Monday, September 1, 2008

Eleventh task of Hercules, the fruit of life, golden apples, divine songs, dragon or Satan, Gifts of the earth, real evil versus political ones. Atlas

Eleventh task of Hercules, the fruit of life, golden apples, divine songs, dragon or Satan, Gifts of the earth, real evil versus political ones. Atlas the Atlatian, Atlantis,

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-28 - 01:24:14
Eleventh task of Hercules, the fruit of life, golden apples, divine songs, dragon or Satan, Gifts of the earth, real evil versus political ones. Atlas the Atlatian, Atlantis,
The tenth task pf Hercules was to steal golden apples from the Hesperides. These islands were made up of three and lay on the outside of Iberia and were the last islands before entering the land of atlas. The golden apples as we have mentioned before create immortality and were a gift of Gaia as the Zeus married Hera. This union represents the equal acceptance of the mother goddess and father gods as equals in the pantheon. The golden apples were also stolen by Perseus and Athena eventually returned these apples to the garden. The apples were also used by Eris to begin the beauty contest on mount Olympus in which Paris chose Aphrodite. These are the same apple. In one version of the tale Hera put Ladon, a many headed dragon to protect the tree, in another tale Zeus, who reflects god, created both the garden and the tree of life which is the golden apples. The latter tale is the source of the Garden of Eden story that came from Moses teachings in Egypt.Incidentally this tale often includes Hercules going to Egypt and having the pharos try to make him his sacrifice, but breaking the chains Hercules goes beyond and finds himself in Atlantis, from Egypt he crossed over into the Atlas Mountains that marked the territory the Atlanta’s held in Africa, up to Libya. He then as we have said convinced atlas to get him the apples from the nymphs and held up the sky till atlas returned and was foole3d into holding it because Hercules wanted to straighten out his cloak as it was uncomfortable. Atlas wanted to bring the apples to Eurystheus, but was fooled to return to power. In another older version Hercules kills the dragon himself, in another he gets by the immortal dragon and steals the fruit. The dragon in English is known as Satan and is not the devil as some think. This task was given to Hercules because king Eurystheus was told to discount the tasks in which Hercules was paid or helped.The this tale is the tale of Hercules ascension to immortality and his gaining the authority of the Atlanta’s as peoples to join the Greeks as I have mentioned. The melding of these two tales portrays that Hercules gained immortality after causing the three Hesperides to join the Greeks.Oddly Atlantis was said to have been three islands and was past the gates of Hercules. Might the Hesperides be Atlantis or islands on root to Atlantis? According to Plato Atlantis caused a catastrophe due to their technology that caused the continent to become three land masses that he called islands, and then this catastrophe eventually brought about the flooding of the continent. This date of the first catastrophe coincides with the begin of the end of the ice age and the second flooding was caused by the waters rising due to the heating of the planet caused by the first catastrophe. Geryon occupied the Far East Island of these three islands and atlas lived on the far west on that is the Americas, as described before. It was during his experience of having the Atlanta’s join the Greeks that Hercules gained his immortality and was granted the fruit of life or golden apple In the original tale he meets atlas and convinces him to hold up the sky, or become their leader then he tricks the atlantics into believing their leader was an Atlan again, though this atlan was pro Greek, only because Hercules was uncomfortable leading them himself or better yet Hercules did not want to be stuck as the sole leader, but wanted the Atlanta’s to join the Greeks as with their own leadership. Atlas went for the apples but only Hercules could retrieve them himself by passing the test of the dragon. In other words the knowledge and experience that helped Hercules gain his immortality was connected to his union of the attentions into the Greeks. The fruit was a greater experience described by Hercules added to this tale to represent the divine success he had after unifying the entire known world.The way Hercules gained his immortality was by; learning the three songs of the goddesses also known as the nymphs that tended the garden. Each song represents a way top that immortality, a bagavantam, divine song or as it says in revelation the new song played by the angels as the new Christs stand on the sea of glass. The nymphs also pluck the fruit cause they are a way to the tree of life and the dragon guards it so only the good and just and pure of heart eat and become immortal from it. “To the winner I will give the right to eat from the tree of life and lived for ever” is the gift of the first of the seven spirits represented by the seven churches pf revelations, but one must be good, virtuous and not tolerate real evil or the persecution of any things called evil for political reasons.Substance prohibitions are such political evils that god condones as people for wealth, money and other reasons persecute them. No alcohol for Islam cause it’s in the Holy Communion cup of Christians, no hash for Christians because it’s the holy incense of the Middle East: IE. Politics that damn those who follow such doctrines of intolerance of holy gifts of the earth and God(s)The divine songs are finally learned in Atlantis, those Greece, Egypt and the Mediterranean teach the others. Recall the apples are a gift of the earth and the substances that lead to them are found in the cups of the enlightened, not tolerating them, even if you do not consume them yourself will lead to only mortality, for they are part of the holy blood of God(s) Atanlanta desired this apple and was a female who ascended to immortality as the older tale includes her consumption of them.
Well minus one last task that I will deal with tomorrow.

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