Saturday, September 6, 2008

More giants, Nehalem, goliath, titans, Hercules fight with gods and titans. Early humans versus depictions of greatness like feudal murals of Christ a

No giants, Nehalem, goliath, titans, Hercules fight with gods and titans. Early humans versus depictions of greatness like feudal murals of Christ and Asian statues of holy people and gods.
by valpetridis @ 2008-07-12 - 14:06:38
More giants, Nehalem, goliath, titans, Hercules fight with gods and titans. Early humans versus depictions of greatness like feudal murals of Christ and Asian statues of holy people and gods.
The reason I bring giants up again is to help one be able to explain their occurrences in myth, legend and reality. In some cases the idea of giant as the tales from Babylon attest to were earlier humans, other times like the statues in south East Asia represent the greatness of the people being described. Giam Battista Vico in the new science points out that many feudal murals depict Christ and the apostles as giants in comparison to normal people, based on how great they were thought to be in comparison to the normal folks depicted as small beings; the Virgin Mary is often depicted in the same manner.Goliath was a normal human that the bible connects to older peoples, yet the philistines are considered normal humans.In genesis it remarks that there were giants in those days, the ancient Chinese, Hindu, Celts American natives and Greeks all refer to giants.Nehalem in Hebrew means both meteor or comet and giant.Soon after the meteor struck Siberia reports of tall blonde giants began in then USSR now Russia. Based on the build of the people and physical traits these giants could more easily hide amongst the people. Their description fully fits the descriptions of the titans.The meteor opens a door between plains and these beings enter this world.
In one tale of Hercules giants are described fighting the hero as he assists mount Olympus conquer them, these are the peoples the Greeks tamed and conquered who violently tried destroying the Greeks and the mount Olympus god head religion that , like the Hindus, tried assimilating and unifying with all peoples peacefully, esp. when Hercules was their advocate.
till next week blogger crowd.

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