Monday, September 1, 2008

More on the eleven task the apples of Hesperides, Walks with God. Hercules walks with God(s) Geryon Island versus the nymphs known as Heredities. Hesp

More on the eleven task the apples of Hesperides, Walks with God. Hercules walks with God(s) Geryon Island versus the nymphs known as Heredities. Hesperides meaning western known world.

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-28 - 03:42:45
More on the eleven task the apples of Hesperides, Walks with God. Hercules walks with God(s) Geryon Island versus the nymphs known as Heredities. Hesperides meaning western known world.
The way to immortality is covered in the first part of the blog that I call the first book.Hesperides in Greek are both islands and the nymphs that tended the tree of golden apple. The world means western.To recap, Hercules goes to Atlantis via the African north coast. He is freed of the sacrifice of selfdom in Egypt and thus finds the first part of the song there. The second part of the song is Greek and it is the one that reiterates the story of the garden and tree being planted in it as Zeus’ doing. The third he found in Atlantis and might be partly illustrated by the nymph story. Hercules gains authority in Atlantis and this aids him in his ascension. As Atlas during the time Hercules held the sky up, or held divine authority there as Atlantis’ leader, he experiences the vision and gains the apples of the nymphs, n thus as atlas, or atlas helped him get the fruit. The nymphs are goddesses and unlike all other characters in the other tasks hereto, goddesses represent divine characters of God(s) Geryon island might have been outside of Iberia and fits the story but the nymphs existed on divine plains and their island, if they were on an island are akin to Wicca beliefs of island paradises and are not on earth. In each rendition of this tale Hercules gets the fruit and by the end of his rule on earth he does not die but has his body transfigured and ascends to heaven or mount Olympus/ Elysian Fields. Some thought these islands were at the edge of the word or as the name states the west. It is more likely it was the west and atlas was in Central America as already proven. Hercules experience of the apples led to the name of this task which originally was meant to be a union with Atlantis. In many ancient tales Atlatians had colonies through out the world and this included Libya. Stesichorus, in his poem the "Song of Geryon", refers to the Hesperides as the island next to Iberia where Geryon people were, the nymphs are not connected to this island also known as Erytheia, Erytheia, was called Hesperides first cause it was west of Europe and the Herculean islands, the nymphs that came from the Atlantian story are called western because the experience Hercules had as ruler of the Atlantians that rewarded him with golden fruit of life was in the west. Hesperides trans-literally means as far west as is known; the three islands or land masses of Atlantis or the west found after the Iberian islands are not Erytheia. We say Western Europe and to Eastern Europe it is the west, to those in the Americas it is the east or the eastern part of the west. In the same way the west or Hesperides refer to atlas land or the land of the atlans as the Greeks called it atlandida. The nymphs appeared top Hercules in the west and were part of the western song of this tale.Hercules may have also walked with god going past the west or paradise to get the fruit of life based on finding out the last part of this tale.All walks with god are into the west, it is entering the western paradise say Buddhists, being taken by the spirit say Christians, going where no Muslim or Hindu was say the silks and so on. His may be where Hercules the atlan went and upon returning returned the reign of Atlantis to a pro Greek atlan. Yes other Greeks were with Hercules on this escapade. Thus Hercules unifies Atlantis with Greece, brings the Americas into the Greek union , this occurred with the Amazonians two tasks ago as well, south and north America now unified and he experiences getting the fruit of life and it seems safe to say goes into the western paradise, taken by the spirit and walking with god. There he gets the fruit of life, though most walks with God do not include this vision per say. Most are combination of the ideas of the person walking with God and God(s) creation of these realities as a high heaven.*Thus the nymphs are called Hesperides because they were found in the west, experienced as a walk into the west as far west as the Greeks knew the world existed.They are part of western tale and simply finding them in the west walking with God is sufficient to cause them to be called this-as far west or beyond the west or paradise women.
(*see first book on these ideas concerning the walk with God).
Tomorrow evening the last task..

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