Saturday, April 29, 2017

why Godthetic christ or cosmic christ was unatainbly perfect till lately

Christ as we know him from the bible is a perfected image of the illumination of the miracles of wisdom taught by the wise of that time.  There is no real chrsut but many who embodied examples of the enlightenment of the times that was greater as kierkergaard says for instance in the philosophic fragments.  Bhudda was the same as was Hercules and so forth

Dion was the name coined for God at the time,  Hercules pantheon is a unity of the peoples he was unifying .  their gods became aspects of the all glow olympus of the gods, one of the aspects and personalities of that God head, we call them angels

Hercules feats for instance are feats of the strength of the greeks and the world at that time.

Christ miracles of science and wisdom

Fish during the day are down deep, trailing the deep bottom will catch you fish

Elementary dear watsons

The soup he made had ilicates or ingrediants  that bloat, a miracle of cooking and science but not a breaking of the laws of physics

Walking fast and slapping your feet of the water using the meniscus force to walk on is sci as well

All miracles of sci

Christ was trained by doctors to heal

He was arrested for healing but the crucificatiojn was  a myth image to explain the situation

I believe in the cosmic or gothetic faces of the great spirits and not that anyone till now was able to truly be what they envisioned they could be.

All good.

The someone took roses slapped his hands together and created a hash cake, he matter transmuted them

No one ever did a god trick like that before

Godthet has declared his the first one to fulfil the prerequisites to ve called God or a God for rea;

Like us of the panpantheons who truly are evolvong into gpds, are miracles are high diovakllentu and gothetic real miracles

We have come a long way baby

I have seen the somebody change money from a 50 to a twenty as a real miracle and maguc, even  rubbed the bill with tissue to prove it was not a hoax to herself. She like the someone has done other miracles


Remember submition to the source and embodiment of power, that beit godthit was the prerequisite beginning for gain that much strength.

Cool eh?
till next week

note on stations of life

hoaos can also be call Godeos
,agu is magutheos
madus is magotheos or magatheos.
the statiopns are basicall done
gigantotheos for gianttheos also works.
magdo theos for modiustheos
and so on

the system locked after the 100 games the someone created for dietus three or grand dietus
he is in transition to the next level magnitheos.
might take 76 with xonstant study to reach megatheos if it takes three years each level.  I think we are safe for now!!!
the somebody just started dietus three so all good.  she is doing well.
till next week
defeos is begore modius and godeos after divinito

Iliad two rally call

To him the king: "How much thy years excel

In arts of counsel, and in speaking well!

O would the gods, in love to Greece, decree

But ten such sages as they grant in thee;

Such wisdom soon should Priam's force destroy,

And soon should fall the haughty towers of Troy!

But Jove forbids, who plunges those he hates

In fierce contention and in vain debates:

Now great Achilles from our aid withdraws,

By me provoked; a captive maid the cause:

If e'er as friends we join, the Trojan wall

Must shake, and heavy will the vengeance fall!

But now, ye warriors, take a short repast;

And, well refresh'd, to bloody conflict haste.

His sharpen'd spear let every Grecian wield,

And every Grecian fix his brazen shield,

Let all excite the fiery steeds of war,

And all for combat fit the rattling car.

This day, this dreadful day, let each contend;

No rest, no respite, till the shades descend;

Till darkness, or till death, shall cover all:

Let the war bleed, and let the mighty fall;

Till bathed in sweat be every manly breast,

With the huge shield each brawny arm depress'd,

Each aching nerve refuse the lance to throw,

And each spent courser at the chariot blow.

Who dares, inglorious, in his ships to stay,

Who dares to tremble on this signal day;

That wretch, too mean to fall by martial power,

The birds shall mangle, and the dogs devour."

[pg 037]

n    The orator praises the leader again as sage and wise, is this sychophantism, is this why the poetization of  greats from the past of kierkergaasrd mentions, is the reason as to why they look great and even mostly perfect

n    The divine is in sighted to remind you that they are trying to do the will of God and Goddess or the fe, do, tho, de ,se ,bo and so on. This is the name of God: the ‘THE’ whatever by whatever name used for the divine.  As Ba el is father god Mael mother Goddess and Toel the it God’ El or the all of them as one is Godthet. Or the or so on.

n    Using the Shepard spear to guide the herd while  knowing that all might have one, and this make their plight and power commonly understood,  and the shield of grace to defend themselves the rally call and these words spoken are to instill feelings conducive to whar is needed to reform the ranks after the first loss of the Greeks to the forces protecting troy and consequently the corruption.  Recall they figured out they need an inside person and to use Burkean ideas to found the new on what was good from the old to have all the good feel secure from harm and loss to allow them the good and even all the comfort to have them desire to get rid of the corrupt regime and afford the mew one built based on justice.

n    With lance and chariot blow the powers of all ships bestowed will gracias find repose and the triumph divinely told and promised to the just that day.


iliad II call for ynity to save all of Helen

[pg 036]

Till Helen's woes at full revenged appear,

And Troy's proud matrons render tear for tear.

Before that day, if any Greek invite

His country's troops to base, inglorious flight,

Stand forth that Greek! and hoist his sail to fly,

And die the dastard first, who dreads to die.

But now, O monarch! all thy chiefs advise:91

Nor what they offer, thou thyself despise.

Among those counsels, let not mine be vain;

In tribes and nations to divide thy train:

His separate troops let every leader call,

Each strengthen each, and all encourage all.

What chief, or soldier, of the numerous band,

Or bravely fights, or ill obeys command,

When thus distinct they war, shall soon be known

And what the cause of Ilion not o'erthrown;

If fate resists, or if our arms are slow,

If gods above prevent, or men below."

n     Here is the first reference to Helen that troy has robbed, well lets say made suffer under the corruption and theft of the now decrepid troy.  Her fate is linked to the fall of the old corrupt troy.

n    We notice that Helen is a name used to represent all Greeks the female who represents Helen as the rep of the Greeks only is a representative of the people she represents.

n    Helen represents the people, the society and the ethnos of those who want freedom from the grip of the corruption of this regime of troy, these Greeks  would include Trojans.

n    The orator calls to all the leaders and the king to rally their people as this train of events might split them as it has concerning the resolution of this issue.  The call is to strengthen their fold with a unity of all as one, determined to the same goal of bringing justice to all of Helen and a end to the custody under the corruption  they felt they were under as members of the old, now  corrupt troy.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

revised godset on stations of life

here are teh stations in god levels in order so I get the order right

stationlevel :  title and 

ok to put it more clearly
62 olotheos ( complete god)
63 higholotheos
64 grand olotheos
65 nagnus theos
66 manguttheos
67 gigantheos ( descriptives)
68 high giganttheos
69 grand gigantheos
70 pantheos
71high pantheos
72grand  pantheoss
74 eltheos ( grand titled)
75 high eltheos
76 grand eltheos
77 ditheos
78 high ditheos
78 grandditheos
80 magdeos
81 Supratheos ( superlative)

82 high supra theos
83 grand supratheos
83 ultratheos
84 high ultratheos
85 grandsupratheos
86 mogdotheos
87 dithedeos ( use of the names supra title)
88high dithedeos
89grand  dithedeos
90 trithedeos
91 high  trithedeos
92 gran trithedeos
93 megatheos

Good enough
This replaces the god set one
Basic set to magni
Exopert magu
Compainion set mag
Master set wizard
Immortal to wizzatheo god set anything above
Dietus is atleast three games or models first one
Dietus two at least 10 – 50
Dietus three at least 75-100 games and or models
They create things like chess or military training strajeka games.
All good till next week

recall its magus then high magus then magnus

order is magni
mag or meg
modius or magdo

Iliad two leaders act like teh heroism spoken

No wonder Troy so long resists our powers.

Rise, great Atrides! and with courage sway;

We march to war, if thou direct the way.

But leave the few that dare resist thy laws,

The mean deserters of the Grecian cause,

To grudge the conquests mighty Jove prepares,

And view with envy our successful wars.

On that great day, when first the martial train,

Big with the fate of Ilion, plough'd the main,

Jove, on the right, a prosperous signal sent,

And thunder rolling shook the firmament.

Encouraged hence, maintain the glorious strife,

Till every soldier grasp a Phrygian wife,

[pg 036]


Here in alliance with the Pygians we will marry to troy as well, only by alliance not real wives, then will change troy but atriedes you must ve strong like the hero’s the Greeks talk about being

Kierkegaard says its easy to talk about virtue but hard to act it

So talking like a hero is easy so one must act like they talk including you leaders, for if you show strength your people will act strong and follow you, wisdom is part of that strength
if you act this way troy will change if you had more wit would have before or atleast we would be more inprocess of what needs to occur and will, connotates the orator.
Till later
from :

iliuad two speak and act like geros

For while around we gazed with wondering eyes,

And trembling sought the powers with sacrifice,

Full of his god, the reverend Chalcas cried,90

'Ye Grecian warriors! lay your fears aside.

This wondrous signal Jove himself displays,

Of long, long labours, but eternal praise.

As many birds as by the snake were slain,

So many years the toils of Greece remain;

But wait the tenth, for Ilion's fall decreed:' Thus spoke the prophet, thus the Fates succeed.

Obey, ye Grecians! with submission wait,

Nor let your flight avert the Trojan fate."

He said: the shores with loud applauses sound,

The hollow ships each deafening shout rebound.

Then Nestor thus—"These vain debates forbear,

Ye talk like children, not like heroes dare.

Where now are all your high resolves at last?

Your leagues concluded, your engagements past?

Vow'd with libations and with victims then,

Now vanish'd like their smoke: the faith of men!

While useless words consume the unactive hours,


Here we are told to be strong our fate is sealed with what will happen to troy says the orator to the Greeks.,  Its divine will.  so speak like the heroes you should be to bring a better day to you and troys future.

god set station sof life and attainment

high magicians have three or so models or games created
one must play two to three model or strategy roleplying games a level to work out the mind, mind games puzzles
by magus they have created another
obne per every level or two
by dietos 10 - 150 models are needed by th the end of grand dietos 10-100 are needed
ok done till

immortal set syayions of life

Here are the levels from this point on as no one has reached them trhe someone is in transition to the knew one, it is tenatative

Three levels of alotheos then Three levels as gianttheos then one level magu ththeos

Three levels of eltheos then three of di theos then magustheos then magnus theos like mangu after magus high.

Three levels of thetheos then three levels of pan theos ,magdutheos

Three levels of supra theos then threeultra theos then  megatheos

The meg levels follow each two three level station changes as the list abive fisrt mangi then magu then meg then

Increment book need by one each magnus,  meg or magnu level magdutheos and so on.




master set station of life

Station level  :    title  :   description: number of books ( even experience)

56  theaos   {Theos yjeotos other name here’: :learning why divine wisdom is persecuted 15


57 High theaos : high divine lnowledge and more persecution and success due to it 16

58 : theatum : become aknowledge as divine dyes here  : 16577 high  theatum respect and success as this type of divine

58 : magniyjeos : success being divine extended to society: 17

59 bd dieto 1: becoming a divine god image: 18

60 high deyeto( dieto) : ;earning how to be more like god: 18

61 grand dieto learning the last of hwat god could know :18

station of life companion set

Although I make d and d jokes about the parts I am posting these are the real stations of life


A cosmology about god misticiasm or the likes appear around these station levels .

Station level  :    title  :   description: number of books ( even experience)

42 deamer : equaling aprofs understding of logos of logos or logos.:14

43: grand deamer : extending wisdom to society and life : 14

44 Diether : completing cosmology and worksconceserning the whole poor existence: 14

45 grand diether : surpassing the learnered like profs: 14

46: wizzatheo:surpassing and perfecting oneself and the previous learnred, being of that high level in your time.  : 15

47 high wizzathea : truly impressing the divine to get knowledge to further ones project as individuals : 15

49: Thevathen  : ( elvathen  is same):  learning how it is to be the divine from your prespective and theirs: 15

50 high thevathan : being more like the divine: 15

51: deveos : weacing the divine with being social : 15

52: high Deveos: ;earmimg to ne moramal at this level: 15 books

53 : Modius ( nnidi fits here) high success at wirk and at play as divine acting being: 16

54 devinito : learn by being persecuted because you act successfully divine like Christ:16

55high  divinito: re-establish youyrself as greater due tp persecutions: 16

56 grand divinito : write book exposing your wisdom and dibineness , divineness can be a secret teaching: 16

You can use grand or high as the second one in a list of twi station titles that are the same, like peti aand minor magician are the same.

Note an magu grand majo can be an adam by minimising all levels to it and taking a log time to fill them in tio o move to higher levels, they can get up to the tree of like keeper avathan but with a lot of work, this was for non school societies in the past.

station of ;life expert set

Station level  :    title  :   description: number of books ( even experience)

22 magu : high success at work and is based on what is leart at school and in the wirk place :7



23: ,agus : high leered:  8

24 High magus : higher leered : 8

25: magnus : even higher leered: 9 books

26 thermatagist : works mmiracles happen around the,m using higher thought for social purpose like politic pta , helping people organise  a street part. Administrative, a few street parties is like a council. :10

27 high thermatpogist : learning the counter to lige and society that even when good some people treat you less fairly: 10

28 Meg : high success becoming something including maturing ones image to make one succeeed, change image to powerful ones. :11

29: thaumatergist works miracles, is that good :12

30- high thermatergist : high success and miracle worker:12

31: theophist: learns about self andf need to keep oneself actively healthy and how to return to that based on things like dcrisis, things they spray in wars to make yoy think but take years to go back to sgarpness.:12

32 high thermatergist : repaired self to success: 12

33 wizzard: high success in all fields like sit craft warlackian and sorcererer : 13

34 : high wizard : success in egalitarianism in society and the sexes learn from both sexes: 13

35 greater wixxard : mystical understand griws with success and one becomes an adam to complete this level before next, last level before you can go up you need to become the avathan of adam: 14

36: diovy : learning place in higher structures of existence : 14

37: high  diovy : succeeded at new level : 14

38: thether : realising you are not like the higher structure persay: 14

39 high thether  realising no one is like the image of higher structure and learning to succeed from this: 14

40 ahereas : learning to highly succeed at higher level: 14

41 ahkereas: being a higher success at thiui level :14




You can call level one wizzaard 1 and high one wizzrd 2 and greater wizard 3 if you prefer , holds true ofr any station ;eve; and title/

station of life levels basic set

here is the final list concerning stations in life and their levels
in as much as reading a lot past the prerequisite will get you up a level time and the level you are reaching too helps
reading children books in university helps but r higher analysis is needed
in university you analysis with the tools of that higher presepective.  in may take more books to achieve a level
some read 80 books a level in university and that's one yoear of reading everything assigned.
reading university texts in grade school obiously has a larger reach and 30 pafes might equal a book if you are getting the material.
so understanding maters
creating models ,atters like flow charts
games and so on.
new education system got the old ascended in heaven to mage
fisrts students are now truly graduating and feeling normal.
children usuaslly by the end of atleast one year collage mafnus
each will grow

before in Canada they got people to high magician sometimes mages by the end of highschool

you would have had to drop out in hrafe 3 to be a monor magician and grade 8 to be just a magician

 a small book is up to 25 [pages  and a bog one 50 – 75 pafes. Level of reading matters as does period of growth.  A book can also be for some the entire text from cover to cover, sometimes 300 pages is two books and for some 6, its how you read it, how intent, how much you analysis , dream and think about it.

I have amended the finished list

Station level  :    title  :   description: number of books ( even experience)

1: jo: a normal average person: one small book

2: minor major barel uneducated male

3: majo normal person uneducated: 2 big books

5: high majo: stands out even ileader or shanabm kbows anout things of everyday: 2

6: grand majo: knows even more than a chief knows all the symbols [plus, like symbol for poison. : 2

7: majerum : 1 session formal  lessons, knows letters or all the symbols and taxen, social order and costom based on training or schooling.: 3

8:high ,majarum knows small words and combined symbols, is higher socially trained: 3

9:minor magician : common ywo to three year grade school edycation now a days knows one lanfuafe: 4 books

10: magician : knows one language well and is learning another

11: high ,asgicianknows one language well, one ok and is learing another, French English and other like greek or math or tech.: 4

12. mage : higher ataionment tech plus three languages including math : 5

13: high mage : even high attainment :5

14 magni: higher attainment [plus success in life based on what is learnt: 6

15: witch : of high wit, smart based pn being learnered, ie read a lot: 6 books

16: warlock: a witch that stands out based on taklent that utilisis what was learnt or learnerdness: 6

17:high warlock: successful due to talents : 6

18 :scorcerer: overall successful do to trying to be so, reads self help and religious like stuff even other books that are used to make one successful: 6

19: high sorcerer : succeeded overlym high success, reads more on being a success and is: 6

20: high witch: read so much looks and sounds highly learnered: 6

21 grand or greater witch : has read a lot and has extended that knowledge into life and society and is successful due to this learneredness.:6

22 magu : high success at work and is based on what is leart at school and in the wirk place


Note , a magu majo is a successful majo that minored each ;level to the station of magu

They fill in as a witch can go to high with min what is neded for the levels below

They fill in, I read a bit on stuff of self help fotr instance one might say.

There is a peti bersion of each level like a peti magu a higher one that is not high yet a heightened on that is nit grand or greater.  A full version of the level by that name and a complete version as well as a transitionary one going to the next level.

things are going well

I trued posting yesterday could not get to a com.
IMAGINE THE SYSTEM EVEN GAD THE O thousabnd year epos to help this occur
the chain is reflected backwards as the games and system needed to upgrade people and have thnem pass the final judgement in 2028
we fought hard to peacefully upgrade and did by submitting to gofthet but even if you did not the system locked upgrades including game simulators to upgrade the system at its lowest level
they play axis and allies  in school now.
so system finisged going through everything locked a system to upgrade people and get them past things like putting foul things on their own skin, for thiers and everyones good
bacterial counts are too high
their projevt not mine.
we grew up
education is needed for better health now and tommoroow.