Saturday, September 13, 2008

A dream of hell and the rules of creating a psyche through it, Hercules and the giants.

A dream of hell and the rules of creating a psyche through it, Hercules and the giants.

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-13 - 19:56:58
A dream of hell
One has to avoid frost and fire giants as one scours the graves for jewels and metals, the graves are open, some closed, one finds diamonds and other such gems, if one finds ten spheres the world is destroyed, leaving hell one gets a psyche as a mate but must feed her since the psyche is tested. Canady works, so put it in the psyches mouth who always comes as a mate.”
In this tale one searches history and the realm of the dead to achieve a psyche. One gains knowledge and wisdom while avoiding the pitfalls that ended the reign of the giants. If one learns to be part of ten spheres of influence, spheres represented in the dream like crystal balls but more like spheres of influence one gains the knowledge to destroy or unravel their world and build greater ones. Diamonds are unbreakable ideas, each gem and metal represents an idea. Sometimes one finds necklaces, rings and other jewelry that represent strings of ideas woven together, many ideas put together to make a greater idea. ,. The dream is presented like a game, but has high stakes including transcendence.
Hercules fight with the giants is a mixed afford that has several poetic exaggerations added to the story. The tale actually begins after the death of Hercules as the religion of mount Olympus takes root. This is why it is described as the gods establishing themselves.In the original tale of Hercules, Hercules goes to heaven or mount Olympus only after his death or transfiguring on Athena’s chariot, this fight with the giants begins with Zeus fooling the earth that was trying to protect her giant offspring by stopping the sun from shining and the moon from dawning. Athena then takes Hercules up to the mountain to help the Gods. The giants were causing havoc in Greece like burning oaks on mount Olympus and cattle rustling amongst other things that were offensive to the gods. So the Herculean concept of the God head of Olympus had to endure and establish itself after his transcendence and dismissal from earth. Alkyoneus was the giant who represented the pre Greek early humans who lived in Thrace. They had been raiding places like mount Olympus so as the image of Alkyoneus climbed mount Olympus Hercules used an arrow or ideas left behind shooting the giant in the shoulder and caused him to fall. This image also repre4sents an attempt by the peoples this giant represents to usurp and destroy the version of Olympic gods Hercules established. Athena or divine wisdom told Hercules and the Greeks he represented back on earth that these giants and peoples could not be destroyed unless razed from their homeland Thrace, in the Palleene region so Hercules or the people he now represented, the unified Greeks dragged and razed them from their lands causing their peoples and unjust raiding behaviors to end and die.Porphyries, another mighty giant, had reached the top of mount Olympus and threatened the religious image and idea of Hera in the Olympic god head. Zeus or judgement dazed him with a thunder bolt after Hera called for help and Hercules ideas shot him dead with an arrow. It seems Porphyries had threatened the idea off an equal female mother goddess to Zeus father god and threatened the entire union religion of Greece and thus his people were killed by the ideas of unity and the equality of the pantheon.
The remaining giants were destroyed by ideas of the pantheon itself. Each represented a savage untamable people. Dionysus killed one with his staff. Apollo shot one in the right eye and Hercules in the left. This seems to suggest the ideas connected to Apollo were used to quell, destroy or assimilate the giant by blinding their torment; the rest of the ideas came from Hercules peaceful endeavours. Another giant was killed by setting them on fire by Hecate who used torches. This seems to represent that it was the gift of fire that eliminated the giants, most likely through strategies of fire in battle and fire as a gift. Hephaistos used molten metal to destroy another giant, meaning the art of metal pouring helped the Greeks quell the peoples represented by these giants. Two giants tried fleeing the Greeks and one was imprisoned on Sicily by the wisdom of Athena, meaning these giants were confined to Sicily till assimilated and tamed by Greek wisdom and the other destroyed by Poseidon breaking off a piece of the island of kos, it seems the second giant or peoples represented there of were killed by a earthquake or catastrophe as they fled the Greeks by sea. Hermes knowledge and power due to was able to quell one giant by wearing Hades helmet, meaning the knowledge over death was able to disperse these giants race that also began fleeing the Greeks. This was assimilation and overpowering due to knowledge and ideas concerning death. Artemis was able to kill a giant by out classing the hunting potential of the giants causing them not to be as well fed and causing them to want to be assimilated: Killing knowledge and cult ideas. The fates killed a few giants based on the superiority of bronze weapons like clubs. Finally Zeus and judgments of thunder bolts, just the superiority of the Greek peaceful unity ideal and all the Greek Olympic god head stood for eliminated the last of the giants and the people they represented.
Thus this tale is about the pantheon god head of mount Olympus established in the peaceful unity assimilation way Hercules had set it up as and how his ideas endured and caused the Greeks who followed him to bring peace and quell, eliminate and assimilate the savage pre Greek, earlier humans of the lands around them

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