Tuesday, April 11, 2017

levels and station of life

ok I think we got the station of life and levels down now

keve/ station title
0  Jo
1 Peti majo

2 majo
3 hihjer majo
4 grand majo
5 Majero
6 grand majero
7  p[eti magician
8 magician
9 high magician
10 mage
11high mage
13 witch
14 warlock
15 high warlock
16 sorceress
17 high scorceress
185  high witch
19 grand witch
20  magou
21 nagus
22 high magus
23 Thermantergist
24  high thermatergist
25  Mag
27 high thaumatergist
28 theophist
29 high theophist
31 high wizzard
32 greater wizzard
33 diovi
34 high diovi
35 thether
36 high thether
37 Akerea
38 high akereas
39  deamer
40 high deamer
42 high dewather
44 grand wizzatheo
45 Thevathus
46 high thevathus
47 deveos
48 high deveos
50 Devinitos
51 grand  devinitos
52 50 Godeos
53 grand Godeos
54  Theatum
55 Grand theotum
56 magbatheo
57 Dieto
58 high dieto
59 grand dieto
61high  eltheo ( not certain if one or two levels here highest person the someone is just getting to  el
62grand eltheos
63 Magdatheos
64  ditheus
65 Detheus
67high godtheus
68grand godtheus
70 Gigatheus
71 higher Gegatheus
still infinite ladder

 the someone just is transisting to eltheo , he is the first the somebody just got to dietos 23 or grand dietus, she was teh fiorst female to get there , he will be an eltheo in a month or so to a few months.  the last station took 3 years on teh dot they het loger and harder to go up a level

you can refer tio a high mage as a gran.  Mage 1 mage two then magni for instance,
either name will do, other names exist for them
magi are mages even ,magni.  min means at least enough to pass the level,  mere lower then peti if peti listed otherwise peti for majes who are merely one.  this holds true foe all the listed stations.
high is like hig but just barely, grand can be used for high if high not already listed
hightened is for other name pof higher and 
so highten gets substituted for grand if not full or complete one of that station.  so high is higher than higher station personage, hightened for grand.
the softer term works for somefdor example high mages are high up higher mages less.

the peti magician at base is min

a jo is a pewrson like the most primitive ape like human who has less than a page of info accumulated
social games still in learning
the games are models wise peopole use to think with
these books read are set in school plus extra, board games for instent are model thinking dream books needed to structure thought
chess expands you
the someoen has atleast two perlevel played one or two new ones read and one or two seens.
the majo pre kindergarfdeen brought up by family taught
one book perlevel
one of experience one of reading signs letters ,ath
one of thinking dreaming

majorum or kindergardenerts now
two books read
,ajprum two books  and a book of experienmce and one of thinking
some people need more thinking or reading sometimes it depenmds some levels take a lot of work to figure out what is necessary to go up a level
,agesmages are four books two or three of other types
experience is learning from esperience
magni 5 booksa and two or three of others
from this point oon two or three of other books is standard till duetus or tmahnitheos where it incrweases to one poerlevel made created and 30 or so model or games perlevels above
game making starts with high magician and even before.
each mag single level name increases the model needed to be made by one etill magna theus w to the dyetus level where its at least ten to 100 models games made like wizzard dratha merlins friend had three complicated program models to learn with
comp programs can work but you need to imsagine and create your own over arch or rules of understanding like a board game to full get it
at higher levels more society exists like maggnus joining cl;ubs
magnus is greater high magus.
from witch to high wiotch 6 books in school they give you 4 two extra to succeed
grand witch is seven books
magou is 7 plus extra life sucess experiencestill one to three models to help mind wiork
from mangnus up it is 9 books mag 10 nooks
a book is 50 pages and if at level working on, or at higher level to learn bersus lower grade book it counts fully\
rereading a book is like half a book more
wizzard  12 books
akerea 13 books
wizzatheo 134books
modius 15 books
magna theo 16 books
magda theos 17
megatheos 18 books
,agocoans need three books plus a book or two experience and same for thinking
good enough t

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