Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Iliad II wisdom compliment and call

To him the king: "How much thy years excel
In arts of counsel, and in speaking well!
O would the gods, in love to Greece, decree
But ten such sages as they grant in thee;
Such wisdom soon should Priam's force destroy,
And soon should fall the haughty towers of Troy!
But Jove forbids, who plunges those he hates
In fierce contention and in vain debates:
Now great Achilles from our aid withdraws,
By me provoked; a captive maid the cause:
If e'er as friends we join, the Trojan wall

n   Here the use of wisdom and state craft
n  Oration and wisdoms virtue to win the war in troy,
n  Achilis did not splinter off and silly talk is unnecessary but wisdom for find a proper way to win the cleaning of the corruption of the old troy.

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