Saturday, April 29, 2017

iliad II call for ynity to save all of Helen

[pg 036]

Till Helen's woes at full revenged appear,

And Troy's proud matrons render tear for tear.

Before that day, if any Greek invite

His country's troops to base, inglorious flight,

Stand forth that Greek! and hoist his sail to fly,

And die the dastard first, who dreads to die.

But now, O monarch! all thy chiefs advise:91

Nor what they offer, thou thyself despise.

Among those counsels, let not mine be vain;

In tribes and nations to divide thy train:

His separate troops let every leader call,

Each strengthen each, and all encourage all.

What chief, or soldier, of the numerous band,

Or bravely fights, or ill obeys command,

When thus distinct they war, shall soon be known

And what the cause of Ilion not o'erthrown;

If fate resists, or if our arms are slow,

If gods above prevent, or men below."

n     Here is the first reference to Helen that troy has robbed, well lets say made suffer under the corruption and theft of the now decrepid troy.  Her fate is linked to the fall of the old corrupt troy.

n    We notice that Helen is a name used to represent all Greeks the female who represents Helen as the rep of the Greeks only is a representative of the people she represents.

n    Helen represents the people, the society and the ethnos of those who want freedom from the grip of the corruption of this regime of troy, these Greeks  would include Trojans.

n    The orator calls to all the leaders and the king to rally their people as this train of events might split them as it has concerning the resolution of this issue.  The call is to strengthen their fold with a unity of all as one, determined to the same goal of bringing justice to all of Helen and a end to the custody under the corruption  they felt they were under as members of the old, now  corrupt troy.

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