Saturday, April 22, 2017

revised godset on stations of life

here are teh stations in god levels in order so I get the order right

stationlevel :  title and 

ok to put it more clearly
62 olotheos ( complete god)
63 higholotheos
64 grand olotheos
65 nagnus theos
66 manguttheos
67 gigantheos ( descriptives)
68 high giganttheos
69 grand gigantheos
70 pantheos
71high pantheos
72grand  pantheoss
74 eltheos ( grand titled)
75 high eltheos
76 grand eltheos
77 ditheos
78 high ditheos
78 grandditheos
80 magdeos
81 Supratheos ( superlative)

82 high supra theos
83 grand supratheos
83 ultratheos
84 high ultratheos
85 grandsupratheos
86 mogdotheos
87 dithedeos ( use of the names supra title)
88high dithedeos
89grand  dithedeos
90 trithedeos
91 high  trithedeos
92 gran trithedeos
93 megatheos

Good enough
This replaces the god set one
Basic set to magni
Exopert magu
Compainion set mag
Master set wizard
Immortal to wizzatheo god set anything above
Dietus is atleast three games or models first one
Dietus two at least 10 – 50
Dietus three at least 75-100 games and or models
They create things like chess or military training strajeka games.
All good till next week

recall its magus then high magus then magnus

order is magni
mag or meg
modius or magdo

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