Saturday, December 6, 2008

Mother goddess and potion of enlightenment, blood and body

Mother goddess and potion of enlightenment, blood and body

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-27 - 17:10:47
Mother goddess and potion of enlightenment, blood and body
As some were thinking not all Christians baptise or christens their children.
In 1998 just after he ate the fruit of knowledge the someone was on the third floor of the building he lived in. His mother wearing a old blue dress she did chores in that looked like a factory uniform took the interior stairs to go downstairs. At the same time from the fire escape, which is used to also enter the building and accesses the rear door of the kitchen on the third floor, his mother wearing a black dress with red flowers came in with a blond women he had never seen before. At the time he did not give it any thought. He was suddenly compelled to mix a potion of all the things he used to become what he was, including things he used to sharpen his wits; Others had used these to enlighten themselves. The mother in the black dress sat at the table near the door and the blond stood behind her. Nether female said a word and were silent. He used a mug with a German Sheppard on it as a vessel for the potion. After mixing the ingredients together (see the potion recipe in the second book found earlier in the blog) he gave it to the mother who took it and left via the fire escape with the blond women. His mother had looked less whether warned in that black dress. She yelled “I got it, I got it” in Greek (to exw) and sounded the same as usual. The mug with the dog on it no longer was in his kitchen. At that exact moment his mother wearing the black dress left his mother came up stairs and through the door on the third floor via the interior stairs wearing the blue dress and it suddenly dawned on him that the mother in the black dress could not have been his biological mother as it was physically impossible for her to have changed and come up the inside stairs simultaneously., as the other left using the outside stairs, or even come in with the blond, as she descended via the interior doors. He realized that was the mother goddess and one of her representatives, like a daughter (though the blond looked forty). Later he read that the mother goddess comes to retrieve a wizards potion upon enlightenment she secures the cup of his body and blood, sometimes a representative comes to do the same but in this case the representative came with the mother’s The first equation to the identity of this goddess was the prostitute who you must pay with twice the potion mentioned in revelations, The connection to the mother goddess via the later readings and the idea that one always pays twice the misery was later. “You may do as you wish my dear but what you do returns to you twice over” say the Wicca as a lesson from the mother goddess. Does twice the misery suffer twice the misery as payment. So bless instead. (See early parts of blog for more on the same topic)

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