Friday, September 5, 2008

Alexander the great history and fake death.

Alexander the great history and fake death.

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-05 - 22:43:18
Alexander the great history and fake death.
In the historical account of Alexander the great he led his army to the Indus River in India and encountered Chandra Gupta who instantly recognized him as a Greek and Alexander install recognized him as a Hindu. Chandra Gupta offered to join forces with Alexander and conquer the world. However many of Alexander’s people were tired of conquering and grumbled top return home, moreover they were very loyal to Alexander and would not return home unless he did, they would not leave him alone. Many single soldiers remained behind in places the Greeks conquered and fortified the newly held lands. So Alexander convinced some of his army to remain in India while those desperate to return home came with Alexander to Persia. In Persia during a party Alexander died, so history tells us, the sad armies grumbling to return home, did and his empire was separated into four parts. Many do not know the Macedonia took most of the Balkans and even moved west word conquering Britain, thus the name McDonalds( and similar variations) is a play of Macedonian/.
The truth is Alexander faked his death so those grumbling could take the familiar known paths through Persia home. Plus it was easier to fake the death in Persia than India as it looked more real. Alexander returned to India and led the rest of his army with Chandra Gupta and began conquering east ward, Chinese’s art begins being influenced by Alexander’s Greeks and appearances of Hindu Asiatic weapons soon appear in the Americas. The proof to this story comes as a myth.
This myth is next

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