Friday, December 5, 2008
Serpents, medicine, Snake handling . Taoism, Native American mystics , snake oils and tonics.
Serpents, medicine, Snake handling . Taoism, Native American mystics , snake oils and tonics.
by valpetridis @ 2008-08-24 - 18:58:47
Serpents, medicine, Snake handling . Taoism, Native American mystics , snake oils and tonics.
The someone was glad the group of people that lived in his house found a legal end to their situation. He is also glad he lives in a country where such legal ends exist.
The Taoists are made up of various animal god worshipers as well as the Taoists that believe in only the Toa. Some worship dragons, some worship the snake god, there is a belief system for each of the animals in the Chinese colander and many more
The potion in the dragon smokes might also be believed to cause immortality; this would be another result of consuming it beyond the immunity. Those who eat of the fruit of life would not die of a natural poison, but might feel it. To be immune means to be fairly resistant to the poisons effects; If not completely unaffected by them.
Native American mystics sometimes use snake venom to cause religious experiences. They gain immunity to these poisons
Snake handlers do not try to get bitten by the snakes. They use a passage from the bible that says lift all serpents above your head and get blessed. Here the bible might be referring to also holding the powers gained through the earth towards heavens, thus knowing they are a heavenly gift. Snakes are symbols of earth gods, medicine and earth god powers. Statues of earth gods holding snakes were common place in ancient times. The symbol of medical science has snakes in it, partly because snake venom and snake potions were used to make medicines and partly; because the medicine is considered a gift of the earth even when altered by science. ‘Snake tonics’ is the term used to refer to various potions pedaled as medicines in the past and were used as medicines.
Some of these tonics have become accepted as medicine by the medical associations of the world. Nowadays people use the term snake tonics to refer to medicines and potions not accepted as standard medicines by the medical associations. Aspirin was originally part of a lot of a lot of potions. Aspirin was synthesised from aspergillus. Aspergillus is the green fungus that grows on foods and other things, the green blue fungus that often grows on bread is called penicillin. Both aspergillus and penicillin were used to heal people. One popular snake tonic from the 1800 meant to eliminate headaches used aspergillus. Penicillin was used in medicines as well; such products were used by witch doctors around the world to cure ailments.Asrtame was synthsised from aspergillus.
Snake handling was based on this section:
And these signs shall follow them that believe: In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues. They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.Mark 16:17-18This section refers to medicine. Casting out devils means casting out disease,. As mentioned previously, the term devil and demons refered also to bacteria, virus, microbes and yes illeness. This is not a reference to Baal. They shall speak with tongues refers to both tongues based on pentacosta beliefs, I have spoken in tongues after easter 2002. . It also refers to speaking in new ways about medicine. Such people will know to heal poisiings and as doctors do heal by laying their handi work upon them. Yes this section also refers to immunity from poisons and faith healing. Both medical and faith miracles work.
For every spiritual effect there is also a physical reflection. So medicines have both spiritual( spirits) and material (physical) reflections. Passages in religious texts refer to various levels of spiritual interaction, including spirits focused through material mechanisms and spiritual mechanisms. Both spiritual anmd physical focuses have both spirit and physical reflections.
The snake handlers also use this section:Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.Luke 10:19This section both means God gives us the ability to create powers such as the art of making boots to walk on such creatures without getting bite and tyhus getting sick or dieing from thoer venom and to be able to be impervious to them based on higher powers. This type of higher power makes a native American shaman impervious to death from a snake bit. They will tell you it is faith and being good that allows you to servive it. Faith is good as antidotes and boots are.
From a comment I made on Eddies blog“A joke that has wisdom: A merchant had a warehouse and had a lot of mice infesting it. He called a priest to bless the warehouse to get rid of the mice, the priest came, did the blessing and said " the blessing is good but getting a few cats is good too" Thus the spiritual unified with the material truly is wise, cause together both work better than any one on its own. For example: serotonin is a thought chemical that has a spiritual and material component. It can be monitored physically, yet its spiritual component , which we are also capable of detecting, extends what we think its physical component can do, figs are one natural and tasty gift of the earth that contains natural levels of serotonin; Food for thought “
Interestingly enough the founder of snake handling George Went Hensley died of a snake bite during a snake handling ritual. This suggests that inasmuch as God included snake handling in these sections of the bible God also meant greater things by these sections. Moreover, be careful handling venomous creatures like snakes. Peace and God b;less to the snake handlers.“ once a snake handler always a snake hadler” Moe from the symptsons
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I never forget the goodness and love nor the vibes of those thinking or who have thought of me.A tip is to create as many as you can in what ever fashion you wish, as you wish, without causing any evil.
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