people can gain a type of magical essence or energy that can cause people harm. They use a ritual of spitting water to cleans this energy from the person who has this magic essence built up in them and might be causing bad things to occur( usually unbeknownst to the person who has the energy built up inside).Magic according to these paradigms is constituted based on vibes that cause disruptions in other people. It is not that the natural power of empathy is aimed at the anything that causes the ills attributed to magic. For instance, I observed a film in which a second wife was believed to have caused an illness in the first wife. Setting the issue of polygamy aside for one second, what might we say is the origin of a belief that would attribute illness of one person’s built up energy in another?I would say ‘Azande you are correct ill or jealous thoughts or vibes effect the way one feels, as one senses them, and can make one feel less that perfectly well’. The spiting of the water ritual is a way that the conduit of water is used to exhaust the energy consciously from the person presenting it. Thus the second wife’s jealousy. Such feeling in a less strong person could distract one enough to fall from a tree like the Gebusi, Zande and all indigenous people believe. However, it is sensing the feeling and not the intention of the power that causes this. The some one is unaffected by such vibes, he is never distracted.
I feel amazing, vast expansive, in exctasy, powerful determined and so energised I feel softly floating yet fully and formly grounded in the world.Wow. Shazam.
You blogger people already read the Holloween entry so qwe are now in november, I will try to post earlier tomorrow.

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