Friday, January 30, 2009

More explations of time

More explations of time
by valpetridis @ 2008-12-20 – 23:59:27
Now we had conceived of a space in which parallel space co ordinates could be calculated. In such a space outside the temporal field place fluxgates as does temporal order based on co-ordinates in this universe or what lies within the temporal field.This is the space of an infinite probability drive. Yet it would feel slow to the observer as it would take a long time to jump from point to point and end up where one was going, esp. as the flux is for an unfixed period..On the sea of glass you could in theory end up somewhere you will go or have been to, yet you would have to alter one self to allow one to move like an object.
There may be levels of transition from order to the pure flux of atemporal existence outside the temporal field. Ones own temporal field, which is formed by ones consciousness of time, forms timelessness into objects of time even if in continuous rapid flux.
So thus far three different spaces of time have been outlined and their ideas lead us to understand the nature of the order of the temporal field as compared to when one is outside it. (Space, place and time)The seas of glass is outside the field of time, but recall the someone had the field of time internalised, thus there may have been more temporal structure around him and the space described before might be more indicative of mechanical travel to such timeless places.

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