Saturday, September 27, 2008

The code of bushido and hara-kiri,Baal, Samaria, sky, the root of terms like Val, which originally meant God.

The code of bushido and hara-kiri,Baal, Samaria, sky, the root of terms like Val, which originally meant God.

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-26 - 21:40:56
Baal, Samaria, sky, the root of terms like Val, which originally meant God.
In ancient Sumerian God was called Baal and was associated to the sky, this association is indicative of the height usually associated with God and the appearance of the light voice up high, El Shaddai or the voice that sounds like light that appears at the highest high, this height represents prominence and power.Baal has been given a bad rap in Christianity. The angel associated to this name has become the devil in Christianity, Islam and Judaism. Baal means God and has the same root as the word valentine and valence. In Latin Baal as Val has gained the meaning of power. Valkyrie and Valhalla have the same rootThe true name of this Angel and its many faces starts off with Baal, then Balaam and ends with the word devil. One can get the full name by simply watching the exorcist III which references this name from theological sources. The xenophobia of other names of God led to the creation of a scape goat to blame ones own cause of evil on, Funny that a name of God representing the same ultimate being became a test of ones goodness and ability to take responsibility for ones own actions, by simply allowing the unenlightened to create the great deception of a good angel thought of as evil, God creates no divine being that is evil nor gives any power to anyone who is good, for the little he gives such people he takes away if they do not develop a good character and nature.
The code of bushido and hara-kiri
The code of bushido is a code similar to the chivalric code of mid evil Europe these codes were originally created to bring peace and keep the war like nature of some secluded to those who want to fight.Honour was the key phrase used in feudal Japan as the idea embodying proper behavior. As with Cheverly it was not honourable to attack unarmed people, thus the violence was secluded to those who bared arms and wanted to fight.It was honourable to help those in distress, damsels and gentle men.Honour was in defending innocence not causing harm or starting wars.If one was not honourable one committed Hari Kari. This idea took on the cultural idea of committing suicide if one lost their honour.However originally the idea meant that dishonour was Hari Kari and the God(s) would kill one for this dishonour, one was not suppose to kill oneself but try to redeem ones honour by being good.This idea is similar to the Valkyrie killing the unjust in battle. It seems that the idea of virtue being rewarded and vice being destroyed and thus self destructive id universal.Hari Kari means evil vice that is dishonourable is self destructive or simply suicidal; the God’s and universe destroys such people who act without virtue or try to redeem themselves and these dishonourable acts. The greatest virtue did not have to fight and kill.
Till next week bloggers

Sex with God

Sex with God.

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-26 - 18:15:48
Sex with God.
Server her up twice the potion and twice the misery (from revelations)
In some religions there is a mystical practice that sometimes is misunderstood by other religions. It represents having sex with God.The participants often mimic sexual thrusting with each other without taking their clothes off.The experience is an out of body astral projection, in this sense astral projection is an out of body in a higher body experience.God comes as a merge of male and female and one experiences all levels of love including the highest sexual energies and the love of just friends.God moves through you thrusting as if having sex but no genitals exists and God phases between being a man and a women. It is a thrilling yet freaky experience. Upon waking up one sees astral symbolises of pregnant wombs of normal females.The experience converts the person’s experiencing it into code that is then embodied in the new children born then on as the id or substructure awareness that will guild all living beings as they are born and mature.In is a system program upgrade through the life network, ones persona is downloaded into the matrix as the operating system upgrade for all life, it also impresses itself on those already living, causing altered impressions that influence thier new choices and ways of seeing and dealing with life.

A potion

A potion

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-26 - 17:57:25
Here is a potion so good mom took a cup away with her.
8 teaspoons coffee (instant was used), 8 teaspoons sugarwater, milk, a pinch of tobacco, 4 teaspoons honey, 2 packets sugar twin, three pinches of raw Solomon incense ingredient as a resin from Afghanistan( any substitute will work including unrefined green plant), two tabs Hoffman’s mental accelerant. Baker’s chocolate powdered for coffee. One tylonal three.

Exchange of energies, Tantric meditation, sexual meditation, study on empathy,

Exchange of energies, Tantric meditation, sexual meditation, study on empathy,

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-24 - 23:47:34
Exchange of energies, Tantric meditation, sexual meditation, study on empathy,
There are many types of meditations in which people link and share energy, Tantric is one of them.One can focus their energies and share creative energies, emotional energy and yes sexual energy as well.
This energy exchange can help inspire one when sharing ideas, it can help one empathically feel the other.Sometimes these abilities are called psychic and share their powers with psychics as part of the psychic networks of servers, sub servers and users.The same powers sometimes exist in other networks like divine networks. One can share an empathic experience via the psychic network and the spiritual network of any religion. Often basic elements of these abilities are hard wired into the normal life network and are the elemental aspects of being that led to the transcendence of many of the gods who are represented as servers to the god head servers; these include Berkley’s study on empathy it was found that gregarious creatures react more to empathy. If an animal had to wait till it heard a call of danger it might be dead. A feeling is transmitted through out the collective and most intensely to the close circle of a group. Once danger arises it is sensed by the empathic receivers in the mind way before it is registered by one of the sixth senses. Researchers found that if one entered a new place, like a nightclub, one instantly began feeling different based on the people who became aware of you, feeling a tingle usually meant someone was focusing on you sexually.. We as humans are receptacles to the energies of others as part of our basic being.
One thing people enjoy is the exchange of sexual energy, it can heighten a sexual experience, turn one on at a distance and make one feel energized and revitalized.If focused properly, one can use a meditation like Tantric to access such powers, one can cause the turn on, orgasm and entire sexual experience to be greater and much more sensually intense. The arousal is increased and the experience is better and more satisfying for all involved. The entire energy is multiplied many fold and it makes sex out of this world. Focusing the sexual energy takes no special preparation, esp. if you have learned how to do so and which feel of energy you are projecting. Each mode of energy is distinct and it is possible to project that energy to anyone. If they are thinking of you in a similar fashion the energy intensifies in that way, if not the energy transfers to a less intrusive level and is felt as an energy that can be utilised in other ways without sensing the sexuality. However on a date or in the sack with someone the experience is as intense as a divine orgasm. Yes a shared world and dimension of this energy is created by those sharing in it.Thus the greatest lovers are truly wise and transcendent in such ways.Tantra is more than sexual meditations.

Friday, September 26, 2008

Even more on the internet analogy, to tie things back

Even more on the internet analogy, to tie things back

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-24 - 22:22:09
Even more on the internet analogy, to tie things back( the final edit occurs when I am ready to send to a publisher)
Yes the Godhead(s) have a server too.For those foamier with the ideas presented in Feb. to March in the first book, one can see how faith and belief systems create ways to access god through various sub networks and programs therein. Faith and belief creates new modes for God(s) expression to manifest and thus draw on the various levels of empowerment. In fact much of these programs are either used through a network such as Christianity and then through specific sub servers like Pentecostal tongues or Holy Communion. In both cases elements of programs runni8ng congruent through multiple servers are utilised. Sometimes one has to gain access to download and become an avatar of one of the networks to gain access to higher programs and thus add and change them, often impressions and collective belief creates and utilises programs within the overall system.Access to the higher God servers and sub servers are done through sub server avatar servers of God, like Christ and Krishna, or directly, but universal acceptance of the mainframes servers and sub servers is a necessity, that is one must stay universal to all belief systems to access the highest levels of existence, which is namely God, that is acessing God as God does.

To further explain the analogy

To further explain the analogy

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-21 - 21:44:11
To further explain the analogy
To further explain the analogy Think of it this way: every element to this universe was formed according to a form as in mold that acts a certain way based on the circumstances and interaction with other forms or quantum’s formed according to code or lets call it rules. Everything has a rule as what it ism its physical properties and rules as to how higher ways of manipulating that form. These rules dictate how one accesses the property and in what manner.One can actively access certain higher programs that dictate systems of manipulating and doing this in the universe, entire network systems can be downloaded into you, and new ways to access properties and do things in the universe cal be impressed as new code that can also alter and add new properties to a form. So water has physical qualities like feeling wet when touched by one of us. However it can made holy by prayer, made into a potion component, and so on. How one accesses the underlying code or rules that dictate how water will be used varies depending the spirit system one utilises, one can call physical reality one of these systems. One can gain access to spiritual systems through collective networks that allow you to access a form like water in many different ways. Thus if I write a new spell that accesses water in a way giving water a new property it becomes part of the matrix of networks utilising that power through various linked server.

More Hardwiring, Analogy of the universe as an internet web

More Hardwiring, Analogy of the universe as an internet web

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-21 - 20:44:11
More Hardwiring, Analogy of the universe as an internet web
Hardwiring the brain as a random access intuitive system means making associations based on non linear logic parameters, yet it is still based on logic, for example imagining the hydra was actually a metaphor for a peoples Hercules quelled is lateral thinking, intuitive connections that are later unified, explained and justified based on logic and the logic of any other ideas one gets the feel for.
Without reiterating too much said before, if one imagines the universe is a large internet, each of us is a computer/ user all in one. We interact with the life or universe matrix network, from the moment of birth we are fully apart of this system.Everything in that network runs of a larger main system program, each property of the program is a subsystem within the system program. Sub programs can and have be written to control the way the programs and subprograms of this system code works. Some subprograms actually add new characteristics to program sub program running. Subprograms gain and have actual sable powers or abilities to act in a certain fashion. One accesses them in many ways and new sub routines for subprograms are created every day. Access to these properties of each program organic, non organic and spiritual (quantum reality) allows one to tap into the energy or spirit of the characteristic in a desired many. One can do this by using ingredients to a speck, psychically or though higher level of powers based on spiritual connections.The psychic energy of the mind has its own network and program sub programs that interact as applications in the main system programs. The spiritual has access programs that cause divine events to occur as it interacts with the main frame and other networks like the universe. If one uses a spiritual network to access the system one links through the network making up that spiritual collective of believers. Universal belief allows for access through all created systems, these networks also are structures and created as higher programs access the mainframe as its original operating system and being God, one can access high end code within the highest machine code of the system.Each person also is a set of operating systems and a persona; reflection of the systemSo each state causes; inks to systems linked to the life system which is part of the greater complete mainframe. One can physically access the programs in the same way as linking through a higher system, however each system contains filters that were set up by the networks creators and these systems must be passed before one can download code capable of altering systems , mainframe and so on.

Wizard’s state of equality

Wizard’s state of equality

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-21 - 11:39:16
Wizard’s state of equality
According to David Suzuki on a program called mind chemistry, well according to quite a few scientific investigations men and women differ mentally.Men’s minds think on the logical side of the brain or the left side and women’s brains are hard wired like a computer accessing different parts based on links via flag like synaptic parameters.However women are quite successful learning to think logically and thus learning to focus on the same side as men do: So intelligent women bridge the two differences of the two sexes.With men and women can learn to utilize and enhance their thinking on the right side of the brain or the artistic special side.Socrates says both artistic and logical sides of the brain must be utilised to create a male wisdom if you are female and a female wisdom if up arte male.
However the formulation up to hereto seems to suggest women have an edge over men, both thinking like supercomputers and capable of thinking like a man.However men can hard wire their brains like women, learning to link ideas based on associations rather than sequential logic, it takes an artistic special flare to do so.The more intelligent and versed a male is the more ideas he has in his head and the greater the propensity to link ideas based on special or feelings verses logical associations,Thus wise men and women bridge the gap between the mental differences associated to each sex and learn to think in the same manner.]This is not to say that there is not an equality of mental functioning between all men and women as each shares even but a little in the way the other thinks.Moreover this unity allows both men and women to share in the state of the other without a loss of their sexual identity.Just because a guy learns to hard wire his brain like a super computer and think as women do does not mean he has lost his masculinity though the comprehension of effeminate side becomes part and parcel of his mentality, the reverse is true for women as well.The greatest women could act with a male wisdom yet could also retain their womanhood, as the reverse is true for me. The greatest lovers were of these types.Now the state of women and men are bridged as collectives of being and one can see why a wizard who has a competent female wisdom is said to dwell and allowed to be on the plain of women, the reverse true for women with wit( witches). Hence both can share in the power and grace of the other.
Through education, mass media and the ideas of equality educated and reinforced as proper behavior in our society, high end bridging of the sexes is becoming the norm for our society and a property of enlightened. This is an intrinsic property to the newly evolving being of the human presence as it changes in its persistence in time: the new evolution has bridged the difference each sex offered as a specialized part of the human’s psyche. No matte what always treat all people as equals when it comes to their capacity to achieve courage, deed, passion and understanding.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

The star at Christ’s birth, the three wise men, collective senses as links. Hailey’s comet, Colander,

The star at Christ’s birth, the three wise men, collective senses as links. Hailey’s comet, Colander,

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-20 - 23:29:33
The star at Christ’s birth, the three wise men, collective senses as links. Hailey’s comet, Colander,
I will post the explanation of sates and linking using the analogy of the universe as internet tomorrowFor those unfamiliar with it read the achieve and read
Analogy of the internet as life, the universe, God and valpetridis @ 2008-03-20 - 20:55:22
I will leave you with this:
when Christ was born a star appeared in the west and three wise mages were the only ones who saw it, it was not a comet nor a celestial phenomena that could be seen with a normal naked eye, thus the dating year of the Christian colander is correct and not four years off based on an interpretation of the star as being Hailey’s comet. Heralds astrologers could not see it, it was like it jumped out from behind the moon, more like born from it" did you not know stars are both this way? “for she has the sun at her head and the moon at her feet"(from revelations) The star is a reflection on the astral plain. One needs eyes to see it. ; like every sense, like hears to hear it, touch to feel it and so on) which are eyes tuned to see phenomena at a certain frequency or quantum shift reality. It moves and sits on top of the new born good one. a collective hypothesis that links a people through an upgrading server system and establishes the newest ideas of perfect divine being as actualised code embodied in a being, such kings or conduit servers are not necessarily all born of emasculate conception, yet house as sub conscious being the super ego reflective of the spirit of the ambient people it reflects It is a link achieved to all a people and upgrades the collective being through links, codes, spirit and physical acts and occurrences that counter play against the impressions of code conveyed to cause the entire collective to upgrade.The three wise men came from the only three empires present in the worlds at that time and reflected kings or collective representations of transcendent beings; one empire was the Persians, one Maureen India and one Chin china.

till next week blogger crowd.

Simple exercise to learn and begin using codes and altering physical and metaphysical properties of things.

Simple exercise to learn and begin using codes and altering physical and metaphysical properties of things.

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-20 - 09:00:56
Simple exercise to learn and begin using codes and altering physical and metaphysical properties of things.
There is an easy trick to help teach you about forms and help you understand how properties of things have underlying metaphysics that can be altered.This is also a gift from the mother of magic
( from a dream)“This one is too strong for magic though you can dabble, (the brother stares into the fire as ones mother dressed in a black fur jacket points and the red fire rises with the brother exclaiming wow)”this is an invitation to dabble in magic given to encourage those who fear it as being told you are stronger than it there is nothing to fear, well there never was.
“I am going to lose” says a divine being as ones mother in the next room, though obviously not from the real mother though in her voice. “Cherry” she saysSuddenly the cigarette you are smoking tastes like cigarettes.
Try this either using a cigarette or a cup of water, before inhaling or drinking think of a fruit, say the fruits ( or tastes) name and inhale a puff or drink a sip and you will taste the fruit, you seed and eat of that divine down load code or code embedded in the subtle conveyance of ideas through the taste receptors, one also writes ideas into the taste one is seeding.: The taste will return on its own and sometimes it is accompanied by a smell. Inasmuch as this is strongly a power of the mind and has its psychological explanation, it also proves the mind is stronger than the physical neuro pathways and nerve receptors that one normally thinks functions as a physical and mental constant. All those linking to the same state due to the substance one uses has a chance of receiving the same code, even those not linked can receive them if the code is written beyond the physical confines of the substance’s spirit,.This is a good way to see how code is exchanged through conduit communes. The tobacco piece pipe was thought to create an everlasting commune between those bonding through it, and the collectives like fire that are part of it, one is partaking in divine fruit through such conduits. This is also a way to make anything taste like anything sense.
Later today I will use the analogy of the universe as an internet to clarify the ideas of states posted in the last three blogs.

Hard wiring the universe

Hard wiring the universe

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-19 - 22:45:28
Hard wiring the universe
As Maimonedes said one learns of the forms or elements used to form the universe then one tries to understand the ideas of religion so one understands the true state of the universal quantum of God in and throw all things.Socrates says one learns of these forms to be able to create like a god.Ones perfect form of coffee is different that another’s perfect form of coffee but both are ideas that one can manifest. Each is also part of the greater form of coffee that contains both forms. In this way what Plato calls a perfect form is the complete form. Now if one could focus a sufficient field, either from ones body or from machine, or even using components through other mechanisms in the world like water in for example a potion, or fire in a incense, one causes a change in that structure of the quantum of something and changes its state., one could change water to wine or water into your perfect coffee, one might have different ideas of what a perfect coffee is as it pertains to a certain time of day or day of the year. Ones perfect form of cappuccino is different that the perfect form of Jamaican blue mountain coffee., One can also form based one elements such as taste colour flavour or by knowing the chemical name or magical components that come to gather create this form, as one uses different quantum shifts to build a form, build many to create a universe at a different quantum reality or level such as a plain, one pulls from all the perfect forms of the universe. Coffee is a dimension of this plain, yet it is a conduit that can lead to the collective creation of all forms into a plain. . One can even form systems to function in this worlds according to high level impressions and different ways systems we are accustom to on other plains and dimensions Everything in the universe leaves a quantum reflection in the universal quantum, forming it permanently, thus various forms can be utilised to build with according to the forms of the perfect forms, the forms focus the unlimited potential of the perfect form, which always contains anything that can be linked to it even if as Wittgenstein said having nothing in common but what Aristotle calls the category that links them by the same name. Names point like tips of the ice burg to the overarching perfect form that is always more that all its forms and potentials. Now when one encompasses the full form of a quantum shit, when one becomes one with the greater perfect form via its forms one is able to form forms that abide to the higher form of the perfect form, in essence one moulds the metaphysics or higher form of the way the spirit of a form and state act. I pseudo science they have found that focusing on crystals as they how in chambers alters the speed and way they grow. One who believes their field is capable of making them grow faster will cause them to do so by focusing on them, People who believe that this was not true because slower growth and those uniformed or without opinion did not effect the growth. So there is a way to hardwire the universe to act both spiritually or at higher quantum’s in certain manners and in fact with extreme force change the very essence of being both physically and spiritually, meaning one can change the effect of the system on the entire system, for instance change a property to something, however high; level code cannot be changed without taking it into account and including it. This is the key to the higher code, that and the altruism of goodness.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Magic, spirits, conduits and inspiration.

Magic, spirits, conduits and inspiration.

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-19 - 22:03:54
Magic, spirits, conduits and inspiration.
Each state one is in has a vibration, a vibe as some call it, a length a speed and channel. When one feels a certain way one links to that channel and quantum shift. One links to everyone at the same channel and state. Thus everyone who drinks a coffee or has sex links to the same vibe. Ideas are pooled in a collective spirit of that state. Ideas that are of high intensity and pass through the filters of these links linger as lessons within that collective spirit. Others are inspired by these feelings and ideas. The filters are reinforced by those enlightened sharing in the same state. One can call such people guardians. These are the people whose ideas are part of the spiritual blood of that state and channel. If one knows how to meditate and channel these states one can unlock the higher levels in each, often people linked to a collective receive rather than write into the very feeling of the presence of that state. Some stats are rare others are induced by the things we do that encapsulate impressions of those who have shared in them and reached higher more encompassing level. These states like the one educed by coffee is a full reflection of those who reached those levels and in fact created the presence of that state and in cases substance. It’s like drinking a coffee and being reminded of someone, beginning to think like as you did. Impressions in states are also impressed as a shared endeavour like communion, where the many sharing closely in the spiritual links write a strong impression for them, Imagine those who partake as Rasta or Christians in communions of substances that they later partake in and instantly share the share of the state as if in communion with the ideas, dreams and feelings of the religious service. So as Buddhist say try to tune yourself into the universal energies and sub spheres that make it up. Magic uses these links top invoke energies that cause certain properties or powers in this world through spirit, and body and so on. Thus the system allows for blessing and good vibes amongst other spell powers. They produce radiations or energies at any level depending on how the energies are tapped into, hence the idea of a plain of magic or quantum reality arises in which one can channel these energies by linking to that collective state and impressions that build world in that channeling plain of being or impressions. One gains a body of being there and is able to use and live in that place along with others. Recall the filte3rs of the enlightened are good, as being good is the only ultimate filter of the universe or God. Being good includes altruism which is universal and not imprisoned in the egoism of the self. it points out and is the state or component state to encompass the entire spirit or range of the collective state which is necessary to write high level code and operating systems in such collectives, this is why cursing is hard wired to bless the cursed and curse the curser twice over, evil destroys itself and is cursed in the presence of its own egotistic self prison.

Bodhi consciousness

Bodhi consciousness

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-19 - 19:59:32
Bodhi consciousness
This idea fits the first book but its worth mentioning
In Buddhism one must reach boddi consciousness before dharma can cause you to become enlightened. The use of the idea of boddi consciousness is a secret teaching concerning the type of thinking one must have before being fed the fruit of enlightenment. The only problem with the Buddhist dharma is that it teaches death as a necessity of life. However recall that after eating the fruit of life Adam was told if he reached for the fruit of life he would become immortal, he thought because he descended from the garden he created in his walk with God that he would be unable to get to the fruit and felt damned as mortal, fallen from the opportunity to eat of the fruit of life. All he had top do is believe he could achieve immortality and thus reach spiritually for that fruit and thus eat of it. Enoch achieved this fruit as did Christ. Hence Gotama Buddha’s condemned himself to death by not believing in immortality. The Boddi consciousness is the secret teaching of the prerequisite mentality necessary to reach enlightenment by way of the fruit of knowledge.

Dwarves, sorcery, black versus white magic. Gabriel’s lesson

Dwarves, sorcery, black versus white magic. Gabriel’s lesson

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-13 - 22:25:41
Dwarves, sorcery, black versus white magic. Gabriel’s lesson
Dwarves are just shorter humans like pigmies.
Sorcery is only as dangerous if you believe in the taboos or try to use a potion or do something before your ready for it. It can also be dangerous if one begins to practice it based on misconceptions such as the social taboos that call it evil. If you assume its evil and practice it to do evil, it will destroy you.
“ Here is one breaking all the rules” “Gabriel?” “ Ah you remembered my name” “; but I kept all the important rules, but I do not want black magic” “ then let me show you some white magic” (so he made a salad)
“Now I see, magic is complete only with the inclusion of black magic. For nothing that taps divine essence is evil, only those claiming to it that do physical non divine evils.”One needs to embrace all ways including magic for Hebrews, Christians and Muslims, to enter the spiritual cities like new Mecca.( new new deli and so on)
Black magic stems from hunting or killing magic, white magic is agriculture and growth magic, Grey magic is healing magic, fixing magic and there is a rainbow of colours of different forms of magic with different intents. Praying before a picture of a an animal you want to hunt then stabbing the picture (maybe on a cave wall or painting the picture minus the ritual stabbing) to hopefully reap of this divine giving( arta in ancient Greece- source of Artemis) is black magic, esp. if ritual is used rather than a prayer to actuate the power. White magic is the prayer for planting or the ritual made to make sure a good harvest occurs.
till next week.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

More on the dream of hell- revelations sorcerers and neighborhood or suburbs of spiritual cities.

More on the dream of hell- revelations sorcerers and neighborhood or suburbs of spiritual cities.

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-13 - 21:49:47
More on the dream of hell- revelations sorcerers and neighborhood or suburbs of spiritual cities.
As the Norse religion of hell has died and been assimilated into other religions, the graves also represent the dead who followed those ideas. It also represents the dead of hell. The frost and fire giants represent some of the founders of these religions. The candy is the brain candy the psyche feeds on as one does not have food to feed these ideas as they are a dead religion, over all, some cults still follows them yet…The psyche is usually carried out on ones back. One can get food to feed these ideas but for many it begins as brain candy or thoughts that are treats rather than taken seriously, but soon the candy leads to food for thoughts.
To begin sorcery I will simply remind you that sorcerers sit outside the walls of new Jerusalem, defending the city from the outside, having neighborhoods like suburbs outside the spiritual city that are part of the spiritual city that one must pass by to get to the spiritual city. All spiritual cities have such defenders or suburb neighborhoods that represent the taboos the culture has clung to though misconceptions that must be transcended and accepted to get to the spiritual city itself or in other words transcend to that cities truth.“The (some new) Christ chose a dangerous neighborhood to live in a city of sorcerers.”
Till next week bloggers

A dream of hell and the rules of creating a psyche through it, Hercules and the giants.

A dream of hell and the rules of creating a psyche through it, Hercules and the giants.

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-13 - 19:56:58
A dream of hell
One has to avoid frost and fire giants as one scours the graves for jewels and metals, the graves are open, some closed, one finds diamonds and other such gems, if one finds ten spheres the world is destroyed, leaving hell one gets a psyche as a mate but must feed her since the psyche is tested. Canady works, so put it in the psyches mouth who always comes as a mate.”
In this tale one searches history and the realm of the dead to achieve a psyche. One gains knowledge and wisdom while avoiding the pitfalls that ended the reign of the giants. If one learns to be part of ten spheres of influence, spheres represented in the dream like crystal balls but more like spheres of influence one gains the knowledge to destroy or unravel their world and build greater ones. Diamonds are unbreakable ideas, each gem and metal represents an idea. Sometimes one finds necklaces, rings and other jewelry that represent strings of ideas woven together, many ideas put together to make a greater idea. ,. The dream is presented like a game, but has high stakes including transcendence.
Hercules fight with the giants is a mixed afford that has several poetic exaggerations added to the story. The tale actually begins after the death of Hercules as the religion of mount Olympus takes root. This is why it is described as the gods establishing themselves.In the original tale of Hercules, Hercules goes to heaven or mount Olympus only after his death or transfiguring on Athena’s chariot, this fight with the giants begins with Zeus fooling the earth that was trying to protect her giant offspring by stopping the sun from shining and the moon from dawning. Athena then takes Hercules up to the mountain to help the Gods. The giants were causing havoc in Greece like burning oaks on mount Olympus and cattle rustling amongst other things that were offensive to the gods. So the Herculean concept of the God head of Olympus had to endure and establish itself after his transcendence and dismissal from earth. Alkyoneus was the giant who represented the pre Greek early humans who lived in Thrace. They had been raiding places like mount Olympus so as the image of Alkyoneus climbed mount Olympus Hercules used an arrow or ideas left behind shooting the giant in the shoulder and caused him to fall. This image also repre4sents an attempt by the peoples this giant represents to usurp and destroy the version of Olympic gods Hercules established. Athena or divine wisdom told Hercules and the Greeks he represented back on earth that these giants and peoples could not be destroyed unless razed from their homeland Thrace, in the Palleene region so Hercules or the people he now represented, the unified Greeks dragged and razed them from their lands causing their peoples and unjust raiding behaviors to end and die.Porphyries, another mighty giant, had reached the top of mount Olympus and threatened the religious image and idea of Hera in the Olympic god head. Zeus or judgement dazed him with a thunder bolt after Hera called for help and Hercules ideas shot him dead with an arrow. It seems Porphyries had threatened the idea off an equal female mother goddess to Zeus father god and threatened the entire union religion of Greece and thus his people were killed by the ideas of unity and the equality of the pantheon.
The remaining giants were destroyed by ideas of the pantheon itself. Each represented a savage untamable people. Dionysus killed one with his staff. Apollo shot one in the right eye and Hercules in the left. This seems to suggest the ideas connected to Apollo were used to quell, destroy or assimilate the giant by blinding their torment; the rest of the ideas came from Hercules peaceful endeavours. Another giant was killed by setting them on fire by Hecate who used torches. This seems to represent that it was the gift of fire that eliminated the giants, most likely through strategies of fire in battle and fire as a gift. Hephaistos used molten metal to destroy another giant, meaning the art of metal pouring helped the Greeks quell the peoples represented by these giants. Two giants tried fleeing the Greeks and one was imprisoned on Sicily by the wisdom of Athena, meaning these giants were confined to Sicily till assimilated and tamed by Greek wisdom and the other destroyed by Poseidon breaking off a piece of the island of kos, it seems the second giant or peoples represented there of were killed by a earthquake or catastrophe as they fled the Greeks by sea. Hermes knowledge and power due to was able to quell one giant by wearing Hades helmet, meaning the knowledge over death was able to disperse these giants race that also began fleeing the Greeks. This was assimilation and overpowering due to knowledge and ideas concerning death. Artemis was able to kill a giant by out classing the hunting potential of the giants causing them not to be as well fed and causing them to want to be assimilated: Killing knowledge and cult ideas. The fates killed a few giants based on the superiority of bronze weapons like clubs. Finally Zeus and judgments of thunder bolts, just the superiority of the Greek peaceful unity ideal and all the Greek Olympic god head stood for eliminated the last of the giants and the people they represented.
Thus this tale is about the pantheon god head of mount Olympus established in the peaceful unity assimilation way Hercules had set it up as and how his ideas endured and caused the Greeks who followed him to bring peace and quell, eliminate and assimilate the savage pre Greek, earlier humans of the lands around them

Friday, September 12, 2008

Heroes and same theological basis for Norse as with ancient Greeks and Christians and all religions.

Heroes and same theological basis for Norse as with ancient Greeks and Christians and all religions.

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-12 - 23:59:48
Heroes and same theological basis for Norse as with ancient Greeks and Christians and all religions.
One can simply interpret Valhalla as the heaven for those who are virtuous and die a hero’s end. Valhalla is heaven and the place of the infirmed the place of the dead, Einherjar or a glorious death means a virtuous end, a hero’s end. The punishment place is for evil doers. Valhalla mean virtuous dead, not slain but dead.Those who die virtuously in Norse one was slain or died either with glory or by other causes cause one was not virtuous in a time that the world was so dangerous good people were killed trying to be good.Thus it’s a standard, heroes or those more virtuous than evil go to a heaven, the normal selfish person goes to the place of the dead and evil people to punishment places.This is a theological truth in all religions; nowadays we believe all people can be good enough to get to heaven, by being more good than viceful and trying to be as virtuous as possible.Even if that heaven is called hell or whatever, for some hell is their heaven to others just a place to hold the dead, both are different places created based on different ideas as a room or dimension of ones plain, a world built based on the ideas ascribed and dreamt of for it.
Hercules fighting giants tomorrow

Norse mythology, frost and fire giants, Hell, El or Elohim, Norse virtue, Valhalla, Ragnarok

Norse mythology, frost and fire giants, Hell, El or Elohim, Norse virtue, Valhalla, Ragnarok

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-12 - 20:41:11
Norse mythology, frost and fire giants, Hell, El or Elohim, Norse virtue, Valhalla, Ragnarok
In Norse mythology there are several mentions giant races, the frost giants that lived in the Scandinavian mountains, the fire giants that used and utilised fire
Hell has three levels and is controlled by the God hell, in some versions it is the goddess hell.The top place is Valhalla that is the place people of virtuous deaths go, some thought this meant dieing in battle, but one can also end up in the punishment place at the bottom of Valhalla if one is in an un-virtuous battle. Attacking innocent people is considered un-virtuous. The Vikings believed that if one was good one would not die of diseases or even of old age like the first fathers of this nation. Thus the second level was for those who lived un-virtuous lives and died in a judgement of natural causes like disease or famine.It was interpreted that the virtuous person would be in heaven, however many misunderstood what was virtuous, it was not fighting but fighting the good fight, this good fight was thought to be a fight in which one fought well, but it meant fighting a fight like defending innocent people.Hell is also described to consist of frost giants and a river ( sea ) of ice describing time and substance, reality breaking and melding together to create being and time and reality as we know it.It was explained by a holy Norse man that they were in the time of Baal wolf , a time when evil was done and wars were fought so good fights like defending a family was often fought, thus the virtuous would get ample chance to die a good virtuous death.Once this age ended monsters and men would fight and all would die except those who were peaceful and fulfilled the paradigm of the new humans who would populate the world. This battle is Ragnarok or a vision similar to Armageddon.In the new age virtuous people would not have to die a death fighting to maintain virtuous and protect innocence.
Hell like the word Hindu is really pronounced El (Indu) and is the singular root of the word Elohim, light ones or God(s)

Saturday, September 6, 2008

More giants, Nehalem, goliath, titans, Hercules fight with gods and titans. Early humans versus depictions of greatness like feudal murals of Christ a

No giants, Nehalem, goliath, titans, Hercules fight with gods and titans. Early humans versus depictions of greatness like feudal murals of Christ and Asian statues of holy people and gods.
by valpetridis @ 2008-07-12 - 14:06:38
More giants, Nehalem, goliath, titans, Hercules fight with gods and titans. Early humans versus depictions of greatness like feudal murals of Christ and Asian statues of holy people and gods.
The reason I bring giants up again is to help one be able to explain their occurrences in myth, legend and reality. In some cases the idea of giant as the tales from Babylon attest to were earlier humans, other times like the statues in south East Asia represent the greatness of the people being described. Giam Battista Vico in the new science points out that many feudal murals depict Christ and the apostles as giants in comparison to normal people, based on how great they were thought to be in comparison to the normal folks depicted as small beings; the Virgin Mary is often depicted in the same manner.Goliath was a normal human that the bible connects to older peoples, yet the philistines are considered normal humans.In genesis it remarks that there were giants in those days, the ancient Chinese, Hindu, Celts American natives and Greeks all refer to giants.Nehalem in Hebrew means both meteor or comet and giant.Soon after the meteor struck Siberia reports of tall blonde giants began in then USSR now Russia. Based on the build of the people and physical traits these giants could more easily hide amongst the people. Their description fully fits the descriptions of the titans.The meteor opens a door between plains and these beings enter this world.
In one tale of Hercules giants are described fighting the hero as he assists mount Olympus conquer them, these are the peoples the Greeks tamed and conquered who violently tried destroying the Greeks and the mount Olympus god head religion that , like the Hindus, tried assimilating and unifying with all peoples peacefully, esp. when Hercules was their advocate.
till next week blogger crowd.

Are there still giants in the world? Saskwatch, Yeti, Himalayas, Octopus, Squid, sea serpents.

Are there still giants in the world? Saskwatch, Yeti, Himalayas, Octopus, Squid, sea serpents.

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-12 - 13:10:28
Are there still giants in the world?
There are tales of giants that still exist in this world. The big foot or Saskwatch is said to be one of the early types of humans that still exist in parts of North America but are going further underground and probably near extinction. Even if one dies the remnants after decay will simply leave only a human skeleton that has no real notable qualities as to physical differences. There are basket ball players like Shak O’Neil that have feet larger than the big foot, thus these The yeti of the Himalayas is another early pre homo sapient sapient giant that lives the high mountains of the Himalayas. These people live in caves and are also few in numbers, less encroachment of their lands has probably kept their numbers a bit higher.Giant squid and octopus are real, these sea monsters have been said to grow past 30 feet and large versions have actually been caught.There are sea snakes that have been caught that were as huge as pythons, thus even these tales are true.

Alexander the great, Antigonos, Thessalonica, mermaid, western conquest, Thessalonica’s Myth.

Alexander the great, Antigonos, Thessalonica, mermaid, western conquest, Thessalonica’s Myth.

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-05 - 23:02:27
Alexander the great, Antigonos, Thessalonica, mermaid, western conquest, Thessalonica’s Myth.
Alexander could only fake his death if he desired to return the Greeks who wanted to go home without causing a hindrance to his plan to conquer the world, with Chandra Gupta of the mauryans
A secret not was sent to his sister Thessalonica. After Philip conquered the Thessalians and named the land he took from them victory over the Thessalians, he named his new born daughter the same name. A myth later arose to explain the secret plan of Alexander and his sister. It is said after reading the letter telling of his supposed death, Thessalonica plunged over a cliff into the sea and became a mermaid. She swam west and every ship she encountered she asked” how is Alexander, have you seen him” if the sailors said no, or he was dead, she killed them. If they said yes for he reigns and is mighty they lived. The truth of this myth is his sister with Antigonos organised and, moved their armies west in hopes to meet Alexander who was conquering east ward. Thus unless the people they encountered knew Alexander lived they were killed and/or conquered. She had to take to ships as Europe ended and the Atlantic began, thus the connotation to sea travel.. If their plan succeeded they met in the Americas, as they did.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Alexander the great history and fake death.

Alexander the great history and fake death.

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-05 - 22:43:18
Alexander the great history and fake death.
In the historical account of Alexander the great he led his army to the Indus River in India and encountered Chandra Gupta who instantly recognized him as a Greek and Alexander install recognized him as a Hindu. Chandra Gupta offered to join forces with Alexander and conquer the world. However many of Alexander’s people were tired of conquering and grumbled top return home, moreover they were very loyal to Alexander and would not return home unless he did, they would not leave him alone. Many single soldiers remained behind in places the Greeks conquered and fortified the newly held lands. So Alexander convinced some of his army to remain in India while those desperate to return home came with Alexander to Persia. In Persia during a party Alexander died, so history tells us, the sad armies grumbling to return home, did and his empire was separated into four parts. Many do not know the Macedonia took most of the Balkans and even moved west word conquering Britain, thus the name McDonalds( and similar variations) is a play of Macedonian/.
The truth is Alexander faked his death so those grumbling could take the familiar known paths through Persia home. Plus it was easier to fake the death in Persia than India as it looked more real. Alexander returned to India and led the rest of his army with Chandra Gupta and began conquering east ward, Chinese’s art begins being influenced by Alexander’s Greeks and appearances of Hindu Asiatic weapons soon appear in the Americas. The proof to this story comes as a myth.
This myth is next

Hercules second wife Deianeira and his death.

Hercules second wife Deianeira and his death.

by valpetridis @ 2008-07-05 - 02:08:00
Hercules second wife Deianeira and his death.
Hercules second wife princess Deianeira was told by Nessus as he was dying that his blood was a love potion. In fact it was caustic and toxic. Hercules is said to have fallen for a women called Viola who was the daughter of King Eurytus. Hercules is said to have killed Eurytus and stolen Viola. However if you recall from the above interpretations, king Augeas of the stables hercules cleaned was slain after the city was cleaned and hercules walked away with some of its people and cattle as tribute for cleaning and unifying its people. Hercules put Phyleus, , king Augeas son, in power because he was pro hercules and pro greek union. Eurytus was his other son and viola his daughter. When unifying his kingdom hercules sleigh Erytus and placed his daughter in power. Deianeira became jealous fearing that Hercules was not faithful and used what she thought was Nessus holy blood potion, a potion of love, to make Hercules fall further in love with her. Nessus death represents the dieing centaur people as they unified and their trickery to destroy the man who was the symbol of the unity that was causing their death. The blood was meant to kill Hercules, meaning it was a toxic formula created to hurt him, in some versions Hercules kills himself and goes through Hades before going to mount Olympus. In some versions of this story Hercules dies and goes through Hades before ascending to mount Olympus or the Elysian Fields. In a popular version he is taken up to mount Olympus after Hera and Zeus agree he had suffered enough, in another version his body is transfigured and he ascends to heaven or mount Olympus. The Elysian Fields are heaven to the ancient Greeks, those more virtuous then vice filled go there, meaning good people go there not Hades.
That ends Hercules next the truth of Alexander the great.

Monday, September 1, 2008

Task 12 of Hercules, three breeds of dogs still claimed to see the dead and interact with them. Nereus Sea God, Prometheus connected to 11th task.

Task 12 of Hercules, three breeds of dogs still claimed to see the dead and interact with them. Nereus Sea God, Prometheus connected to 11th task.

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-28 - 22:52:18
Task 12 of Hercules, three breeds of dogs still claimed to see the dead and interact with them. Nereus Sea God, Prometheus connected to 11th task.
In the popular version Hercules first encounters Nereus and has to force him to give Hercules directions to the three apples he had to retrieve. Nereus is a sea god who represents the journey Hercules had to take to find Atlantis.In some versions he frees Prometheus who tells him to seek atlases help to retrieve the applesPrometheus represents the enlightenment and freedom seeking the fruit and the holy blood of atlas offers. It portrays the enlightenment Hercules gains to achieve this task.In some versions atlas authority is a burden he sees as a punishment and is more than happy to help Hercules.
The twelfth and final task
Hercules was sent to retrieve Cerberus the three headed dog of Hades. He enlists the help of Athena and Hermes to get there. Hermes is the god who gave Odysseus the gift of strychnine or poison to resist Cerci whose beauty made men into pigs and animals. Hermes and Athena have Hercules the wisdom and knowledge necessary to enter Hades. In Hades Hercules asks permission to bring Cerberus to the world of the living, Hades agrees as long as Hercules does not use a weapon to do so/ Hercules tirelessly wrestles the three headed dog until it collapses , brings the dog to king Eurystheus, who is so scared he relieves Hercules with the promise of returning the dog to Hades.
This tale tells of Hercules descent into Hades or what Albinus calls a Katabasis, a journey decent that heroes like Odysseus, Hercules, Christ and others experience, it begins with a ritual or real death, followed by a journey in the place of the dead and a subsequent return to life or resurrection After his ascent into the western paradise Hercules descends into Hades. The image of Cerberus comes from the three breeds of dogs people have associated with the dead, many having marks above the eyes that look like shades where eyes might go. These dogs are considered gifted and the marking shades spiritual eyes that allow them to see the dead. Such dogs are still believed to have such powers, for example Slavic peoples believe such markings give these breed of dogs the power to see and interact with the dead. In Germany these marks are the sign of hell hounds that guard one from evil dead and their spirit. After going to Hades and returning with the gift of second sight like the dogs and the wisdom of the dead Hercules completes his takes and is releases as the king and Greeks he represents fear such knowledge and more the person who was capable of having such wisdom and knowledge of the underworld.Hercules could not use a weapon because his journey was spiritual and not one in which he could carry a weapon with him.
Most that ascend with a walk with God also experience katabasis.
I will deal with the last part of the tale of Hercules his death later this week.

For blogger school starts tomorrow and I am buzy till the weekends so I will post more then, have fun tomorrow be ye work or be ye starting school.


Atlas retrieves the fruits of knowledge and precursors for the potion holy blood of atlas, though it was Hercules as atlas who retrieved the immortal

Atlas retrieves the fruits of knowledge and precursors for the potion holy blood of atlas, though it was Hercules as atlas who retrieved the immortal fruit and became immortal.

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-28 - 14:28:04
Atlas retrieves the fruits of knowledge and precursors for the potion holy blood of atlas, though it was Hercules as atlas who retrieved the immortal fruit and became immortal.
The leader of the Atlantians the current atlas, went off to get the fig or fruits necessary to create the holy blood of atlas, this was his part in the task. Hercules was made atlas as it was believed this was necessary to ascend to the garden. In the manner of many religious substances the fruit was kept a secret by the Atlantian ruling class and priests, Egypt is renown for keeping such secrets, So atlas went off to get the fruit and Hercules was made atlas long enough to be able to ascend and enter the western paradise. Not every atlas was ever made immortal as not every pharos became a real God, the two traditions were similar. The pro Greek atlas giving reign again could have been the same atlas that was impressed by Hercules’s ascendance, the fooling him back to power was more for the people of Atlantis and not Hercules and the current atlas. Thus only an atlas could transcend to the paradise according to Atlantian belief, though this is not true, and only the atlas could get the fruits and substances necessary as precursors to the potion that was the blood of atlas. Thus the entire myth of this task is covered and made sense of, Though atlas got the fruit grown in secret and got Hercules to the point of entering the paradise, it was Hercules who retrieved the fruit of life that was placed in that garden paradise for him, as this was Hercules high heaven created for him. Hercules could return to greek with the fruits and substances that were precursors of the holy blood of atlas as well as what he gained during his wa;lk with God(s).

Last thought on the eleventh task, clarity of the fruit and task. Fruits of knowledge, Atlas holy blood potion, fruit of life and Hercules walk with G

Last thought on the eleventh task, clarity of the fruit and task. Fruits of knowledge, Atlas holy blood potion, fruit of life and Hercules walk with God to the garden of the western Goddesses or Nymphs.

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-28 - 13:22:16
Last thought on the eleventh task, clarity of the fruit and task. Fruits of knowledge, Atlas holy blood potion, fruit of life and Hercules walk with God to the garden of the western Goddesses or Nymphs.(After posting the last post last night this came to me with a tear)
Hercules really did collect the three sounds that led him to walking with God. The Atlantian leadership chose the authoritarian holding up the sky based on their experience of walking with God. It was used as an image of authority based on the first Atlantian's experience, atlas. This is why every subsequent leader was called an atlas. To get to the fruit of life one consumed the fruit of knowledge, yet consuming the fruit of knowledge did not necessitate walking with God or retrieving the fruit. This is why the task was called retrieving the golden apples. The fruit of life may have been accessed by consuming an Atlantian potion that including a fig that was also called a golden apple, ficus religious or the Bodhi is often called a rose apple. However, Hercules was granted ascension into the western paradise, there are many western paradises and it was created for him by God(s) Hera and Zeus and took the form of the garden described in this task. To get to the fruit it was thought you must be an atlas, thus Hercules became the atlas, this is similar to the Buddhist belief some had that one had to be the incarnation of Buddha or a Hindu to get to the western paradise, this of course was a misnomer. Hercules entered the paradise as the Jews call it and retrieved the apples gaining immortality. Perseus entered the garden in a similar more but his wisdom coupled with divine wisdom returned the apples. Hercules both unified the Atlantians with the Greeks and succeeded going west to the west women of the garden God created for him resembling the ideas he gained from Greece Egypt and the Atlantians, the three ways were represented by the nymphs and Satan the guardian of the fruit was called Ladon. In the oldest tale I found the nymphs helped Hercules fool and get past the dragon to get the fruit, poets later recalled the tale as Hercules slaying the dragon. Satan appeared on this walk with god as the devil appeared to Christ. With Christ it was the devil as ideas of authority not divinity were the issues.So the unity of Atlantis with the Greeks and retrieving the golden apples was the same task, few Atlantians gained immortality as it was the rare gift of a few Atlas’ and in the end an atlas was returned to power over the new Greeks of Atlantis; the newly unified Greek state of Atlantis.
The potion Hercules drank as atlas was atlas’ holy blood or the divine potion taken by Hera or Gaia or Demeter (the mother goddess or her representative as Wicca claims) as his sacred cup of enlightenment and is akin to Christ’s holy blood.
I suspect the Mexican gulf valley that existed antediluvian (pre-flood) was also called a Hesperides garden and was where the sacred fruit and potion that led to the western paradise was found.
(The beginning of this blog explains walks with god, fruits of life, and potions as holy blood in more detail)

More on the eleven task the apples of Hesperides, Walks with God. Hercules walks with God(s) Geryon Island versus the nymphs known as Heredities. Hesp

More on the eleven task the apples of Hesperides, Walks with God. Hercules walks with God(s) Geryon Island versus the nymphs known as Heredities. Hesperides meaning western known world.

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-28 - 03:42:45
More on the eleven task the apples of Hesperides, Walks with God. Hercules walks with God(s) Geryon Island versus the nymphs known as Heredities. Hesperides meaning western known world.
The way to immortality is covered in the first part of the blog that I call the first book.Hesperides in Greek are both islands and the nymphs that tended the tree of golden apple. The world means western.To recap, Hercules goes to Atlantis via the African north coast. He is freed of the sacrifice of selfdom in Egypt and thus finds the first part of the song there. The second part of the song is Greek and it is the one that reiterates the story of the garden and tree being planted in it as Zeus’ doing. The third he found in Atlantis and might be partly illustrated by the nymph story. Hercules gains authority in Atlantis and this aids him in his ascension. As Atlas during the time Hercules held the sky up, or held divine authority there as Atlantis’ leader, he experiences the vision and gains the apples of the nymphs, n thus as atlas, or atlas helped him get the fruit. The nymphs are goddesses and unlike all other characters in the other tasks hereto, goddesses represent divine characters of God(s) Geryon island might have been outside of Iberia and fits the story but the nymphs existed on divine plains and their island, if they were on an island are akin to Wicca beliefs of island paradises and are not on earth. In each rendition of this tale Hercules gets the fruit and by the end of his rule on earth he does not die but has his body transfigured and ascends to heaven or mount Olympus/ Elysian Fields. Some thought these islands were at the edge of the word or as the name states the west. It is more likely it was the west and atlas was in Central America as already proven. Hercules experience of the apples led to the name of this task which originally was meant to be a union with Atlantis. In many ancient tales Atlatians had colonies through out the world and this included Libya. Stesichorus, in his poem the "Song of Geryon", refers to the Hesperides as the island next to Iberia where Geryon people were, the nymphs are not connected to this island also known as Erytheia, Erytheia, was called Hesperides first cause it was west of Europe and the Herculean islands, the nymphs that came from the Atlantian story are called western because the experience Hercules had as ruler of the Atlantians that rewarded him with golden fruit of life was in the west. Hesperides trans-literally means as far west as is known; the three islands or land masses of Atlantis or the west found after the Iberian islands are not Erytheia. We say Western Europe and to Eastern Europe it is the west, to those in the Americas it is the east or the eastern part of the west. In the same way the west or Hesperides refer to atlas land or the land of the atlans as the Greeks called it atlandida. The nymphs appeared top Hercules in the west and were part of the western song of this tale.Hercules may have also walked with god going past the west or paradise to get the fruit of life based on finding out the last part of this tale.All walks with god are into the west, it is entering the western paradise say Buddhists, being taken by the spirit say Christians, going where no Muslim or Hindu was say the silks and so on. His may be where Hercules the atlan went and upon returning returned the reign of Atlantis to a pro Greek atlan. Yes other Greeks were with Hercules on this escapade. Thus Hercules unifies Atlantis with Greece, brings the Americas into the Greek union , this occurred with the Amazonians two tasks ago as well, south and north America now unified and he experiences getting the fruit of life and it seems safe to say goes into the western paradise, taken by the spirit and walking with god. There he gets the fruit of life, though most walks with God do not include this vision per say. Most are combination of the ideas of the person walking with God and God(s) creation of these realities as a high heaven.*Thus the nymphs are called Hesperides because they were found in the west, experienced as a walk into the west as far west as the Greeks knew the world existed.They are part of western tale and simply finding them in the west walking with God is sufficient to cause them to be called this-as far west or beyond the west or paradise women.
(*see first book on these ideas concerning the walk with God).
Tomorrow evening the last task..

Eleventh task of Hercules, the fruit of life, golden apples, divine songs, dragon or Satan, Gifts of the earth, real evil versus political ones. Atlas

Eleventh task of Hercules, the fruit of life, golden apples, divine songs, dragon or Satan, Gifts of the earth, real evil versus political ones. Atlas the Atlatian, Atlantis,

by valpetridis @ 2008-06-28 - 01:24:14
Eleventh task of Hercules, the fruit of life, golden apples, divine songs, dragon or Satan, Gifts of the earth, real evil versus political ones. Atlas the Atlatian, Atlantis,
The tenth task pf Hercules was to steal golden apples from the Hesperides. These islands were made up of three and lay on the outside of Iberia and were the last islands before entering the land of atlas. The golden apples as we have mentioned before create immortality and were a gift of Gaia as the Zeus married Hera. This union represents the equal acceptance of the mother goddess and father gods as equals in the pantheon. The golden apples were also stolen by Perseus and Athena eventually returned these apples to the garden. The apples were also used by Eris to begin the beauty contest on mount Olympus in which Paris chose Aphrodite. These are the same apple. In one version of the tale Hera put Ladon, a many headed dragon to protect the tree, in another tale Zeus, who reflects god, created both the garden and the tree of life which is the golden apples. The latter tale is the source of the Garden of Eden story that came from Moses teachings in Egypt.Incidentally this tale often includes Hercules going to Egypt and having the pharos try to make him his sacrifice, but breaking the chains Hercules goes beyond and finds himself in Atlantis, from Egypt he crossed over into the Atlas Mountains that marked the territory the Atlanta’s held in Africa, up to Libya. He then as we have said convinced atlas to get him the apples from the nymphs and held up the sky till atlas returned and was foole3d into holding it because Hercules wanted to straighten out his cloak as it was uncomfortable. Atlas wanted to bring the apples to Eurystheus, but was fooled to return to power. In another older version Hercules kills the dragon himself, in another he gets by the immortal dragon and steals the fruit. The dragon in English is known as Satan and is not the devil as some think. This task was given to Hercules because king Eurystheus was told to discount the tasks in which Hercules was paid or helped.The this tale is the tale of Hercules ascension to immortality and his gaining the authority of the Atlanta’s as peoples to join the Greeks as I have mentioned. The melding of these two tales portrays that Hercules gained immortality after causing the three Hesperides to join the Greeks.Oddly Atlantis was said to have been three islands and was past the gates of Hercules. Might the Hesperides be Atlantis or islands on root to Atlantis? According to Plato Atlantis caused a catastrophe due to their technology that caused the continent to become three land masses that he called islands, and then this catastrophe eventually brought about the flooding of the continent. This date of the first catastrophe coincides with the begin of the end of the ice age and the second flooding was caused by the waters rising due to the heating of the planet caused by the first catastrophe. Geryon occupied the Far East Island of these three islands and atlas lived on the far west on that is the Americas, as described before. It was during his experience of having the Atlanta’s join the Greeks that Hercules gained his immortality and was granted the fruit of life or golden apple In the original tale he meets atlas and convinces him to hold up the sky, or become their leader then he tricks the atlantics into believing their leader was an Atlan again, though this atlan was pro Greek, only because Hercules was uncomfortable leading them himself or better yet Hercules did not want to be stuck as the sole leader, but wanted the Atlanta’s to join the Greeks as with their own leadership. Atlas went for the apples but only Hercules could retrieve them himself by passing the test of the dragon. In other words the knowledge and experience that helped Hercules gain his immortality was connected to his union of the attentions into the Greeks. The fruit was a greater experience described by Hercules added to this tale to represent the divine success he had after unifying the entire known world.The way Hercules gained his immortality was by; learning the three songs of the goddesses also known as the nymphs that tended the garden. Each song represents a way top that immortality, a bagavantam, divine song or as it says in revelation the new song played by the angels as the new Christs stand on the sea of glass. The nymphs also pluck the fruit cause they are a way to the tree of life and the dragon guards it so only the good and just and pure of heart eat and become immortal from it. “To the winner I will give the right to eat from the tree of life and lived for ever” is the gift of the first of the seven spirits represented by the seven churches pf revelations, but one must be good, virtuous and not tolerate real evil or the persecution of any things called evil for political reasons.Substance prohibitions are such political evils that god condones as people for wealth, money and other reasons persecute them. No alcohol for Islam cause it’s in the Holy Communion cup of Christians, no hash for Christians because it’s the holy incense of the Middle East: IE. Politics that damn those who follow such doctrines of intolerance of holy gifts of the earth and God(s)The divine songs are finally learned in Atlantis, those Greece, Egypt and the Mediterranean teach the others. Recall the apples are a gift of the earth and the substances that lead to them are found in the cups of the enlightened, not tolerating them, even if you do not consume them yourself will lead to only mortality, for they are part of the holy blood of God(s) Atanlanta desired this apple and was a female who ascended to immortality as the older tale includes her consumption of them.
Well minus one last task that I will deal with tomorrow.