Saturday, December 20, 2008

sMayas, illusion, psychic events during clubbing.

sMayas, illusion, psychic events during clubbing.

by valpetridis @ 2008-09-06 - 12:03:52
sMayas, illusion, psychic events during clubbing.
The following day after the park, the someone was invited to one of his brother’s friend’s buildings to help move in a tenant. The someone’s brother’s friend owed the building. The sunlight looked amazing to the someone ever since the park. He had sat looking at what looked like dark particles in it all day. Later he found out Castaneda says one begins to see particles in light upon enlightenment. In the park prior to seeing the world unravel he saw what looked like a wave of dark matter particles coming up from the earth. The following day he could see these particles in the sun light. After the walk in park he had gone clubbing with his brother and could see the photons in the lights in the club, he was able to see photons on the following day too. At one point while in the club he raised his arms thinking to him look at the light. He had had a few beers that had helped him get into a dancing mood so he was on the dance floor at the time he raised his arms. Upon saying look at the light 70% of the people in the club lifted their arms simultaneously and began to look around trying to see where they had heard a voice or something. The club use to be called Whiskey Saigon but has changed its name long since. When the someone went to help his brother’s friend move in tenants the following day he met an old man there and his wife, new friends of his brothers friend that had introduced themselves the day prior after the plans were made by the someone and his brother to help move in the new tenants. One task the someone helped with was putting a carpet into the new the apartment meant to be occupied that day. Inasmuch as the someone knew how to put carpets in using the standard kicking method of stretching the carpet over nails fitted to wooden sticks placed at the edge of the room, the old man stapled the carpet into place. While doing so the someone was thinking how laying carpets could be seen as terra-forming. He walked through the house balancing the household by using staircases once each as two existed on either side of the building, he found the center of the house and using various methods including stomping he made sure the house was well balanced, the idea just seemed natural to him at the time though he had never done so before, it also passed the time mentally as he did the menial chore of moving things. After laying the carpet he spoke to the old man who referred to his great age and that his legs felt old. So the someone told him exercise might assist him to alleviate those the feeling of age and positive thinking like that promoted by Tony Robins on TV can also help. The old man smiled and suddenly the someone felt as if his specific gravity increased, as if he fell through the floor. He stumbled silent and shocked into the hall way where a couch was situated ready to be brought into the apartment, he fell into it and rested trying to recover from the feeling of the heaviness he had gained. The old man’s wife stood outside the door of the apartment and focusing on her she suddenly looked very old, a hunch back appeared and a golden aura began to manifest from her center. It was as if he had peered through a veil that covered her true look or was the new hunched looking an illusion. The someone later thought that he was able to see her true ancient look rather than seeing an illusion as the illusion was what existed prior to seeing her with her aura and the illusion hide her real more ancient human form. It looked like she was a human from an age prior to homo sapient as we know them: Still truly human the someone had later thought how ancient these good people were. Some might even fear the look but the someone did not and felt very comfortable with their presence.The someone then went downstairs and found that many of the new tenants stuff appeared to look like stuff he had, the same radio, the same TV set. All the things that resembled his things had a slight illusionary quality to their presence, the looked outlines as overlays but were the objects themselves. He thought to himself “what a weird reflection what a weird coincidence, its like being in a reflection of my own home” The someone walked outside to have a cigarette and to rest with his brother, his brother then held up a cell phone and a reflection of that cell phone, like a mirror image appeared next to it “do you get it” said his brother moving the phone back and forth as the reflection moved in unison as if in a mirror. His brother then picked up a compilation mix music album called ‘Now 3’ (I bet it’s probably Now 10 by now or something)and said “these are the songs you like from the radio, do you understand? its Now ( he said the someone’s name)( its now you)” Later his brother said he had sat silent next to him and did not say anything, The someone after thought it was a message given to him as an illusion, an overlay on his brother using him to convey the message.. As they were leaving his friends building his brother gave him his cell phone to hold and as he walked away it disappeared from his hands and appeared in his brother’s hands. His brother later said the phone was always in his hands and the someone enjoyed the compilation for a long time after.
A few years later thinking about this event the someone realized that he had encountered the Lord of illusion or what some call Maya, in the west he is also sometimes called the deceiver as in illusions not lies. The reflection of the cell phone was an illusion as was Maya’s lesson that allowed Maya to convey the message using the someone’s real bother who was situated near him.. Buddha encountered Maya after seeing the fluxing energies. The CD of Now 3 was an attempt by Maya to use the things the someone liked that helped lead to the ideas he had that caused the transcendence so as to have others use the same material to reach the same or greater levels of transcendence. The reference to Tony Robins as seen on TV impressed Maya as the images made on TV are technological illusions we enjoy watching, The weight the someone had felt had to do with merging with Maya and the someone felt the heaviness and feeling of the old mans legs for a long time after. One might say the someone became Mayas avatar but the old man stood in front of him and did not merge as other avatars have, this discrepancy might have been caused by the original Maya physically standing next to the someone as the spiritual program was downloaded and then being moved to a lower plain or dimension in comparison to where he became located the day before due to the walk in the park. This heaviness might also simply represent linking to Maya (and his server vas a special user) and being moved to the dimension Maya has on this plain. Just before the someone and his brother left his brother’s friend’s building the someone’s brother said something odd” would it not be nice to own a building like this?” to which the someone answered” yes but they are expensive, I am not sure we have that kind of money ( it was a fairly large building)” the brother answered “ you have no idea how much money our father has” the someone knew his biological father did not have that much money/ The brother later could not recall that conversation. I think it was another illusion meant to convey the idea that Maya was offering a house or building on his plain to the someone. Maya had a city of God and was offering the someone a place in it, a dimension in his plain or a plain in his continuum. One can be linked to many servers and have sub net works within that server and its greater networks

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