Saturday, December 27, 2008

Sea of glass revelations and upgrades to the operating system of the universe server.

Sea of glass revelations and upgrades to the operating system of the universe server.

by valpetridis @ 2008-10-03 - 19:47:49
Sea of glass revelations and upgrades to the operating system of the universe server.
In revelations it says the new Christs will stand on the sea of glass and a new song or program for the universe is created, so each new Christ (male or female) who reaches that level becomes one with the old temporal program that runs the universe based on the order of time, or the song. A new song is created changed by the influence of the positive traits of the new virtuous one reaching the universe level of plains and dimensions, outside the program or song of time. The new person on the sea of glass upgrades to the operating system of the universe. The song runs the universe as a time space continuum and unity, thus becoming one with it is becoming one with the operating system, of the universe. It upgrades due to the innovation of the person who became one with it, including creating more dimensions within its matrix and rules that govern temporal reality. The program also becomes better for creating more beings reaching the sea of glass by including the new person as a archetype in the universe and the song that actuates time to bring others by similar means to the same level of transcendence. Thus the universe has a temporal evolution system for transcendence based on the someone that helps others reach the sea of glass, this helps everyone.

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