Friday, March 24, 2017

Iliad II dragon lawfulness

A mighty dragon shot, of dire portent;

From Jove himself the dreadful sign was sent.
[pg 035]
Straight to the tree his sanguine spires he roll'd,

And curl'd around in many a winding fold;

The topmost branch a mother-bird possess'd;

Eight callow infants fill'd the mossy nest;

Herself the ninth; the serpent, as he hung,

Stretch'd his black jaws and crush'd the crying young;

While hovering near, with miserable moan,

The drooping mother wail'd her children gone.

The mother last, as round the nest she flew,

Seized by the beating wing, the monster slew;

Nor long survived: to marble turn'd, he stands

A lasting prodigy on Aulis' sands.

Such was the will of Jove; and hence we dare

Trust in his omen, and support the war.

n  This lesson is about the dire portent and the omen which must be revered to understand that all was done with due prudence and divine reverence. The portence is anologised to a dragon who on the top vranch sits like a vird
n  Eight wats born of it lay in the nest , the money nest
n  So prophet can be acrewed from it but the serpent as the ninth product devours the eight like children it has strong jaws or might.
n  The portent is the omen revered and done properly though the serpent is not the dragon mothers head but the last child.  So troy has eight ways to make money fair and the ninth the corrupted way or corruption in its ending fold destroys the good products of troy.
n  Trust in the omen support the war for the mother troy cries for its children lawful and good and hates the serpent .  The mother   declares lawfulness even for the policering of  the corruption.  This is the omen of joves strength, to bring justice to the mother and slay the monster  serpent that destroys troy from the inside of its lifes’s tree.  By Trojan law the war must succeed if troy is to be free of the corruption  it by law uphoars and the corruption undermining its lawdul process and prosperity.  Thus a war like this to get rid ofithe corruption  is what is lawful and blessed for even troy, who at times looks like it was against the policering of these  crime actually must be to the letter of its laws must be  fully supportive of it as it must maintain the  a lawfulness  place.  Those policerying are of its city and laws and are trying to maintain the lawsn at their utmost.
n  Thus there must be lawful people on the inside that can help kill the serpent and help bring peace and prosperity for all the lawful of troy both inside and out.

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