Saturday, April 22, 2017

iliuad two speak and act like geros

For while around we gazed with wondering eyes,

And trembling sought the powers with sacrifice,

Full of his god, the reverend Chalcas cried,90

'Ye Grecian warriors! lay your fears aside.

This wondrous signal Jove himself displays,

Of long, long labours, but eternal praise.

As many birds as by the snake were slain,

So many years the toils of Greece remain;

But wait the tenth, for Ilion's fall decreed:' Thus spoke the prophet, thus the Fates succeed.

Obey, ye Grecians! with submission wait,

Nor let your flight avert the Trojan fate."

He said: the shores with loud applauses sound,

The hollow ships each deafening shout rebound.

Then Nestor thus—"These vain debates forbear,

Ye talk like children, not like heroes dare.

Where now are all your high resolves at last?

Your leagues concluded, your engagements past?

Vow'd with libations and with victims then,

Now vanish'd like their smoke: the faith of men!

While useless words consume the unactive hours,


Here we are told to be strong our fate is sealed with what will happen to troy says the orator to the Greeks.,  Its divine will.  so speak like the heroes you should be to bring a better day to you and troys future.

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