Saturday, September 27, 2008

Exchange of energies, Tantric meditation, sexual meditation, study on empathy,

Exchange of energies, Tantric meditation, sexual meditation, study on empathy,

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-24 - 23:47:34
Exchange of energies, Tantric meditation, sexual meditation, study on empathy,
There are many types of meditations in which people link and share energy, Tantric is one of them.One can focus their energies and share creative energies, emotional energy and yes sexual energy as well.
This energy exchange can help inspire one when sharing ideas, it can help one empathically feel the other.Sometimes these abilities are called psychic and share their powers with psychics as part of the psychic networks of servers, sub servers and users.The same powers sometimes exist in other networks like divine networks. One can share an empathic experience via the psychic network and the spiritual network of any religion. Often basic elements of these abilities are hard wired into the normal life network and are the elemental aspects of being that led to the transcendence of many of the gods who are represented as servers to the god head servers; these include Berkley’s study on empathy it was found that gregarious creatures react more to empathy. If an animal had to wait till it heard a call of danger it might be dead. A feeling is transmitted through out the collective and most intensely to the close circle of a group. Once danger arises it is sensed by the empathic receivers in the mind way before it is registered by one of the sixth senses. Researchers found that if one entered a new place, like a nightclub, one instantly began feeling different based on the people who became aware of you, feeling a tingle usually meant someone was focusing on you sexually.. We as humans are receptacles to the energies of others as part of our basic being.
One thing people enjoy is the exchange of sexual energy, it can heighten a sexual experience, turn one on at a distance and make one feel energized and revitalized.If focused properly, one can use a meditation like Tantric to access such powers, one can cause the turn on, orgasm and entire sexual experience to be greater and much more sensually intense. The arousal is increased and the experience is better and more satisfying for all involved. The entire energy is multiplied many fold and it makes sex out of this world. Focusing the sexual energy takes no special preparation, esp. if you have learned how to do so and which feel of energy you are projecting. Each mode of energy is distinct and it is possible to project that energy to anyone. If they are thinking of you in a similar fashion the energy intensifies in that way, if not the energy transfers to a less intrusive level and is felt as an energy that can be utilised in other ways without sensing the sexuality. However on a date or in the sack with someone the experience is as intense as a divine orgasm. Yes a shared world and dimension of this energy is created by those sharing in it.Thus the greatest lovers are truly wise and transcendent in such ways.Tantra is more than sexual meditations.

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