Saturday, April 22, 2017

Iliad two leaders act like teh heroism spoken

No wonder Troy so long resists our powers.

Rise, great Atrides! and with courage sway;

We march to war, if thou direct the way.

But leave the few that dare resist thy laws,

The mean deserters of the Grecian cause,

To grudge the conquests mighty Jove prepares,

And view with envy our successful wars.

On that great day, when first the martial train,

Big with the fate of Ilion, plough'd the main,

Jove, on the right, a prosperous signal sent,

And thunder rolling shook the firmament.

Encouraged hence, maintain the glorious strife,

Till every soldier grasp a Phrygian wife,

[pg 036]


Here in alliance with the Pygians we will marry to troy as well, only by alliance not real wives, then will change troy but atriedes you must ve strong like the hero’s the Greeks talk about being

Kierkegaard says its easy to talk about virtue but hard to act it

So talking like a hero is easy so one must act like they talk including you leaders, for if you show strength your people will act strong and follow you, wisdom is part of that strength
if you act this way troy will change if you had more wit would have before or atleast we would be more inprocess of what needs to occur and will, connotates the orator.
Till later
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