Saturday, January 3, 2009

Three separate programs that run the universe, time/place/order, Quantum mechanics Grand unified theory.

Three separate programs that run the universe, time/place/order, Quantum mechanics Grand unified theory.

by valpetridis @ 2008-10-17 - 20:02:30
Three separate programs that run the universe, time/place/order, Quantum mechanics Grand unified theory.Outside the field of time, time and place are variable there is still space,1 but things, like books, are in different times and places, yet still in their structured form( a book still looked and was a solid book). When one walks with God one goes outside of time and space and is at the edge of both as one walks and these factors are created as a flux around one. There are two other universal programs worth mentioning, if one looks back to the incident of the moth that turned into the cyborg (found earlier in the blog titled as the “taste of the book to come” one observes the biological program for the evolution of organisms. The walk in the park when the world unraveled is the program of the form of substance, organic and inorganic. Thus, we have described three programs that run the mainframe called the universe: time, form and the evolution of the organisation of life.Each program runs individually yet works off each other. The glass is a natural phenomenon of being outside the field time. The energy under the form of the colours or appearance of things pulled to strings that particulise into oblivion is part of the form of substance and is the basis of string theory. The grand field theory refers to the field of time and order. Quantum mechanics refers to the form of substance, biology and evolution to the organised form of life within the form of substance, time and place.The field does not alter form and form does not alter time. Two deferent programs working synergistically along with the third create (d) the universe as we know it.This is the key to a grand unified theory with Quantum mechanics/

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