Saturday, December 27, 2008

The shower and the meeting of important men.

The shower and the meeting of important men.

by valpetridis @ 2008-10-10 - 20:46:46
The shower and the meeting of important men.
(I will post more stuff on the sea of glass tomorrow)
In May after eating the fruit but before hearing the first voices commending the someone in his ideas, the someone went to prepare for a shower after his mom said something odd to him” Did you know the bishop once took a shower with his glasses on? Have you ever done that?” She asked and the someone replied “no” and she said “why do you not go try it” The bishop had once showered with his glasses on prior to a religious experience that made him become a priest( he has a strong bright gold aura). So the someone put on three old belts and took a shower with his glasses on. The belts represented three unities that he felt were important to signify during this ritual, which included reenactments of passages from revelations when he was exiting the shower and had one foot in water the other on dry land. Why he is not sure as he has not done so prior to this or has repeated it after this. The following day after the shower his mother found an icon, or holy picture, in the tub of st Stelianos, a protector of children; No one knows how it ended up there. After the shower the someone had a weird thought that repeated in his mind,” go to the heart of the problem” He also had a feeling that someone might want to assassinate him that day. The fear and call to take a walk to the heart of the problem came from the same source and was a test of courage. So the someone bravely walked out of his house and when he reached U of T he went to Hart house, the hart of the problem. Hart house is the student commons building at U of T. As he was going through the campus he saw a movie crew and thought “I guess the thoughts were more like a movie than a real threat” and walked by a garbage can and tossed his cigarettes into it. Upon entering hart house he found a meeting was being held that night. In the large room males were gathering for an important meeting. In the center court yard the someone saw several males standing and as he peaked his head through the door he saw what looked like holograms projected from their lapels onto their faces. The hologram was that of a featureless face, but the quality of the projection was that of a hologram. The some one thought ‘here are the people who really rule the world” then looked north towards the garbage can he had thrown is cigarettes into which was outside the building and out of sight. The someone then heard a fake explosion sound that resonated like a psychic sound (it was hollow sounding and shallow), then he experienced his first true encounter with telepathy, he could hear the people with the halo masks on and knew the speech was from them but it also had the quality of telepathy and not speech heard by his ears. They congratulated each other for training the someone well. The someone left and went home. At the doors of Hart house campus police asked for his name and wished him a safe trip home and telling him there was no problem. The building is open to students 24/7 though few people are there late at night.
This I suspect was a Masonic meeting and those in the court yard were some very powerful people. There is also a suspicion this encounter led to the initiation by the masons who decided to retrieve his name

More on the program of time and substance and the dimensions of this plain we move between as a common experience of existence

More on the program of time and substance and the dimensions of this plain we move between as a common experience of existence

by valpetridis @ 2008-10-04 - 20:39:42
More on the program of time and substance and the dimensions of this plain we move between as a common experience of existence
`The one thing that one can say about the light static or time entering one is that is a field or energy of God, its an active part of God( thus categorised as a spirit of God, see earlier blog posts). It is a program that causes the time you function in to be in the ordered patterns we are accustom of. Those sealed with the higher knowledge or the transcendence of reaching this place causes time to be altered (ideas in the program), the evolutionary mechanisms change and the universe alters how it unfolds or runs.In 2000 scientists with confidence proclaimed a notion the someone had had prior to may 98, based on measurements of the Doppler Effect the universe has been found to be expanding and will not collapse. The use of the measuring techniques and other theories concerning this science coincided to independent ideas the someone had formulated prior to transcendence.
Note transcendence is a thing that one achieves as one continues to reach for higher levels of transcendence., one transcends in various ways and each is a higher level though each transcendence might not be comparable to others based on this: one is at a higher level than they were due to the last experience, one might be able to say I transcended past time and on another occasion I saw the universe unravel. The unraveling is seeing the program of substance while the static entering the person is the program in charge of order, time and the unfolding or evolution of this plain.
There are thousands (if not countless) dimensioned on this plain. Existing on one of the many that shares the prime plain is a necessity. Everyone exists on a dimension of this plain and dimensions can share time and space, thus different people on different dimensions are said to exist on the same plain sharing the same world and planet, like we do. Prior and after the night club the someone was on this plain, sharing this world, the earth with others on various plains. He was moved to another dimension without noticing this, and this is a common event for everyone. On this dimension he could interact only with certain people, but even those not visible are said to share the same plain ultimately, though on different dimensions that share the same world He was later returned and was conscious of it, but even this was done to have it noted as part of his story. It was as if someone knew ahead of time what might occur, or this was incidental and was taken advantage of based on the opportunity to impart knowledge concerning the existence of these dimensions
More next week.
Last profile wisdomWhat is good never fads, it’s a silent whisper that builds to a tumultuous roar of common sense. Thus, what is desired that fits this is dear and good. So be good and indulge in what is good yet feels so good.

Sea of glass revelations and upgrades to the operating system of the universe server.

Sea of glass revelations and upgrades to the operating system of the universe server.

by valpetridis @ 2008-10-03 - 19:47:49
Sea of glass revelations and upgrades to the operating system of the universe server.
In revelations it says the new Christs will stand on the sea of glass and a new song or program for the universe is created, so each new Christ (male or female) who reaches that level becomes one with the old temporal program that runs the universe based on the order of time, or the song. A new song is created changed by the influence of the positive traits of the new virtuous one reaching the universe level of plains and dimensions, outside the program or song of time. The new person on the sea of glass upgrades to the operating system of the universe. The song runs the universe as a time space continuum and unity, thus becoming one with it is becoming one with the operating system, of the universe. It upgrades due to the innovation of the person who became one with it, including creating more dimensions within its matrix and rules that govern temporal reality. The program also becomes better for creating more beings reaching the sea of glass by including the new person as a archetype in the universe and the song that actuates time to bring others by similar means to the same level of transcendence. Thus the universe has a temporal evolution system for transcendence based on the someone that helps others reach the sea of glass, this helps everyone.

Analysis of the sea of glass

Analysis of the sea of glass

by valpetridis @ 2008-10-03 - 19:28:55
Analysis of the sea of glass.
(Studying with the right amount of stress to make me productive and on a razors edge of sharpness)
Lets analysis the sea of glass to make sense of it: It seems that outside the field of time, space exists, but certain rules of time do not. One can still count out seconds walking to ones door. The field which is the resonance of static and reflects a range of being in the universe can be transcendent. One can travel beyond this field. The access code necessary entails being good and realising the multi dimensional nature of this continuum of plains call the multiverse. There is more to the access code but these ideas lead you to them. So one must be good to exit time, or use a machine (but being good is still the requisite). This prerequisite is why it is called a heaven. The static represents the full program actuated in all that exists based on the dimensional range it encompasses; it has reflections of everything in it. Think of it as the spirit of God fully manifested as a program that one becomes one with. Since the holy spirit is the spirit of God developed in time and actualised timelessly one can say this was the entirety of the reflection of the holy spirit entering the someone’s body, cause after that the someone was outside of time, time being here a system of relatives based on the formation of the universe and how it has reflected itself timelessly in quantum reflections on the whole thus influencing its future manifestation. In this sense one must become one with the field to go beyond it, as if time itself locked itself within the someone so that the someone could have it exist as oneness inside him while being beyond it, this is why it is necessary to have good positive energy to maintain this field.
This place was here just outside the dimension of time as we know it to exist as the time’ space continuum. Thus time separated from space causing one to be on another dimension of this universe though the space in that dimension was the same here, “heaven is a reflection of here’ say the cabalist, but the city built while walking with God is also a reflection of here and was created further outside the realm of cognitive reality and time than is the sea of glass.“Why should we have the static” asked little voices,” cause it creates the order of time within a continuum that is maintained by that time, thus creating order” thought the someone “ one can still go to each world without having them chaotically merge” “ Do you not like order my son” said a high voice” yes” replied the someone in his mind and suddenly a new static interference , like the original, appeared everywhere and order was restored till the someone walked with God the following day..
More on the sea of glass. And analysis of the dimensional manner of Venus club event, an event that occurs to many without them knowing,

Friday, December 26, 2008

Club shifts to Goddess lands-movement to music

Club shifts to Goddess lands-movement to music

by valpetridis @ 2008-09-27 - 20:55:38
Prior to eating the fig of knowledge the someone had gone to a bar to celebrate two of his cosines birthdays that were in the same week. There was a gorgeous women who came in with a few friends’ males and females. The someone began dancing with his brother on the dance floor moving in to strut his stuff for the gorgeous women, who was also dancing. She started dancing very explicitly with the someone. At one point the someone got off the dance floor and went over to sit on a huge speaker situated behind a railing and walk way elevated up from the dance floor. The sexy women looked at him smiling and signaled him with her figure to come to her. At that moment last call was announced so the someone pointed to the ceiling speaker the announcement came from signaled one second to her, she nodded in agreement and he went got two beers, and returned to the speaker so as to locate the female. He leaned up on the speaker to get a better look and watching his step as he got up on the speaker his head was down. At that moment the speaker rumbled out a rocket like sound. The sound felt as if it moved the someone at the cellular level. he felt it pierce to a cellular awareness feeling. It was the first time any loud sound in a club caused him a feeling of cellular fear, the sound physically scared him. He looked up and the dance floor was empty, the female and most other people had left. The cage dancers had left the cages He thought to himself, ‘that was fast and shit I even bought her a beer, next time I forgo the beer, but I swear she appeared to understand my signal. Plus people usually party a little past last call so it was odd.’
In June 1998 the someone returned to the same club, a now out of business club called Venus. The someone’s cosine was with him and his brother Once inside they found the place was empty, the announcer then said here are some A’s and a bunch of people came out holding drinks. No one was dancing so the announcer said here are some B’s and more people came in. These people looked like partiers. The first group looked like they liked to party but unlike the second group partying was not a first priority. Both together made for a wild party. The delineation of A’s and B’s was drawn from the idea Alpha male or female versus Betas. However, the idea of the mixture was to prove in humanity both are equally necessary and important for the synergetic way our society works and is happier. Plus both are equally alphas and betas in all regards. At one point the someone heard little female voices from behind him that said “let’s see if he is gay?” And some guy then put his arm around the someone and grabbed his ass pinching it, the someone used sufficient force to remove and brush away the hand show his dislike of that action. The someone then decided to satisfy the female voices question by finding an example of a female he thought was attractive and a turn on in the club’s crowd. He scanned the place and saw an attractive female who looked like the girl who he had seen the day the speakers rumbled in the same club a month ago. There was a something younger look to her, but looked like the same girl. Once he saw her and his mind found her arousing, he thought “that I find sexually attractive” At that moment he heard the same female voice that said “he still loves me “after smelling the rose that said emanating from the girl “he still loves me” He was obviously looking at a Goddess who had taken the appearance of girl and she wanted him to know she was the goddess who spoke when he smelled the rose. The someone then thought and screamed this from his mind though remained calm and silent physically “enough, show thy selves, no more deception” he suddenly saw a women who was off shift, she looked similar to the women who stood in front of the writing “we will marry you”, but this women was not wearing grey but black, she was crying, In each case this female was connected to flowers. The announcer then said “he is about to cry (which the someone was not) he does not belong here so we will return him.” The someone had been standing behind the rail on the walk way in front of the same speaker as last time. A similar rumble began and the someone leaned back onto the speaker as the cellular sensation returned, this time he was looking forward and saw people appear on the dance floor and the cage dancers reappeared in the cages before his eyes , it was as if they had been dancing there all night. The someone’s brother came out of the crowd dancing with a female that resembled the one from a month ago, after the dance she left. Leaving the club the someone, his cosine and brother went for pizza on Yonge Street. The guy who had grabbed and pinched him was walking down the same area of Yonge Street yelling “we will not follow you Alexander”The way the someone was returned made him want to return to it and this is the reason it was worded as it was, for one then would sit and contemplating what is it to belong there, do I belong there? Do you? What is it to belong there? Do A’s belong there? Do B’s belong there? How about the cage dancers? Thus the entire lesson was from the beginning that belongs on that dimension? The answer good people who like having fun, including sex, but not doing evilThere are ways to returning and go to such placesThe sound system in the club was normal

september is done bloggers, peace

The goddess deception on the sea of glass.

The goddess deception on the sea of glass.

by valpetridis @ 2008-09-26 - 21:36:43
The goddess deception on the sea of glass.
The second day on the sea of glass while the someone was wasting time exploring the temporal phenomena of the sea of glass he received a phone call. . He picked up the phone and was greeted by what sounded like the girl he was going out with. Saying his name she said “… Why can you not act normal?” To which he replied “do you know what is happening to me?” “Yes” she said “cause its happening to me too. How long are we going to try clean our house? every time I clean, something appears in its place” “ok then lets go for a coffee ” said the someone and she replied” I would love to but they will not let me. You have been promised to someone else, do you not understand the deception.” “Who was I promised to?” He asked, “you’ll see (meet a bunch of women [have fun with them] and eventually you will find her) but rather than talking about this let’s talk about something normal, saying his name she continued by saying: why do people always act …” and the conversation continued on for hours on the topic of social attributes about people and the likes. The someone had spent hours talking to this women and long conversations were normal. The women who it appeared to be on the phone did not recall this conversation and claimed she never spoke to the someone that day, though she and her sister claim to have spoken to God just after the someone first heard the voice confirming his ideas concerning Eden were correct.This women, goddess of the phone was not the girl in question, it was someone who wanted to teach him to act normal no matter what transcendent experience he encountered and from that day on he acted as normal as possible. The deception the Goddess spoke of was that she could not go out with him because she was taken and that he was meant for a single women somewhere and not her. . I do not know who the Goddess was and it might be the Goddess simply was trying to tell the someone she was not who she appeared to be on the phone but was deceiving him to teach him an important lesson and to get him to stop wasting time in his room, act normal and go out to explore the world(s) outside his door. She was saying “you are meant for someone other than me as I am not who you think and I am deceiving you. She chose this voice as she knew the someone felt comfortable speaking to this women. The someone knew the real girl for years after.

The sea of glass and the first day outside the field of time

The sea of glass and the first day outside the field of time

by valpetridis @ 2008-09-20 - 19:58:00
The sea of glass and the first day outside the field of time
The next day the someone woke up and found his floor was filled with broken glass. The glass carpeted the entire floor wall to wall throughout his apartment. The broken glass was a few inches thick. The someone stepped on the glass and it did not cut him. He could feel the presence of the glass and that he was not stepping on a flat floor but on the glass. The shards of glass left no patches uncovered on the floor. The someone picked up a broom and tried cleaning the glass and after sweeping a spot to the floor the shards of glass trickled back as if they were water The someone thought “ I am in a timeless place and this must be all the glass that would have ever broke on this floor. He also thought he was in a timeless place outside of the static of time. Books appeared on the floor, he picked a book up and another one would energy in its place as if floating up through water. Some of the books the someone saw he ended up having to buying later for lectures he took. He also saw old text books that were no longer in his possession, or not in his apartment. He picked up a map and thought to himself certain revisions that could be made to improve the map. He then scratched lightly the back of the map with a kitchen knife. The revisions appeared on the map and are still present.After describing this event to a priest, the priest asked him “how do you know how heaven looks like?” to which the someone replied “heaven? That was heaven? I thought it was a timeless place” The someone later thought sure it can be one of many heavens
The sea of glass appears in many texts including revelations, the crystals or shards of glass have been interpreted in many ways; the glass has been called crystals and other things. The image might have been interpreted as ice by others. Some artists describe this event and some use its images as inspiration to their work. You could even see the glass as the congealment of time, but timeless works best. The sea of glass lies outside the field of time

Auras, clearing the ambient energy and going beyond time in the same space.

Auras, clearing the ambient energy and going beyond time in the same space.

by valpetridis @ 2008-09-19 - 18:27:31
Auras, clearing the ambient energy and going beyond time in the same space.
The someone was sitting in his first floor apartment staring at the manifestations of auras and energies that he had become aware of years prior. He had first become aware of energy that had the colour red as its ambient colour. This slight hue created a slight almost unnoticeable tinge in his sight, the someone later realized he was seeing his aura as it merged and interacted with the energies and world beyond (plains and dimensions)He later experienced, green, blue, purple then gold that day sitting in his room he thought about the idea of time and how the static we have become aware of in the universe was actually the field resonance of time. That time as we knew it began with the beginning of the universe and was relative to its creation. He thought that the colours he saw were actually reflective of this static and the way he accessed and existed in it. On that day in 1998 he wondered about the different worlds each colour represented, as he saw many different colours that day, and the Doppler like shift that caused each to have a different colour yet represent parallel diminutions in the same ordered field of time. So he said “ the different colours I see are worlds playing off of each other , ordered by the static that makes each separate, if the static was removed I could see each colour more clearly” Suddenly the slight colour like static shot into his body. He was thrown up and out of his chair; he landed on to his feet. The light entering his body felt like a thousand volts of electricity. After landing on his feet he could no longer see any static colour or distortion, this was all gone ( the someone also experiences Theophanisis, or seeing uncreated light, his eyes have been checked using the full gambit of examinations and they have been found to be healthy and in perfect working order). As he landed on his feet the someone took the opportunity to yell something he always wanted to say “ there can only be one( in reference to God )” he then left quickly exploring the world outside that still looked like Toronto, this event occurred after he ate the fruit of knowledge and before he walked with God. Upon returning home that night he went straight to sleep.I have heard of people refer to pushing their auras away during meditation however, I have yet to stumble upon reference to the ambient light reflective of program that God uses to maintain they universe shooting into someone. Some might have interpreted this as the Holy Spirit. Consider it exiting from range of time space we know of this universe while staying in the same space. The later events I will mention tomorrow refer to timeless events outside of the range of static time as we know it: one priests said to the someone shocked at this story” How do you know what heaven looks like?”

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Chrismas and happy ho ho

Merry Chrismas and happy ho ho

by valpetridis @ 2008-12-25 - 01:51:39
Santas wish for you( season inspired poem)
Silent night, Deams so truelike santas wish for youGood cheer and season tidingsas the frost grips the windowsDeep inside warm and cozyare the chiuldren fantasisingof santas wish for youA season's joy and people's hopesfor a prosperous seasonyoung and old pray for peacethinking of santas wish for youWhat is real sprinkled with magicAs we sit warm insideaway from the ice outsidecreating a dreamof what santas wish is for you.Hope everyone is well and the season festive no matter what holiday you celebrate this time of year

Saturday, December 20, 2008

The test of a peaceful nature and knowing what is good under all conditions and passing it.

The test of a peaceful nature and knowing what is good under all conditions and passing it.

by valpetridis @ 2008-09-13 - 20:41:34
The test of a peaceful nature and knowing what is good under all conditions and passing it.
After thinking about the meaning of clean food the someone got up and began to walk to the buildings front door. He locked the door to his apartment by pulling it tightly shut and turned to leave. He had expected to be tested after first hearing voices and was ready not to obey any evil instructions if he heard any. He heard a voice from just above his head saying” What you kill is yours forever” He instantly reacted and his mind would not even allow him to interpret this in any way that would be taken as evil. He instantly thought a thought that would reduce this voice to something peaceful and would allow his conscious deal with it while not insulting the voice( though one can). So the someone thought “ the voice must be saying that what I eat is mine forever as eating causes the things that we eat to become part of our body” he then proceeded to the front door and as he opened it three people walking down the street going south passed in front of his abode. The one in the lead of the three said while looking at him” Mason join the family!!!( of course this is a reference to Charles Manson who is in prison and the point of seeing the three the point Mason failed to transcended and a point of a second test related to the first)” He instantly thought he must mean I look like Mason the singer “ turning to lock his front door with his key. He felt like doing the most peaceful thing he could do so as to prove that he was peaceful. He walked south to Queen street( two blocks south of his house) and went in behind the then 7/11 and picked and played with flowers growing in the alley way. By the time he had finished his hands had turned purple. Walking back to Broadview from the alley and starting to cross the street to the west side he heard female voices say, like a unity of a special otherness that linked women into one focus, one voice as a multiplicity of voices. All the females sounded as if separate yet spoke as one “What we see is a very nice guy” then he heard male voices who were focused as males say: “what we see is a leopard that had changed his strips” The someone recalled this was a saying he made up by substituting the word leopard for tiger in the cliché that said “a tiger who had changed his strips”, the saying was created because leopards have spots and had changed from strips, if they ever had any. It’s a metaphor. The female voices said “he is begging he is begging ok we will marry you.” This marriage represents a unity and alliance with woman as equalsThis occurred based on the someone passing in proving himself as being peaceful He looked back and saw a short dark haired plump female dressed in grey clothes, on the wall behind her being drawn as he watched in big burgundy lettering” we will marry you” the letters were appearing by themselves on the side of the building just south of the alley behind the 7/11. The someone began walking home feeling good, he was never tested again, and no voice ever said anything that might be interpreted as evil again, as he had proven that he was that good and that nothing would convince him to do evil. As mentioned before (see first book at beginning of this blog) Abraham should have said no to any seemly divine voice telling him to do something evil. Abraham passed because he took the goat as the sign to stop doing what he did not want to do, that being scarifying his son. Abraham did not want to kill his son Issac so chose any excuse not to and was right as God provided a way to allow him to prove himself good while at the same time doing something bright by allowing himself to substitute the goat for his son while still appeasing the God he feared to go against. In other words he did something lawful and found a way to appease his conscious concerning the divinity he did not want to offend. Moreover saying no outright is what makes all divinities happy thus doing evil is the insult and failure to such a test. Once you prove yourself good no matter what, you will not be tested ever again. Charles Manson like the son of same failed to do only good and failed to pass the test of the voices, both have no power and “ the little God gave them he took away[for being not good](see bible)” All transcendent people of all religions pass this test and all divinities are only happy if you pass it and prove you know what being good is no matter what.till next week

The origin of Kosher rules, halal rules and many other food prohibitions

The origin of Kosher rules, halal rules and many other food prohibitions

by valpetridis @ 2008-09-12 - 20:51:29
The origin of Kosher rules, halal rules and many other food prohibitions
The someone was sitting in his down stairs apartment of his building after he had heard the voices congratulate him on his ideas being correct. He decided to leave for a walk, he had just heard a voice from around his waist level from outside his room saying “eat clean foods” and he had thought this was the lesson that led to many of the food probations followed by many religions. He knew words like Kosher meant clean and or healthy good. He also knew Abraham had been told by God(s) a divine voice to keep Kosher. What he did not know was God only said “keep kosher” and like the someone nothing else was said concerning what clean food was” The someone learned later God told Abraham when he asked “but what is kosher?” “Kosher is what kosher is” every thing considered kosher or not kosher was determined by people and in my case science too. The someone thought: I will not eat foods tainted with diseases or have gone bad for whatever reason.He also thought this lesson was meant not to prohibit any foods that can be eaten under the right conditions. If a pig is clean and scientifically proven to be healthy then it was clean. He also thought this was good advice, but just that advice: A good rule of thumb, the divine voice was offering sound wisdom concerning eating and not dictating a rule that was something to gauge virtue. He knew if he ate something that might have gone bad no God(s) would punish him for it. It was good advice because eating something gone bad might make you sick so the divine voice wanted to make sure he knew to avoid getting sick However, the divine voice or source of it would not punish me if I did eat food that went bad for whatever reason. Just recently the someone thought the height of the voice also portrays the level of the imperative, being at waist level did not command from height, but offered advice up to the someone The many divine voices are often lumped into the idea of a plurality as one God i.e. God(s) and people sometimes refer to lessons as being from the same God, inasmuch as they are all part of a divine system of imparting lessons and advice, each is a different face, voice of God and each must be handled individually and based on the thing spoken and what one knows to be good and proper. One must interpret them and react accordingly without doing any evil ever.

Bit more on Maya, Buddha’s experience of Maya and his three daughters.

Bit more on Maya, Buddha’s experience of Maya and his three daughters.

by valpetridis @ 2008-09-06 - 20:41:04
Bit more on Maya, Buddha’s experience of Maya and his three daughters.
During the walk in the park the particles appear from the earth just as the someone started to internalise the divine program as it is manifest in all things around us (him). It was literally internalising the outside into the inside, that is bringing outside into the self.
In 1970 Ed looked out into a view of nature and saw it as a body. He claims to have become one with that organic oneness.
The walk in the park predates the walk with God.
Maya conveys ideas over all medias not just one CD.
The someone was sitting in front of his TV on Canada’s day 1998 and saw in the bottom right part of the TV what looked like a similar looking person to the Maya he had met at his brother’s friend’s apartment building. On the TV this figure was wearing a suit and said, “You have done enough my son, let me entertain them” Maya then pointed out the kitchen window were the someone say fireworks go off, but they had the quality of an illusion. Maya was telling the someone that it is Ok to let the angels also entertain and guild people as part of a team, as it is ok to let other people and beings do the same. “you do not have to do it all yourself” the someone heard in July 1998” help is always good” it’s a team effort.
Buddha encountered Maya during his transcendence after eating the fruit of enlightenment upon finishing his fast being hungry he ate a lot of them and the story claims it was after the fast period the enlightenment occurred) Maya is said to have sent three beautiful daughters to Buddha, he held back the temptation each posed and rejected each and every one of them. Each daughter was said to be more beautiful than the previous one sent. Buddha then called to the earth mother who appeared as his mother to attest his enlightenment and she did. When Buddha said one must pass the illusion to reach enlightenment he meant one must learn from the lessons of Mayas to reach transcendence and not that Maya and illusion keep us imprisoned and away from enlightenment. The lessons are an obstacle only in the sense that one must learn them to reach enlightenment and the lessons are geared to get you to transcendence, not hold you back.
I will leave off with a question, what good is a plain if you are alone? What good is a city if you live there by yourself? A private place is good, but a city is as the Greeks say a polis: a place of the many (poli [polloi {poly}] means many in Greek) Police means city as in those of the city (poli is pronounced as it is found in the word police with a long 'o'). So build good, peaceful and great ideas and share them. Together we create more than you can imagine. Hallo deck ideas are created with the idea in mind that they are nothing but divine scenarios for leisure worlds and not for this world. .

sMayas, illusion, psychic events during clubbing.

sMayas, illusion, psychic events during clubbing.

by valpetridis @ 2008-09-06 - 12:03:52
sMayas, illusion, psychic events during clubbing.
The following day after the park, the someone was invited to one of his brother’s friend’s buildings to help move in a tenant. The someone’s brother’s friend owed the building. The sunlight looked amazing to the someone ever since the park. He had sat looking at what looked like dark particles in it all day. Later he found out Castaneda says one begins to see particles in light upon enlightenment. In the park prior to seeing the world unravel he saw what looked like a wave of dark matter particles coming up from the earth. The following day he could see these particles in the sun light. After the walk in park he had gone clubbing with his brother and could see the photons in the lights in the club, he was able to see photons on the following day too. At one point while in the club he raised his arms thinking to him look at the light. He had had a few beers that had helped him get into a dancing mood so he was on the dance floor at the time he raised his arms. Upon saying look at the light 70% of the people in the club lifted their arms simultaneously and began to look around trying to see where they had heard a voice or something. The club use to be called Whiskey Saigon but has changed its name long since. When the someone went to help his brother’s friend move in tenants the following day he met an old man there and his wife, new friends of his brothers friend that had introduced themselves the day prior after the plans were made by the someone and his brother to help move in the new tenants. One task the someone helped with was putting a carpet into the new the apartment meant to be occupied that day. Inasmuch as the someone knew how to put carpets in using the standard kicking method of stretching the carpet over nails fitted to wooden sticks placed at the edge of the room, the old man stapled the carpet into place. While doing so the someone was thinking how laying carpets could be seen as terra-forming. He walked through the house balancing the household by using staircases once each as two existed on either side of the building, he found the center of the house and using various methods including stomping he made sure the house was well balanced, the idea just seemed natural to him at the time though he had never done so before, it also passed the time mentally as he did the menial chore of moving things. After laying the carpet he spoke to the old man who referred to his great age and that his legs felt old. So the someone told him exercise might assist him to alleviate those the feeling of age and positive thinking like that promoted by Tony Robins on TV can also help. The old man smiled and suddenly the someone felt as if his specific gravity increased, as if he fell through the floor. He stumbled silent and shocked into the hall way where a couch was situated ready to be brought into the apartment, he fell into it and rested trying to recover from the feeling of the heaviness he had gained. The old man’s wife stood outside the door of the apartment and focusing on her she suddenly looked very old, a hunch back appeared and a golden aura began to manifest from her center. It was as if he had peered through a veil that covered her true look or was the new hunched looking an illusion. The someone later thought that he was able to see her true ancient look rather than seeing an illusion as the illusion was what existed prior to seeing her with her aura and the illusion hide her real more ancient human form. It looked like she was a human from an age prior to homo sapient as we know them: Still truly human the someone had later thought how ancient these good people were. Some might even fear the look but the someone did not and felt very comfortable with their presence.The someone then went downstairs and found that many of the new tenants stuff appeared to look like stuff he had, the same radio, the same TV set. All the things that resembled his things had a slight illusionary quality to their presence, the looked outlines as overlays but were the objects themselves. He thought to himself “what a weird reflection what a weird coincidence, its like being in a reflection of my own home” The someone walked outside to have a cigarette and to rest with his brother, his brother then held up a cell phone and a reflection of that cell phone, like a mirror image appeared next to it “do you get it” said his brother moving the phone back and forth as the reflection moved in unison as if in a mirror. His brother then picked up a compilation mix music album called ‘Now 3’ (I bet it’s probably Now 10 by now or something)and said “these are the songs you like from the radio, do you understand? its Now ( he said the someone’s name)( its now you)” Later his brother said he had sat silent next to him and did not say anything, The someone after thought it was a message given to him as an illusion, an overlay on his brother using him to convey the message.. As they were leaving his friends building his brother gave him his cell phone to hold and as he walked away it disappeared from his hands and appeared in his brother’s hands. His brother later said the phone was always in his hands and the someone enjoyed the compilation for a long time after.
A few years later thinking about this event the someone realized that he had encountered the Lord of illusion or what some call Maya, in the west he is also sometimes called the deceiver as in illusions not lies. The reflection of the cell phone was an illusion as was Maya’s lesson that allowed Maya to convey the message using the someone’s real bother who was situated near him.. Buddha encountered Maya after seeing the fluxing energies. The CD of Now 3 was an attempt by Maya to use the things the someone liked that helped lead to the ideas he had that caused the transcendence so as to have others use the same material to reach the same or greater levels of transcendence. The reference to Tony Robins as seen on TV impressed Maya as the images made on TV are technological illusions we enjoy watching, The weight the someone had felt had to do with merging with Maya and the someone felt the heaviness and feeling of the old mans legs for a long time after. One might say the someone became Mayas avatar but the old man stood in front of him and did not merge as other avatars have, this discrepancy might have been caused by the original Maya physically standing next to the someone as the spiritual program was downloaded and then being moved to a lower plain or dimension in comparison to where he became located the day before due to the walk in the park. This heaviness might also simply represent linking to Maya (and his server vas a special user) and being moved to the dimension Maya has on this plain. Just before the someone and his brother left his brother’s friend’s building the someone’s brother said something odd” would it not be nice to own a building like this?” to which the someone answered” yes but they are expensive, I am not sure we have that kind of money ( it was a fairly large building)” the brother answered “ you have no idea how much money our father has” the someone knew his biological father did not have that much money/ The brother later could not recall that conversation. I think it was another illusion meant to convey the idea that Maya was offering a house or building on his plain to the someone. Maya had a city of God and was offering the someone a place in it, a dimension in his plain or a plain in his continuum. One can be linked to many servers and have sub net works within that server and its greater networks

Friday, December 19, 2008

The walk in the park and seeing the universe unravel as one became one with everything

The walk in the park and seeing the universe unravel as one became one with everything

by valpetridis @ 2008-09-05 - 20:10:28
The walk in the park and seeing the universe unravel as one became one with everything
In 98 prior to the miracles of transforming the rose petals in to the assassins incense the someone took a walk with his friend Ed into Riverdale Park in Toronto. They went into the park and walked between the don river and the high way called the Don Valley parkway (some times called the Don Valley parking lot as a joke) The someone had been on the fruit of knowledge for only a few days and was in a thoughtful mood, he had heard the voices the day before saying that his ideas were correct ad offering anything he wanted. During this walk he described to Ed how the universe was a divine program or song, and how that program was reflected in DNA and was on off reflection captured at the moment of conception. He explained that scientists had taken DNA and placed it into a computer and found that it played a song when transposed as music into a synthesiser. The someone also correlated the bagavantam or divine song to that of the divine program he was describing as a metaphor for the universe. He also included the song played by angels when the transcendent (Christs) reach the sea of glass as described in revelations.The someone began moving in rhythm with everything around him, he sensed and mentioned differences he felt walking on the pavement versus the earth. He also described how earth energies could heal. Ed turned to him and said :” the pavement is noisy, the earth quite” As children passed by the someone thought of sending a psychic wake up call and each jolted and some cried as if awoken like a new born( only infants cried). The someone stood on the pavement and thought I am contemporary man (human) and I have walked on a lot of pavement.The someone then tried internalizing the divine program and rhythm of the river, the trees. Thee breeze and even the traffic on the highway, as he did this the world began to unravel, the colours that surrounded the leaves spread from thier source then particulised into smaller and smaller spots. The someone saw white fluxing energy that flowed in the form of the leaves/ He then saw the universe spread and stretch into strings that particulised in the center till nothing existed for one split second then everything reformed in an opposite fashion to it unraveling Though his conscious mind did not fully register the magnitude of the split second of nothingness, he consciously did not react to it, his subconscious mind did and caused him to feel nervous fearful He looked up and the sky over him was sunny while the half over Ed was clouded. Two or three people carrying walkie talkies appeared on the path but said nothing to them and it is not certain they were there due to the someone. Suddenly he heard a female voice say” could you be the one?"(A one is the only answer that passes). After a bit the someone told Ed that he was thirsty and wanted to get out of the park to buy some water. Ed replied that it would take a bit to return to a path that would lead them out but they started walking a bit faster to get to the closest one, which incidentally was the one they went into the valley from. As they neared the bridge they had descended stairs to reach the valley the someone said “lets walk faster I am really thirsty” The someone then heard female voices say he is thirsty” and male voices reply” he is thirsty so give him some water”. A few feet later they turned to go up the stairs of the bridge leading into the valley on the northern part of Riverdale Park. There was a bottle of water sitting on the side of the stairs, sealed and ice cold. The someone turned to Ed and said “they said they would give me water and did” Ed just shrugged. After the park Ed asked the someone why do you seem so nervous, relax there is only one way out and left for home saying good bye. The following day the someone asked Ed what he saw and heard in the park. All Ed saw was that the sky above him was sunny and the sky over the someone was cloudy, he described the same exact perfectly straight division in the sky between sunny and cloudy parts over each, though the sun and cloud was reversed for him. Ed had heard no voices but did see the bottle of water that the someone found and drank. Ed did not know what even he meant by “there is only one way out”, he claimed it was an odd idea that just popped in his head and he said it.The following year in school the someone read that Buddha says upon enlightenment one will experience psychic abilities, will become one with the universe, see the fluxing energy that lies underneath colours and makes up the real substance of objects. The cabbalist claim that there are filters of colours that cover the energies that flow under all things and when one transcends, through nature for example, one sees the filters spread and particulise and one sees the fluxing energy underneath.
till tomorrow

A poem

by valpetridis @ 2008-09-05 - 19:37:36
lovely roses truth so boldgrace of God now is toldin thy passion love and gracetolerate not what all forsake
Bring promise, bring no liesbring the power that evil despisethat they run, cowar and fearfor justice is the call that brings us near
All together righteous thoughtsdeeds that bring no idignantion and no social rotas loving people we grow and seeda peaceful new tommorow good and free

The doctors the assessments and the monitoring

The doctors the assessments and the monitoring

by valpetridis @ 2008-09-01 - 20:58:28
The doctors the assessments and the monitoring
God can enter the program and internet, stop time and change history but does not alter the important stuff, the major historical events are stones he created that he will not move, a building appearing is one thing but wwII is a different thing. This is important.
I have already reiterated the story of the visit to the grad student earlier in the book so I will explain the events leading to the someone going to the doctor:It was suggested by a few people to the someone’s parents that he go visit his family doctor. He was taken up to the doctors by his brother and his father the day after the walk but his family doctor was not there( he was allegedly on vacation), A doctor Hoffman was there( this is not the same Hoffman who created the accelerant mentioned previously in this text). Hoffman was shaking when the someone entered and looked like he was going to cry. Thus Hoffman was spoken too The someone was thinking a code he had thought up the days prior to the walk with God” From the earth to the stars and back again(0*# as in phone digits) He was also thinking “I will never forget” In the waiting room he had a vision of his regular family doctor passing children through a door that he knew led to an old office now used for filing purposes( this vision reflects the meeting the doctor was having concerning the someone and others).The visiting doctor prescribed lorazepam to calm the someone down though the someone did not need to calming down as the someone was in full control of his faculties, Hoffman looked like he could use it more than the someone An assumption was made concerning how it was thought someone who disappeared might be feeling. On his return home images flashed really quickly and indescribable on the outside of the car the looked like what one might think the world would look like if going at mach five and faster. His father stopped at a restaurant called Omonia to get food. Once the car stopped the restaurant looked newer, the bricks looked sand blasted and a patio extension had been added. Once the door to the car opened the restaurant looked like the old restaurant the someone was use to. Inside the two cooks liked familiar but were not people he had ever seen before (angels are sometimes described this way) one turned to the other and said “do not mind the boy he does not know what happened yet (took a year to figure out it was a walk with God many more years to figure more out)” Two weeks later walking by the restaurant he found that it now looked exactly like the image he had seen of sand blasted bricks and patio extension. Knowing the owners he went in and asked when the restaurant had been renovated. He was told a few days prior. So the someone saw an image from the future (a quantum reflection). At home he took one lorazepam and it felt like his head had been hit by a baseball bat, so he discontinued the pill, His mom put one in his milk shake protein drink that he took as he worked out to keep his weight up and he instantly noticed it and told her not to do it again and she did not (it did not suit his situation at the time). Lorazepam is good for those who need it and feel comfortable using it; the someone did not need it. The someone was excited over the previous events but was in full control of himself. On the third day his mom took him to visit his family doctor that had returned from whence he was. While in the waiting room, he saw a few other people who looked shaken by some type of event (the children passing through the door). He read an article in a magazine in the waiting room about Hitler’s dream to build a Whitehouse ten times bigger than the one in the USA. He was called into the examining room and his mother came in with him. The someone had never told anyone he had heard voices. No one, till long after they stopped on August 15 1998. The doctor said “You’re hearing voices” the someone replied” who told you I was hearing voices?” He replied” I know your hearing voices, did the voices begin when you started smoking pot?” He replied” who told you I smoked pot and if I tell you I am not hearing voices you cannot say I do” He said” relax a little bird told me about the pot but relax the cops will not be coming to your house again” the someone said” I am not crazy” the doctor said “ I know you are not crazy” the someone said” I am also not schizophrenic but can now tell you the real cause of something that is not an ailment” the doctor said” I know you are not schizophrenic, but you would be surprised by what we really think schizophrenia is”( the doctor obviously had spoken to someone and had also been couched, this included police, but the someone’s mother admitted after she never mentioned police to the doctor or did the rest of his family to the previous doctor(Hoffman). The doctor explained one idea concerning schizophrenia: it is caused by higher levels of dopamine and this causes access to more parts of the brain and can cause access to higher religious events” The doctor then asked the someone” what do you think happened to you?” The someone answered” I am having a religious experience no greater than a prophet like Moses (at the time he thought this was a humble remark, though the doctor was Jewish and his son a rabbi)The doctor then said “In the next little while make your body the way you want it for the rest of eternality (which body thought the someone later. his physical body or the body of his ideas and friends) (some of these ideas might have come from the officials who spoke to the doctor and some from his religious background) and the doctor said “do not be surprised if TV and movies seems to resemble your life” (this idea may have come from officials and organisations and not from the religious background of the Doctors family). The Doctor then said “you have reached a certain level of omniscience and we want to monitor it” the someone replied” omniscience? I do not know everything, do you mean conscious to the collective?” the doctor looked stunned with this reply yet understood what the someone tried to describe. The someone agreed to the monitoring and the Doctor then told him “we must get a psychiatric assessment done of you for your own protection. ” This enter conversation was witnessed by his mother. The doctor said Hoffman made a mistake, there was never a need for lorazepam and that the someone was fine and did not need to use the relaxant( it is a version of valium) A few days later the someone went to north York general and was assessed, the doctor heard his story and the things he knew about psychiatry and told him” you know my job better than me, you do not need any psychiatric help, you are more sane than most people, you are fine god bless” and sent him from the office, from that day, as it was planned for him, the someone never questioned his sanity and knew from the first moment he was sane. The psychiatrist and family doctor encouraged him to pursue his religious ideas that were peaceful and good wiled no matter what and never fear that he had a real religious experience.He also knew the government agencies that had been contacted had asked to monitor him and he had given them his permission along with all those involved in that asking
Ok till next week but I will leave you with this: the someone has had ancient Greek, roman, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, native American, African and Inuit experiences to name a few, sheik. Jain and others. Alas they are stories for other days, for those returning to work, tomorrow peace, it’s a short week. For those returning to school cherish it cause its fun, educational (knowledge is power) and something you will enjoy esp. in hindsight. Meaning have a good week and the start of your best year ever.

The following days after the walk with God

The following days after the walk with God

by valpetridis @ 2008-09-01 - 17:55:14
The following days after the walk with God
The reference made by God to our house refers to everyone, not just the someone or the father God
The rooms in the house include at least the blue room prior to the throwing away of the ring, the red room after the ring, the empty stores room and even the waters, the walk back to the someone’s house and finally the walk around the block prior to speaking to his father and the police.
The following day the someone walked through the park and someone walking a dog thanked him out of the blue.
That night he went out and heard a voice that sounded like light that said “my son here is your version of heaven what do you think?” He saw people in couples with faces that had in disguisable features. He then heard a dark voice just underneath the light voice playfully say “Ah but I wanted to give him an island” He thought about the heaven he had seen and as it was at night he feared that there might not be any light in it so he thought there has to be light in heaven, for light produces life based on photosynthesis. He also thought about the ideas of heaven mentioned in the bible and the idea that sunlight or light was always present (though John’s description in revelations also resembles light bulbs). He also though that it was important to have a face, even if it could change forms, as he had heard David Suzuki explain on a documentary: a face is like a name, unique to each person and often people will remember the face and not the name as names are often arbitrary as faces are not and are to each person part of their being. Thus the someone thought his name was as important as his face was. The following day he went to st George church and bought the compendium for the orthodox church, as he entered the church he heard the light voice one last time say “ you are correct my son without light there is no life and you are also correct my son your name is very important, give a point to the Baptist” A person appeared in the image of a good friend who the someone had thought was the best person he ever knew, he was like John the Baptist that Christ referred to as ” the best up to him”. However, the someone still thought of him as better than him. This person in the form of his friend was shaking the hands of others that appeared. Names are important no matter your religion or way of thinking one is part of. That night he went to ash bridges bay and heard the dark voice one last time say in a serious tone” I wanted to give you an island surrounded by fresh water”. The someone took a sip of the water and it was clean. The two twins reappeared and walked by without saying a word. Thus finding the waters during a walk as mentioned in the book of John, a non canonised text, means getting to the room in God’s house, plain, where the islands are and are the blessed paradises referred to by religions such as Wicca.
The doctors appoint came the next day, it will be my last post tonight before I post again next week. The someone had also visited the post graduated student who had fed him the fruit of knowledge that day.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

The walk to the waters, the police waiting to meet the someone if and when he returned, and the father God’s message to the someone.

The walk to the waters, the police waiting to meet the someone if and when he returned, and the father God’s message to the someone.

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-31 - 22:43:42
The walk to the waters, the police waiting to meet the someone if and when he returned, and the father God’s message to the someone.
After walking across the Bloor Street Bridge the someone walked across Danforth ave as Bloor Street turns in Danforth ave east of the bridge. All the stores were empty, neither products nor people could be seen anywhere( later the someone thought the empty stores reminded him of the Led Zeppelin song stair way to heave” all the stores are all empty”) He walked to Coxwell ave and Danforth ave then down to the beach at the foot of Coxwell, it is called abridges bay, the Olympic pool is one street over at the foot of woodbine ave and was the source of the reflection he saw days later when he asked the waters to show him his reflection. He put his feet in the water and spit into the lake (no he does not normally spit into the lake) two twins appeared; they were robust women (on the slight heavier side) and had dark hair (water bearers, Gemini?). One turned to the other and said “He found the waters too” he then began walking home somewhere between the beach and home he began to feel his normal weight and consciousness return and cars and people reappeared, He came along Dundas and walked around the block of his house. Upon returning to the front door his father was there, though his father was not there prior to walking around the block. His father said “the police are waiting to talk to you” and pointed to a unmarked vehicle just south of Dundas on the east side of Broadview. He walked over still a bit shocked by the events he experienced, but acted as normal as possible. Inside the vehicle was a plain clothes officer, a good looking blond. Upon seeing him she looked like she had seen a ghost. She said” your back, we did not think you would get back” he replied “I did not do anything wrong” she said “I know you did not do anything wrong are you alright?” He replied “ yes, can I go to bed now?” she looked shocked at how normal he was acting and said “yes”, he returned home as his father remained downstairs. He went into his parents bed room on the third floor, his father entered to speaks to him, he spoke perfect unbroken English and his father normally speaks English with a heavy accent and not very well at that. “Son, do you remember what happened last night?” yes “replied the someone” the father then said “I came over took you in my arms, you shuddered at first, but pulled me in closer then we walked around our house together and you took your ring off and threw it into a garbage can in one of the rooms in our house” the someone had prayed a lot that night and this was the calling him closer. At first he thought his father was trying to drive him nuts was refer to his physical house. The someone said “ no dad I was at Sherburne and Carlton when I threw my ring into the garbage can” his father replied” if it were really was Sherburne and Carlton your ring should still be there lets go check” he replied” no they can have it, I had enough today, but it was Sherburne and Carlton( as opposed to a room in his physical house)” his father chuckled and said “ ok Sherburne and Carlton, have it your way and walked away” later his biological father said “ I never said that( in reference to the just mentioned dialogue with the someone), you told me Sherburne and Carlton and that you were outside the house. It took the someone a year to realise it was God who had walked with him and that it was not his father but the father God who spoke to him and called him Son. (Son of God?). His parents thought someone must have called the police thinking he ran away from home until the someone explained what the police meant based on the eye witness reports of their attendance at 2 am that previous night. The someone had returned home at about 11am
Tomorrow what the someone’s visit to the doctors three days later and about his acceptance to be monitored.
thus the end of Aug, blogger crowd, till next week

The walk in the sea of fire

The walk in the sea of fire

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-31 - 21:40:31
The walk in the sea of fire
A Wicca once told the someone that he should carry a coin with him to pay for such a crossings and cleanings, the child should not fear the river. Thus he would not have lost the ring, but the connection to lord of the rings necessitates a ring
Castaneda says one needs a companion substance to jump, he is refer to the cup he gained before walking with God, but one does not need a cup to walk with God(This is worth more investigation)
One correction the quadrant perimeter started at Sherburne and college not Sherburne and Gerald, the someone walked up what he thought was Parliament Street to Carlton ave before walking to Carlton and Gerald. In Toronto Carlton Street turns into College Street west of Yonge Street and the street cars run alone Gerald Street to parliament up to Carlton and west from there. It is due to the street cars that the mistake was madeAn Allan garden is located on the south west corner of the interception in question.
In revelations John was given an iron rod and told to measure out the court yard but to include the temple (like the church of St George the dragon slayer)
Once the sky turned red and everything took on the red outline people appeared on bicycles that looked like full bodied eddies from iron maiden or like the someone’s friend Ed (whose last name in Dutch means seagull).Thinking he felt like Christ in hell the some one turned to those on the bikes and though “in the name of God you can return” and they disappeared leaving only the bicycles, each of which had pouches attached to them. The previous day the someone had thought people feel like birds flying when riding bikes. He opened pouches and found feathers, dead birds and even mice in them. He was so shocked he jumped up several feet back after discovering the contents of the first one, there were numerous bikes just left laying on the ground, street and so on.The someone then walked to wards st George Street and the University of Toronto. The next groups of people were on foot and repeating the same thought they disappeared. The previous day he thought humans walk on two feet and are connected to the ground like plugs. (Yes I know an odd playful idea-but if you consider Hindu Charchra, the ground Charchra is connected to the ground through your legs) Those walking on foot were of every race and colour. The last group of people he met were walking big black dogs they were around the university and looked oddly kind of like him. There was one blond female amongst all the male dog walkers standing with a little white dog in front of st Mary’s college at U of T. Everyone disappeared when he repeated the thought” in the name of God you can return” except for the female with the white dog. The day before the someone had thought that dogs are, like all pets, soul mates, and if one wanted to use the idea to represent the ying yang, the walkers of big black dogs would be little white dots and the walkers of little white dogs, big black dots. Another playful idea. These playful ideas from the previous day coded the construction God created on the walk. The previous day to the walk with God the someone had thought the black could be seen as evil and the white as good. He also thought later after the walk each character represented one of the three things left outside the walls of New Jerusalem. The someone went to check the pouches on the bikes after no one ease would disappear and before returning to the women who had remained standing in the same place, outside St Mary’s college. She looked 50 + and the daughter of god that appeared before the someone threw his ring in the garbage did not resemble her or the women who came with the mother goddess to collect his cup days previous. Each was different. The someone does not normally throw his jewelry away.
He turned to the women with the little white dog and said “where do I go from here?” She replied smiling” if I knew what you wanted I would give it to you?” He answered” I do not know what I want either “and walked away towards Bloor and Sherborn. Although he knew the area well, he knew the Atlantis building at church and bloor street was not there prior to his walk with God, it is there now( God added it as a reminder that the walk was real and effected this world “ how does God change history without anyone noticing” he was asked a few days later). It is the only building he can claim this about. He had an odd thought at the moment he was passing the Atlantis building, that once he left there would be no more life left in this place, so he found a secluded place and did the only thing he could think of to ensure the seeding of life in this place, he masturbated and spread the seeds in the location he was in, It was the hardest self relief he had ever done. A women then appeared in the Atlantis building. She was a plump earth goddess looking women; He asked her “where do I go from here?” She pointed Easter towards the Bloor Street Bridge. The earth goddess appeared only after the earth Charchra was activated. This was done in complete seclusion from anyone’s sight. It caused the earth goddess to arrive into the sky and is the source of goddesses like Hera (Hera means earth and she is a sky Goddess. On theory Hera might have also been a daughter of God in her beginnings). The someone does not normally relieve himself outside private places like his home.As he crossed the Bloor Street Bridge he felt heavier and heavier, his consciousness that was above him felt like it had reentered his body and sunk lower than it was prior to the beginning of the walk.

The walk with God in the influx.

The walk with God in the influx.

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-31 - 18:36:32
The walk with God in the influx.
The someone thought just after he crossed the bridge at Gerald Street, my parents became like starts and are sending their energy arms down to walk with me soldier to soldier, one on each side of him. He looked up at the close feeling sky thinking some might think it was falling (or that he was in the sky) and looked back to the only two stars he could see brightly in the sky Saturn and Jupiter. Several feet ahead of him appeared a pot bellied Jewish looking guy dressed in a tuxedo like suit. He did not say anything but simply nodded and then disappeared again. He would appear every so often as guild or better yet to confirm his right choice of direction. . The someone kept thinking about the things he had not yet done in his life including being unmarried (which is still the case and happily so sometimes). He walked to what should have been Sherburne st and Gerald st. then turned the corner to go north on Sherburne st. The Jewish looking guy reappeared after he turned the corner nodded and disappeared again the someone walked up to bloor street and turned west and thought as the Jewish guy disappeared after his next appearance that this was astral projection in the body( Castaneda calls this jumping and his description suggests Castaneda had walked with God) and that many had gotten lost up here( or at least this thought was a comment of the ease of getting lost based on the difficulty of the task of figuring out where one was). It was very hard to locate direction as everything was in flux. He walked over to one street west of st George st and began walking south; he thought he must make sure his church St George was included in the parameters of his walk. St George is on Bond Street near Yonge st and Dundas Street. The someone turned on to Dundas and walked over to Sherburne Street again. He walked north till he stepped onto the same north east corner at Sherburne and Gerald he had begun his walk north on. At that moment the world stopped fluxing. His fear had subsided a bit while still walking on Bloor Street but it fully went away the second the world returned to a solid looking city he recognised. At that moment a blond female jumped out of nowhere and said loudly “he did it, he fucken did it, I cannot believe he fucken did it” This made him \feel like he had accomplished the impossible and the world would not endHe later realized the Jewish guy who also oddly resembled other races (his choice of ethnicity may have been taken to assist interpreting who he was) was the unity of all those who had walked with God and might be called the manifestation of the timeless son of God, the female who looked as if she had partied too hard, she had circles around her eyes, was the daughter of God. At that moment the someone was compelled to take of his gold ring and threw it into the garbage can located at Sherburne and Gerald’s north east corning. He thought” into the fires of Mordor you go” the blue outline everything had turned to red, he felt like he was in a chemical dirty fire, a water of fire, a lake of life.

The walk with God in the influx.

The walk with God in the influx.

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-31 - 18:36:32
The walk with God in the influx.
The someone thought just after he crossed the bridge at Gerald Street, my parents became like starts and are sending their energy arms down to walk with me soldier to soldier, one on each side of him. He looked up at the close feeling sky thinking some might think it was falling (or that he was in the sky) and looked back to the only two stars he could see brightly in the sky Saturn and Jupiter. Several feet ahead of him appeared a pot bellied Jewish looking guy dressed in a tuxedo like suit. He did not say anything but simply nodded and then disappeared again. He would appear every so often as guild or better yet to confirm his right choice of direction. . The someone kept thinking about the things he had not yet done in his life including being unmarried (which is still the case and happily so sometimes). He walked to what should have been Sherburne st and Gerald st. then turned the corner to go north on Sherburne st. The Jewish looking guy reappeared after he turned the corner nodded and disappeared again the someone walked up to bloor street and turned west and thought as the Jewish guy disappeared after his next appearance that this was astral projection in the body( Castaneda calls this jumping and his description suggests Castaneda had walked with God) and that many had gotten lost up here( or at least this thought was a comment of the ease of getting lost based on the difficulty of the task of figuring out where one was). It was very hard to locate direction as everything was in flux. He walked over to one street west of st George st and began walking south; he thought he must make sure his church St George was included in the parameters of his walk. St George is on Bond Street near Yonge st and Dundas Street. The someone turned on to Dundas and walked over to Sherburne Street again. He walked north till he stepped onto the same north east corner at Sherburne and Gerald he had begun his walk north on. At that moment the world stopped fluxing. His fear had subsided a bit while still walking on Bloor Street but it fully went away the second the world returned to a solid looking city he recognised. At that moment a blond female jumped out of nowhere and said loudly “he did it, he fucken did it, I cannot believe he fucken did it” This made him \feel like he had accomplished the impossible and the world would not endHe later realized the Jewish guy who also oddly resembled other races (his choice of ethnicity may have been taken to assist interpreting who he was) was the unity of all those who had walked with God and might be called the manifestation of the timeless son of God, the female who looked as if she had partied too hard, she had circles around her eyes, was the daughter of God. At that moment the someone was compelled to take of his gold ring and threw it into the garbage can located at Sherburne and Gerald’s north east corning. He thought” into the fires of Mordor you go” the blue outline everything had turned to red, he felt like he was in a chemical dirty fire, a water of fire, a lake of life.

The atemporal sight of walking west with God.

The atemporal sight of walking west with God.

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-30 - 21:44:57
The atemporal sight of walking west with God.
The someone’s friend whose form was used to visit him on June 6 first claimed that he remembered being at home and not visiting him, he was trying a Wicca meditation at home in which one holds a light candle and stares into a mirror: he was 100% sure he did not visit the someone’s house that day.The someone was taken by the spirit which compelled him to leave the house and walked out of his house just as the sun was fully setting.
The someone felt lifted from inside his body; it felt like his real self was above his body, he could look down and see the top of his head and could look forward from the new vantage point above himself. His body felt more like an animal and dirtier than his real consciousness that was above his body. The new vantage point was several feet above his head. He was also able to look out the eyes of his body at the same time. The buildings on the street were melting and in an atemporal flux. The buildings were melting in a sin wave pattern. He began to desire to take pisses and did so several times prior to reaching the Gerald street bridge along Hamilton street, he still obeyed the normal rules of educate and urinated off to the side in private. Along with the urination he began to expulse mucus from his nose, he blew his nose more than he had ever before and the mucus coming out of his nose was more than he had ever seen, streams and streams of it. Later he realized his body was purging. At the end of the western part of the Gerald Street Bridge the mucus being expulsed and urinations stopped. The melting of buildings in a sin wave pattern stopped but the atemporal flux did not. It was a terrifying experience as he also thought the world was ending. In each place a building was located appeared different buildings, old ones, new ones, empty spaces (as in fields, construction site), in random atemporal order, he later saw archive pictures of some buildings he saw that had been torn down years before he could have ever saw them, he saw buildings not yet built, one or two of these buildings have since been built. Each change was fast and buildings changed and flashed to other ones several per second. The someone did not scream or utter a word, he did not cry or freak, he walked on the side walk with his hands to his sides as he normally does, he thought this was wise just in case he was seeing things and it was not the reality of the world and he did not want to get run over by a car or something He might for what ever reason not be able to see, he was acting as much as normal as possible.

The walk with god and the attending police

The walk with god and the attending police

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-30 - 15:54:02
The walk with god and the attending police
The angel who entered the someone’s house in the form, of his friend was a tester (the devil?). The test was meant to see if the someone would share his knowledge and ideas rather than try to use them for selfish reasons. The moment he chose truth and not deception concerning God and the way things are he passed. The world was not destroyed. Cabalist claims that the world gets destroyed every time a new epoch is seeded. They believe it was destroyed 10 times prior to our age. The idea of a destruction is meant in part to cause fear and allow one to reach the speed necessary to have a timeless event. It also allows the one walking with God to enter oblivion and construct a reality and high end program outside of time in a flux that is beyond the structure of our accustomed temporal reality. As mentioned in the first book found at the begriming of this blog the constructed heaven is a archetypal program (see this sections for more on what the city built is). Telling someone the world is being destroyed also makes them act in a certain fashion and sets a certain type of metal framework into motion.The someone felt taken by the spirit and left his house thinking he would do anything to save the world, which he had to try to save the world. He quickly sped across the street and walked up to mount Stephens Ave, as he turned west he saw a police car on a standard routine patrol coming down Broadview Ave. A few steps west, next to the faith temple at Broadview Ave and mount Stephen Ave, the moment police had a clear view of him he felt lifted from inside, everyone and every car disappeared, the side walk was still there. To officers from 55 division he vanished into thin air.Following standard protocol they looked for him and called in the event to the police station. The station then followed more protocol and notified authorities and other agencies in Canada. At 2 am police attended the someone’s house and spoke to his parents in front of tenants and other relatives, 5 people in total. The protocol in such situations is to inform the family so they do not get upset when such an individual does not return in the mourning or a day or so later. This way the family does not put in a missing persons report and worries about what happened to that person. The police said “your son was walking down the street, we saw him vanish, and he disappeared. We looked for him but could not find him. He is gone” the someone’s parents replied “where did he go?” and were upset. The police tried to explain it and realized the parents did not grasp what the police were saying then said “consider him as running away and safe, he might not return” this reply was due to the family not fully understanding the officers. The officers took notes and took a quick look around the someone’s apartment with the families permission and left. The officers were an oriental and black male. In the mourning after the store in the front of the building rented out to a hair dresser opened a black female officer attended asking questions concerning the personality of the someone, neighbors were also questioned, thus police made a profile of the someone for the agencies they contact
The story as to what happened to the someone will be posted later.
Previous profile blurbYour dreams that are good are fulfilled by dreaming then doing the best you can to actualise them. The goal is greater than the actualisation that becomes greater after it is actualised
I start some university courses on Tuesday, upgrading stuff and adding to my storehouse of knowledge, so I will return to posting only on weekends. I will finish the walk with God before the end of this long weekend. Odd that we take a day off on a day called the day of labour (yes I know we commemorate labour by not doing any per say)

Friday, December 12, 2008

The test of truth versus deception, and the events leading to the walk with God

The test of truth versus deception, and the events leading to the walk with God

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-29 - 21:11:09
The test of truth versus deception, and the events leading to the walk with God
A few last ideas concerning what the someone was thinking prior to the walk with GodThe someone thought “all religions and ways win or none win”The someone thought the voice of God who entered the Garden of Eden was every judge or God(s), like Jupiter Zeus and so on as one. The serpent in the tree was a fertility god, like Dionysus and maybe even the grey alien. He heard a voice at his height say he is right, a voice an inch shorter in Greek said he is right what ever he wants give it to him” this was the first time the someone heard a voice not from a physical source. He was on the fruit of knowledge. He did not reply. Later he heard a voice that said what you said touched everyone (it included everyone, ways religions and so on)It was not until Aug 15 the day of the Virgin Mary feast in orthodox Christianity that the events of 98 ceased as abruptly as they began. The someone was trying to quit smoking and light a smoke that day after a month of not smoking, it was a stressful summer. He saw a red flash of light heard a last voice say “now that we have made you fall on your face I will release you too”So he took the water again the following year thinking “who fell on his face, come and get it, I am ready for you and this time I will not lose.” The same red light appeared on the TV during the symptoms as mentioned before.As he mentioned the idea of walking down the street and being at different times than others on June 6 98, the someone called out to those he thought were monitoring him based on the initiation into the masons he was undergoing. He suspects that they were watching as part of the initiation. The phone rang and flashed lights to confirm that someone was listening. The technological access was high. The vista200 mic was on one way listen. Well the someone suspected that his keys and wallet that had been picked a few days prior as part of the initiation and were returned without anything missing to his room allowed more monitoring in a more traditional fashion like microphones, bugs. This is similar to the movie dark city in which it is posted that ones keys and wallet get stolen then returned as part of the initiation. A few days after the someone met a red haired male who had also suffered the same picking. He was crying outside the someone’s house just north of it. The someone was with a friend and the male had come into the city from Hamilton to visit the university on special invitation. The someone told him not to cry, to be strong and to keep his chin up as he knew he was also being initiated. He also knew a girl who was being initiated by a female Masonic house at the same school and she also had her keys and wallet picked three days after the someone. She spoke to God as did her sister; the sister was someone the someone was courting at the time.Suddenly as the friend was talking and being signaled by the phone on June 6 1998 his friend came in. the some one said “look I knew they were watching and listening” He said “what are you doing telling them this stuff, this is for you and me: those who have ears to hear, they need machines to hear” the someone said “That is why they need to hear it, for they should know what is happening” the friend then said” can’t you keep the deception? I am following right behind you” the friend picked up a piece of paper the someone had drawn on, saying” what is this? I drew something like this mourning” the someone said “I drew that yesterday” the friend said “see I am following right behind you, can you not maintain the deception?” The someone said “a deception only works once, once people know about it, it no longer works as a deception, for the truth is like a sword you can hold out in front of you, if it’s true it always works”. The friend then said “fuck it, I should have never created you I should have stopped when I created Ed (a friend of the someone, fuck it I will destroy the world” and jumped up and left. Later the someone asked this friend about the event and tearing the friend could not recall the event. The someone’s mother had witnessed the friend enter and leave and heard what he had said, she was in the front hall way next to the someone’s door. Upon being confronted by the mother the friend said I can barely recall it, I have no idea why he said what he said. The friend created a false memory to justify why the someone’s mother said he was there knowing she was not lying. The friend began to believe he had visited but must have been to wasted to remember, though he remembered every other time he had ever visited no matter how wasted he was. .. The friend was glowing red during his visit on June 6.The moment the friend left that day the someone’s house filled with blue energy. The only thing the someone has found resembling this event was on a TV show about alien abduction, though the event might have been a walk with God that included aliens and the person freezing in place upon encountering them and experiencing a timeless event according to his testimony on the TV show The blue light made even wood magnetic and attracted other non magnetic substances,The someone went upstairs and blessed each person in his family as he feared the world was about to be destroyed. The blue energy made him believe that it truly was being destroyed. He blessed his cat and saw a dark shadow outline fall into the floor. The cat has been his familiar ever since. Every time he heard a voice that summer so did the cat and the cat reacted by running and standing between the source of the voice and the someone.The someone was taken then by the spirit and the fear caused by the friend had sped him up a lot to allow for a timeless event. If you recall the someone’s fear caused the timeless event in high school when the goddesses and his grand uncle died. .
More later.

The science causing the walk with God

The science causing the walk with God

by valpetridis @ 2008-08-29 - 16:52:47
The science causing the walk with GodThe someone used pure science as the system by which he tried to understand God and science and interpreted all events as science first.( this paasage will fine tune the science of our thoughts)On June 6 1998 the someone was thinking about Hokins ideas concerning quantum reflections and Hokins proof of the soul. He contemplated that since the universe was a body for God then in a similar manner to the way human bodies and living things form quantum realities to form quantum shifts that Hokins calls the soul, the universe also has a soul. All living things form quantum energy based on thoughts and what they do, as in the quantum shifts that is all things leave quantum reflection and form quantum realities in the universe and thus collectively form a universal quantum, shift or signature for the universe. By extension God would have a soul proven by science.The expanding universe even if it rotates or not, causes each thing to have a specific place in the universe, each object never occupies the same space. Thus every reflection has a specific time and place in comparison to every other reflection, it is individual. Moreover Hokins posits the 7 or so grams that disappear when one dies. And if reanimated return, esp. in near death experiences, were the roots to quantum realities and shifts based on other dimensions or plains of reality. Energies were formed based on behaviors, thoughts and beliefs. The forms are mentioned by Plato. As humans our cohesive psychic unity, or what some call Jung’s collective, acts like a brain in which thoughts, ideas and impulses are transmitted, like mechanism of neurons in ones brain, from one person to the other, this includes simple speech, or communication at any level. Add the larger collective of all living things and one gains a larger consciousness that forms quantum energy like a individual’s soul. Add the inorganic linked to the living and you get collective beings like the Gaia theory for the earth. Maimonedes says something similar. Thus the someone thought that the universe has a quantum signature as each individual does. Now if all things are energy, then there is a simply unity between all matter. In the beginning when all things were inorganic or non living God communicated with things mechanically and each form or element to the universe had patterns that allowed for interaction with God. Thus even an organic universe has a specific changing individual quantum signature. Living beings form that configuration of quantum signature based on the contingency and form of their being, it is more than mechanical.
Matter was congealed energy or energy in a solid form and space was a temporal index based on each thing located in one place at a time ever in comparison to the location of everything else. Everything on this plain, in this time keeps time with each other and every field is based on the influences of everything else’s position in comparison to any particular object. This includes a temporal index based on the continuous change of location of objects in the universe. Now if one could change the field and thus alter the object to reflect a different place in the universe, as if it were there, one could travel there, or better yet, be as if they were there and thus be there and travel without moving. The object would intently relocate. If the index indicates contemporarily them one could use this field altering to change an object in temporal location, not just spatial location, thus sending it to a place in the past or future. Quantum physics claims that quantum reflection of the future exists though they are images or mirages of this that might come but are not set in stone as that which has been actualised. This relocating would cause a definitional shift that would cause a new time line to be reflected and created at a parallel to this reality. Now if this index does reflect contemporarily then what is here two seconds ago keeping time with itself and this reality we call our time /space continuum? In theory something can be here two seconds ago and in close temporal or spacial realities allow one to stand next to someone without seeing them yet share realities of substance based on a difference of temporal or spacial existence, such substances would exist in a larger range of reality than the living beings could share while not being in since with each other. My house might still be here two seconds ago now but someone else might be living in it. This is a key code that is like teeth on a comb at various levels and depending on the time sequencing of the moments keeping time with each other it would look continuous but time could have seconds in-between each other allowing for something to exist between the now we thing is continuous and the full fold of space and time. The spaces between the come seem non existent if one lives from tooth to tooth as if the teeth are one continuous reality. Thus we are here here here but something can exist as other between the heres and this index is infinite as to the amount of heres. The white keys on a piano exist alone side the black keys, one can play the white keys as if the scale exists without the black keys and vice versus. . Thus “here here other here here’ seems like a here here for us based on the teeth of the comb seeming at our speed and temporal reality as one reality, while the other exists in this plain on another dimension as the ‘other’ as its own temporal reality based on its comb seeming continuous to it. The spaces seem like teeth to it and our seconds that are teeth to us are spaces to it. V the spacing on the comb is the periodic reality or time signature of each moment we consider a continuous time line or reality,Thus you could mess infinite realities in one, ultimately space/time, as infinite teeth can exist as spaces or teeth on the come in comparison to each other. Ok the period signature flux for our temporal reality that we live on is say for argument sake 3. Two is different yet in some cases two and three can meet at 6. But they do not have to ever fact some time indexes or space indexes can be so close that they share one reality or other, based on time or space while not fully in sync with each other. So in theory one could walk into a room and never see a friend who was off sync with this person and have both claim to have been in that room. One could walk down the street and miss the person walking past them. There is a range to our plain and the top and bottom of the range is infinite allowing new plains or dimensions to be created beyond this temporal and spacial bounds. Einstein called this the limit of space and time; Tesla called it the limit of time within the range that maintains that space as a whole.Each time has periodic appearances as a cohesive whole though at other perspective the periodic time is periods with spaces in-between.actually the periodic temporal index is linked as a whole only in one time space., thus many dimensions can exist with interlocking time periods and seem cohesively a whole in comparison to the others My world is 2 and appears in a string of infinite numbers every time two appears though to me its as if it was 1 counting up at increments of one. Your world is a period of three yet it appears to you to be incrementally cohesive at a growth of one period per second as it was to me. It’s like gears messing together but at fast speed looking like the same perfectly round gear, no matter the teeth on the gear.He also realized that some things are reflections within reflections; Gods program created the first life form and replicated this program though out the universe allowing it to be a sub program that caused life to be recreated based on the parameters of that program. Reflections of the first program actualised subprogram creating life
Since all things were of the same thing (energy) God could be called the universal Quantum. His holy spirit the universal quantum signature as it was his a temporal formed temporal reality or soul. Finally a quantum singularity could be formed within the system thus allowing for the separation through the mechanism of individuated divinity rising back to the level of God (son s or daughters of God). The universal quantum could focus its quantum signature and being on a singularity and thus become one with it yet be separate. It could even increase its growth, as a whole and singularity, as in a walk with God (the someone did not use the term walk with god but rather called it the focus causing unity but the universal quantum did not have to focus on the singularity all the time as the link would be established based on the original focusing and the focusing could be done in various ways and through various modes of being that are reestablished in the system (universe))
One last thought he had that was worth mentioning: if ideas create a timeless form stretching off into infinity and God is formed based on these forms (the universal quantum signature) then God was a temporally created always and his origin was in the middle not the beginning as we know it. The beginning and end are in the middle causing a beginning that is subject to the middle ad not the ends of the infinite system as there is no end to such infinitiesThus we created the form by which the form created us to create it. It is the only coherent idea the someone could posit concerning Gods origin and thus give birth to the form (Or God) that allowed for his birth and thus allowed for the moment he thought this idea that allowed for the possibility of it. God created us to create him to allow for us and him to mutually create each other from the middle not from the infinite ends. Thus the beginning is in the middle but like a mobius strip, which is a piece of paper twisted at one end and taped together to the other end that allows a line to be drawn on it that can e drawn on all sides of the paper in one continues line that returns to its origin, or where one started drawing the line, before it becomes a second line.
Thus the thought of God gave birth to God and that thought is like the beginning of the drawing of the line on the Mobius strip that allows for the creation of that which created both us and God before time continues as a second line with the creators and created being one yet this creation is done thought time.
Nanak had an idea concerning God that God liked, Christ had an idea bout God that God liked, the someone described an idea concerning God( his origin, nature and so on, one such idea is good enough) that God liked and thus God saved this program idea and caused a focused quantum shift or walk with God. If you can explain something original that God wants saved as part of his actualised being you get to walk with God. You can be five like a native girl who disappeared a few years ago or 85 and have such an idea(s)