Saturday, April 29, 2017

Iliad two rally call

To him the king: "How much thy years excel

In arts of counsel, and in speaking well!

O would the gods, in love to Greece, decree

But ten such sages as they grant in thee;

Such wisdom soon should Priam's force destroy,

And soon should fall the haughty towers of Troy!

But Jove forbids, who plunges those he hates

In fierce contention and in vain debates:

Now great Achilles from our aid withdraws,

By me provoked; a captive maid the cause:

If e'er as friends we join, the Trojan wall

Must shake, and heavy will the vengeance fall!

But now, ye warriors, take a short repast;

And, well refresh'd, to bloody conflict haste.

His sharpen'd spear let every Grecian wield,

And every Grecian fix his brazen shield,

Let all excite the fiery steeds of war,

And all for combat fit the rattling car.

This day, this dreadful day, let each contend;

No rest, no respite, till the shades descend;

Till darkness, or till death, shall cover all:

Let the war bleed, and let the mighty fall;

Till bathed in sweat be every manly breast,

With the huge shield each brawny arm depress'd,

Each aching nerve refuse the lance to throw,

And each spent courser at the chariot blow.

Who dares, inglorious, in his ships to stay,

Who dares to tremble on this signal day;

That wretch, too mean to fall by martial power,

The birds shall mangle, and the dogs devour."

[pg 037]

n    The orator praises the leader again as sage and wise, is this sychophantism, is this why the poetization of  greats from the past of kierkergaasrd mentions, is the reason as to why they look great and even mostly perfect

n    The divine is in sighted to remind you that they are trying to do the will of God and Goddess or the fe, do, tho, de ,se ,bo and so on. This is the name of God: the ‘THE’ whatever by whatever name used for the divine.  As Ba el is father god Mael mother Goddess and Toel the it God’ El or the all of them as one is Godthet. Or the or so on.

n    Using the Shepard spear to guide the herd while  knowing that all might have one, and this make their plight and power commonly understood,  and the shield of grace to defend themselves the rally call and these words spoken are to instill feelings conducive to whar is needed to reform the ranks after the first loss of the Greeks to the forces protecting troy and consequently the corruption.  Recall they figured out they need an inside person and to use Burkean ideas to found the new on what was good from the old to have all the good feel secure from harm and loss to allow them the good and even all the comfort to have them desire to get rid of the corrupt regime and afford the mew one built based on justice.

n    With lance and chariot blow the powers of all ships bestowed will gracias find repose and the triumph divinely told and promised to the just that day.


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