Friday, March 31, 2017

Iliad II married vanquish corruption

Rise, great Atrides! and with courage sway;
We march to war, if thou direct the way.
But leave the few that dare resist thy laws,
The mean deserters of the Grecian cause,
To grudge the conquests mighty Jove prepares,
And view with envy our successful wars.
On that great day, when first the martial train,
Big with the fate of Ilion, plough'd the main,
Jove, on the right, a prosperous signal sent,
And thunder rolling shook the firmament.
Encouraged hence, maintain the glorious strife,
Till every soldier grasp a Phrygian wife,
[pg 036]

n  Lets ally with Phrygia who justly maintains the same lands as us Rally the people and those who are faithful to this task of bringing  justice to troy  Which I note is different than that of the gracean cries before.  It is now not down with troy and the old gracean way but bring justice to its powers and the other heads of the dragon as our own powers.  Use all means including jove to rally people to this divinely necessary task of bring justice to all.  This includes the Phrygians who we will marry/ ally with for the completion of this task,: Pari also marry hellen as representative wife of alliance to bring justice to all, esp troy with [aris as the just person insode helping reform the system.
n  The use of marriage to mean alliance is evident and hold great meaning in the iliad as it does in the odyssey.  It means alliance.
n  Not even I mentioned the reform of the old Graceans as just troy , so one can see why later scholars reading earlier ones might have referred to the old Graceans as the troy that was being assaulted with the necessity of chance to progress it past the snake of corruption, which it hope to have slayed as part of its just bout to bring lawfulness to all.  

 from :

till next week

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