Saturday, September 27, 2008

Sex with God

Sex with God.

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-26 - 18:15:48
Sex with God.
Server her up twice the potion and twice the misery (from revelations)
In some religions there is a mystical practice that sometimes is misunderstood by other religions. It represents having sex with God.The participants often mimic sexual thrusting with each other without taking their clothes off.The experience is an out of body astral projection, in this sense astral projection is an out of body in a higher body experience.God comes as a merge of male and female and one experiences all levels of love including the highest sexual energies and the love of just friends.God moves through you thrusting as if having sex but no genitals exists and God phases between being a man and a women. It is a thrilling yet freaky experience. Upon waking up one sees astral symbolises of pregnant wombs of normal females.The experience converts the person’s experiencing it into code that is then embodied in the new children born then on as the id or substructure awareness that will guild all living beings as they are born and mature.In is a system program upgrade through the life network, ones persona is downloaded into the matrix as the operating system upgrade for all life, it also impresses itself on those already living, causing altered impressions that influence thier new choices and ways of seeing and dealing with life.

1 comment:

Mary said...

I think God would rather have real sex.