Saturday, April 22, 2017

station of life levels basic set

here is the final list concerning stations in life and their levels
in as much as reading a lot past the prerequisite will get you up a level time and the level you are reaching too helps
reading children books in university helps but r higher analysis is needed
in university you analysis with the tools of that higher presepective.  in may take more books to achieve a level
some read 80 books a level in university and that's one yoear of reading everything assigned.
reading university texts in grade school obiously has a larger reach and 30 pafes might equal a book if you are getting the material.
so understanding maters
creating models ,atters like flow charts
games and so on.
new education system got the old ascended in heaven to mage
fisrts students are now truly graduating and feeling normal.
children usuaslly by the end of atleast one year collage mafnus
each will grow

before in Canada they got people to high magician sometimes mages by the end of highschool

you would have had to drop out in hrafe 3 to be a monor magician and grade 8 to be just a magician

 a small book is up to 25 [pages  and a bog one 50 – 75 pafes. Level of reading matters as does period of growth.  A book can also be for some the entire text from cover to cover, sometimes 300 pages is two books and for some 6, its how you read it, how intent, how much you analysis , dream and think about it.

I have amended the finished list

Station level  :    title  :   description: number of books ( even experience)

1: jo: a normal average person: one small book

2: minor major barel uneducated male

3: majo normal person uneducated: 2 big books

5: high majo: stands out even ileader or shanabm kbows anout things of everyday: 2

6: grand majo: knows even more than a chief knows all the symbols [plus, like symbol for poison. : 2

7: majerum : 1 session formal  lessons, knows letters or all the symbols and taxen, social order and costom based on training or schooling.: 3

8:high ,majarum knows small words and combined symbols, is higher socially trained: 3

9:minor magician : common ywo to three year grade school edycation now a days knows one lanfuafe: 4 books

10: magician : knows one language well and is learning another

11: high ,asgicianknows one language well, one ok and is learing another, French English and other like greek or math or tech.: 4

12. mage : higher ataionment tech plus three languages including math : 5

13: high mage : even high attainment :5

14 magni: higher attainment [plus success in life based on what is learnt: 6

15: witch : of high wit, smart based pn being learnered, ie read a lot: 6 books

16: warlock: a witch that stands out based on taklent that utilisis what was learnt or learnerdness: 6

17:high warlock: successful due to talents : 6

18 :scorcerer: overall successful do to trying to be so, reads self help and religious like stuff even other books that are used to make one successful: 6

19: high sorcerer : succeeded overlym high success, reads more on being a success and is: 6

20: high witch: read so much looks and sounds highly learnered: 6

21 grand or greater witch : has read a lot and has extended that knowledge into life and society and is successful due to this learneredness.:6

22 magu : high success at work and is based on what is leart at school and in the wirk place


Note , a magu majo is a successful majo that minored each ;level to the station of magu

They fill in as a witch can go to high with min what is neded for the levels below

They fill in, I read a bit on stuff of self help fotr instance one might say.

There is a peti bersion of each level like a peti magu a higher one that is not high yet a heightened on that is nit grand or greater.  A full version of the level by that name and a complete version as well as a transitionary one going to the next level.

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