Friday, September 19, 2008

Dwarves, sorcery, black versus white magic. Gabriel’s lesson

Dwarves, sorcery, black versus white magic. Gabriel’s lesson

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-13 - 22:25:41
Dwarves, sorcery, black versus white magic. Gabriel’s lesson
Dwarves are just shorter humans like pigmies.
Sorcery is only as dangerous if you believe in the taboos or try to use a potion or do something before your ready for it. It can also be dangerous if one begins to practice it based on misconceptions such as the social taboos that call it evil. If you assume its evil and practice it to do evil, it will destroy you.
“ Here is one breaking all the rules” “Gabriel?” “ Ah you remembered my name” “; but I kept all the important rules, but I do not want black magic” “ then let me show you some white magic” (so he made a salad)
“Now I see, magic is complete only with the inclusion of black magic. For nothing that taps divine essence is evil, only those claiming to it that do physical non divine evils.”One needs to embrace all ways including magic for Hebrews, Christians and Muslims, to enter the spiritual cities like new Mecca.( new new deli and so on)
Black magic stems from hunting or killing magic, white magic is agriculture and growth magic, Grey magic is healing magic, fixing magic and there is a rainbow of colours of different forms of magic with different intents. Praying before a picture of a an animal you want to hunt then stabbing the picture (maybe on a cave wall or painting the picture minus the ritual stabbing) to hopefully reap of this divine giving( arta in ancient Greece- source of Artemis) is black magic, esp. if ritual is used rather than a prayer to actuate the power. White magic is the prayer for planting or the ritual made to make sure a good harvest occurs.
till next week.

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