Friday, January 23, 2009

A bit of science to finish off last weeks string theory + addendum to last post + months of the calender

A bit of science to finish off last weeks string theory + addendum to last post + months of the calender

by valpetridis @ 2008-12-06 - 23:39:24
AddendumJust before feeling going through the birth of the Goddess the someone felt his ears shaped by fingures to look a lot like the ears of the prof in the star trek episode called “the way to Eden.” The ears were shaped off phase. The lepard tailed Gods are the four that worship God in revolations, thus accepting hindu angels and faces pof God is part of the understanding and embrass of the road to transcendence as outlinerd by revolations, one of the many ways of God(s).
A thought I had concerning the solar colander we use is that it is based on a twelve month lunar colander, made to coincide with the solar year. Many of the months have been usurped by roman empowers and their names have changed. Sept-Dec hold thier original numeric names( 7-10). Extra days were added to match the solar calender: Months are lunar.more science next week till then.
Multi-dimension existence of trails through quantum reality includes time, gravities, fields, forces, and space, and phase, shift and so on.Thus strings influencing quantum energy maintain unity and multidimensionality.Strings can over a field or quantum unity alter each to create a merge of strings into new strings that represent the synergetic product of the synthesis of two strings merging into a third distinct string and thus a new pathway would manifest due to the merging. .

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