Saturday, September 13, 2008

More on the dream of hell- revelations sorcerers and neighborhood or suburbs of spiritual cities.

More on the dream of hell- revelations sorcerers and neighborhood or suburbs of spiritual cities.

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-13 - 21:49:47
More on the dream of hell- revelations sorcerers and neighborhood or suburbs of spiritual cities.
As the Norse religion of hell has died and been assimilated into other religions, the graves also represent the dead who followed those ideas. It also represents the dead of hell. The frost and fire giants represent some of the founders of these religions. The candy is the brain candy the psyche feeds on as one does not have food to feed these ideas as they are a dead religion, over all, some cults still follows them yet…The psyche is usually carried out on ones back. One can get food to feed these ideas but for many it begins as brain candy or thoughts that are treats rather than taken seriously, but soon the candy leads to food for thoughts.
To begin sorcery I will simply remind you that sorcerers sit outside the walls of new Jerusalem, defending the city from the outside, having neighborhoods like suburbs outside the spiritual city that are part of the spiritual city that one must pass by to get to the spiritual city. All spiritual cities have such defenders or suburb neighborhoods that represent the taboos the culture has clung to though misconceptions that must be transcended and accepted to get to the spiritual city itself or in other words transcend to that cities truth.“The (some new) Christ chose a dangerous neighborhood to live in a city of sorcerers.”
Till next week bloggers

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