Saturday, January 17, 2009

A quick addendum to the previous post

A quick addendum to the previous post

by valpetridis @ 2008-11-21 - 22:59:27
A quick addendum to the previous post
The Ojibwa believe that one day people will come to help them win.To win means to win as in the victories of the churches in Revelations.Any reference to kinship is simply a way to equate Ojibwa prophesy with the victories of revelations that the someone gained. It means nothing more than a unity of ideas prophesized by the Ojibwa themselves.The someone instantly knew that this did not mean height or any temporal authority beyond what is bequeathed by the prophesy that simply outlined a way to truly manifest world peace and empower humanity to the greatness they all inherent as a birthright of being and chose exploit when they are good people.Thus the Ojibwa meant that the someone truly was teaching people to be peaceful as their prophets believed someone would eventually do; plus thier prophets had become aware of Revelations from the same source as the Magnus Tu(Manitou[great God]) and that is interaction with Europeans such as the Vikings, see earlier part of the blog.

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